I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 92 Hollywood Celebrity Charity Dinner (Part 10!)

However, in the end, Jiang Xiaobai followed Nicole's advice and bought a formal suit and leather shoes in and out of the Armani in the hotel's underground shopping mall.

After such a wave, it cost Jiang Xiaobai more than 20,000 US dollars.

However, for Jiang Xiaobai, sprinkle water.

It's just that the two of them didn't notice that when they were choosing clothes, someone quietly took a candid photo next to them.

Not long after, the video of Nicole choosing clothes for Jiang Xiaobai was posted on a social networking site of the United States, and was quickly spread.

"Oh my God! They're shopping together again?!"

"I don't want to see a video like this!"

"@nicole come out and clarify that you are not a couple at all with this **** person!"

"Come on! If you want to clarify, she should have come out to clarify yesterday! So many reporters ran to interview him yesterday, asking her about her relationship with this **** person, but she didn't respond at all

"That's right! I also read the news! She said this is her private matter, and she doesn't want to respond for the time being! It's the default to make it clear!"

"Judging from the video, Nicole looks like a considerate little daughter-in-law. Look at her gentle appearance. I have never seen such a Nicole before!"

"That's right! I really don't know what's so good about this **** man, Nicole will actually fall in love with him!"

"Is it good or not? You can only know if you have done it. Maybe this **** man is very talented, emmm~~"

At this time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon in Los Angeles, which happened to be seven o'clock in the morning in **.

The industrious ** people woke up early, before they had time to eat breakfast, they were fed a wave of dog food by online videos!

"Fuck! Brother Xiaobai is mighty! This dog food makes me feel refreshed physically and mentally!"

"Haha! Coincidentally, brother, me too! It's really weird, I don't want to eat dog food sprinkled by others, but Jiang Xiaobai's dog food, the more I eat it, the more I become addicted! What's going on?"

"Maybe... because the dog food is imported?"

"Hehe! Upstairs, you are a bit xenophobic! Our domestic dog food is not bad, okay?"

"Cough cough cough! Brother upstairs, you may be off the stage, the dog food we are talking about is different from the dog food you are talking about!"

After the initial wave of excitement, ** netizens finally calmed down, and then they discovered the problem.

"Huh? How did I see that they were buying formal clothes for Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Yes! I saw it too! It seems to be Armani! Is this going to participate in some event?"

"Didn't you say that Jiang Xiaobai is a high school student who just graduated? What activities can he participate in?"

"Maybe... I went with Nicole? Nicole is a Hollywood star! I'm sure she will attend a lot of parties and events!"

"That's right! Don't you see that Nicole is wearing the kind of dress that she only wears when she participates in events! She must be attending some event!"

"So...they are making an official announcement?"

"Haha! Looks like it will be another wave of dog food!"

At the same time that the netizens in Taiwan were discussing, the netizens in the United States had already made various speculations about their behavior in real attire.

"Is there any party in Hollywood tonight? These two are dressed so formally!"

"Hollywood has an event every night! God knows which one they're at today!"

"Hey! Nicole is going to officially reveal her little boy face!"

"Young boy is a good word! I like it! Haha~ I really didn't expect Nicole to be so good!"

"Maybe it's because this **** is so talented, and it's fun to serve Nicole! Quack quack ~

"By the way... I just checked, and it seems to be a charity dinner for Hollywood celebrities tonight. Tell me, the two of them probably went to that dinner!"

"Impossible!" Someone immediately vetoed this speculation, "That charity dinner is the highest-level dinner in Hollywood! Only top stars and directors in Hollywood are eligible to attend! Nicole is at best a second-rate star, and has no qualifications at all!"

Two hours later, the netizen who kept saying that Nicole was not qualified to attend the dinner was completely slapped in the face!

At six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai and Nicole appeared outside a manor in the western suburbs of Los Angeles in the Rolls Royce of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

After submitting the invitation, Rolls-Royce drove into the manor smoothly, and finally stopped in front of a huge palace-like building within 300 meters.

This is where the charity dinner will be held tonight.

When Jiang Xiaobai supported Nicole and appeared at the gate of the palace, countless media reporters at the scene were stunned for a moment.

"Huh? That... seems to be Nicole, right?" A reporter pointed at Nicole and said hesitantly, a little unsure.

After all, Nicole is not eligible to attend a dinner party of this level.

"Who's Nicole?" Someone doesn't seem to know who Nicole is.

After all, usually they can't pay attention to Hollywood's top and first-rate stars, so how can they have time to pay attention to a second-rate star!

However, this time, he was despised by his colleagues around him!

"You don't even know about Nicole?" Beside him, another reporter said with a look of contempt, "The entertainment news in the world has been contracted by her for the past two days, and you don't even know?"

The reporter suddenly looked embarrassed: "Uh... I have been following Xiao Tiantian for the past few days, and I didn't pay attention to the news."

In 2009, Britney Spears was still the hottest queen in the US entertainment industry, and her attention naturally far exceeded that of the second-rate star Nicole!

Recently, in 033, there were rumors that Xiao Tiantian was very close to an actress. Some reporters wanted to seize evidence that Xiao Tiantian was spicy, and began to follow her around the four weeks of her travels non-stop for 24 hours.

It is precisely because of this that some people do not understand the latest entertainment news.

After hearing the introductions from her peers, the reporter suddenly widened her eyes: "She is a Hollywood actor, and she is in a relationship with a **** high school student?!!"

That sensitive and fragile Meidi glass heart burst instantly!

And as the two walked in, the reporters finally saw their appearance clearly.

"It's really Nicole! She was invited to a charity dinner?!"

"What the hell is going on? She shouldn't be qualified at all!"

"And, they actually came in a Rolls-Royce!"

Just when a group of reporters fell into a daze, a tall figure walked out of the palace and hugged Jiang Xiaobai passionately.

"Haha! Dear Jiang, your presence will make tonight's dinner even more dazzling! Welcome, welcome!"

Seeing this man facing Jiang Xiaobai, who was as enthusiastic as seeing his lover, all the reporters were a little stunned!

Because, this man is the owner of this manor, and he is also a strong contender for the next head of the Bolton family, a wealthy and wealthy family in Los Angeles———Jonathan!

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