I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 83 Watching The Football Game (Part 1!)

After limping the person in charge who didn't even have time to get his name, Jiang Xiaobai happily left the VIP room, planning to find a restaurant for dinner, but was stopped by George.

"Mr. Jiang, a group of reporters are blocking the entrance of our bank to interview the person in charge of John," George said, "Let me take you out of the underground parking lot.

"Okay, thank you, George." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, "By the way, let me treat you to a meal, thank you for helping me take down the town!"

After receiving the invitation from Jiang Xiaobai, George had a bright smile on his face: "It is my honor to serve you!"

A few minutes later, George drove Jiang Xiaobai out of Morgan Bank. When the car drove to the gate of the bank, Jiang Xiaobai saw the person in charge who had just been named struggling to deal with the reporters' interviews, and immediately expressed sympathy for him for a few seconds.

At noon, after treating George to a French meal worth five hundred dollars, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the hotel suite, ready to take off his clothes for a swim, but received a call from Xiuya.

"Xiaobai, is everything in the news true?" As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Xiaobai heard Xiuya's slightly excited voice, "Did you really buy that town?"

"Yeah," Jiang Xiaobai smiled, then thought of the time difference between Shanghai and Los Angeles, and asked curiously, "It should be early in the morning over there, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I just woke up, and now I can't sleep!" Xiuya said, "Are you... are you okay? I saw that there is a lot of noise on the Internet in the Vulture Kingdom."

"It's okay, it's just some glass-hearted farts shouting." Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

"Well~ Then you must pay attention to safety," Xiuya paused, then said softly, I miss you so much~

When Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he couldn't help laughing: "I miss you too!"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Xiuya was obviously very happy, but she didn't continue to chat with Jiang Xiaobai: "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore, I guess the other three girls will call you later, I don't want them to say that I am occupying you! mua~"

After blowing a kiss across the air, Xiuya hung up the phone.

Within a few minutes, Yaoyao called, followed by Xiaona and Xiaomei...

Half an hour after the phone call, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly lost interest in swimming, so he took a casual shower and went to bed for an afternoon nap.

After all, fooling is also a brain job, and he is still fooling a person in charge of the California Bureau of Land Management. His brain cells are exhausted, so he must sleep to replenish his energy!

This sleep is more than two hours.

After waking up, Jiang Xiaobai went to the swimming pool to swim for a while, and went back to the house to watch TV.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was feeling so bored that his dick hurt, a phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai picked it up and saw that it was Nicole calling.

Haha! It hurts to be so idle! A young lady came to the door unexpectedly!

Jiang Xiaobai straightened up like a carp, jumped up from the bed, and connected the phone: "Hello, Nicole?"

"Xiaobai, do you have time tonight?" Nicole's sexy voice came from the microphone.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai said, feeling flustered!

"Then I'll treat you to dinner!" Nicole said, "I'll invite you to watch the NBA after dinner. Tonight is the last final game between the Lakers and Magic. Oh, by the way, do you like watching NBA?"

"I like it!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Kebi is my idol!"

When Nicole heard this, she smiled and said, "Really? What a coincidence, I'm friends with Kebi's wife, I can introduce you to each other!"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "That's really great!"

Two hours later, Jiang Xiaobai appeared at an oriental restaurant in downtown Los Angeles by appointment - this was the place Nicole had chosen.

Looking at the three big characters "Sichuan Cuisine Restaurant" written on the board, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but frown, looking at Nicole beside him, are you... sure you want to eat Sichuan cuisine?"

"That's right!" Nicole nodded without hesitation. "Among Chinese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine is my favorite! The sour taste is really wonderful!"

"Sour taste??" Jiang Xiaobai immediately greeted with a full face!

Isn’t it spicy?! I’m afraid you have some misunderstanding about Sichuan cuisine! My dear Nicole!

However, after entering the restaurant and eating boiled fish, a famous Sichuan dish, Jiang Xiaobai knew that it was not Nicole who misunderstood Sichuan cuisine, but himself who had misunderstood the Sichuan cuisine restaurant in Vulture Country!

The boiled fish in the vulture country is really sour!

After asking the boss, he found out that it turned out that this change was made to cater to the tastes of the vulture people - the spiciness was lowered and the sour taste was increased.

However, for non-spicy boiled fish, Jane (Li Li Zhao) is no different from losing her soul, can it still be called boiled fish?

Since you want to make hot and sour, why don't you just make fish with pickled cabbage?

The boss said: "Actually, pickled fish and boiled fish can be the same dish here!"

Jiang Xiaobai: "...

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, and just did as the Romans did.

After dinner, at half past six, there is still half an hour before the game.

It only takes ten minutes to walk from the restaurant to the basketball court, so the two of them didn't take a car, and walked directly along the road to the basketball court while chatting.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai and Nicole were chatting happily, Jiang Xiaobai's cell phone rang again, pick it up and have a look!

This time, it was the mother who called! .

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