I Can’t Be a Sword God

Chapter 173 Wait! wait!


One late autumn night.


On the cassock mountain, beside the small bitan.


Mr. Wu【Prison】

Little Miracle Doctor【Dizzy】

Li Chu【handsome】

Evil Spirit【request to file back】

Evil spirit [request rollback failed]

Evil spirit [request to rollback again]

Evil spirit [failed to request rollback again]

evil spirit [expletive]


Li Chu saw this magnificent grand arrival, and it turned out that the figure of this evil spirit appeared from the light curtain, and he also felt quite strange.

Although it has changed its color body, there is absolutely nothing wrong with its expression, voice and intonation, as well as the dark and evil temperament with a little bit of bad luck.

It was the one I encountered at Zhengqi Academy last time.

Mr. Xie, it turns out that all encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence.

It was too late to say, but it was too soon, but in fact, everything happened in just one thought.

The moment the evil spirit descended, Li Chu had already drawn out the Chunyang Sword.

He didn't dare to take this alien evil spirit lightly. The art of witchcraft is treacherous and unpredictable, if it really shows some tricks, life and death may be unpredictable this time.

There is a saying in the Taoist scriptures, the first to attack is the strong, and the second to attack will suffer.

So before the evil spirit falls, his sword is about to fall.

The sound of breaking wind is like tearing silk.

Seeing Li Chu swinging the sword, the evil spirit flashed the light and shadow of the big and thick sword energy column in front of his eyes, and the strong desire to survive forced it to shout:

"Slow down! Slow down!"

In just one breath, the evil spirit's intestines turned into a piece of blue and white porcelain.

I just stood up from the endless darkness! I've only just learned the true meaning of witchcraft! As long as you give me another few decades to digest the results of this epiphany, I can enter the real realm of gods!

I should properly retreat outside this world, and no one will be able to find me. Why answer the prayers of this hapless believer? Why do you want to descend at this time?

And the most paradoxical thing is...

The world is so big...

Why did it happen to come in front of this little Taoist priest?

What else can I say but bad luck?

Yes, I was lucky enough. Why would it be unlucky? The culprit is not this little Taoist priest!

Although he has already been included in his must-kill list, but... not now!

People are not ready yet...

All of a sudden, there is nowhere to meet...Heaven has a way, I will not go...Hell has no way, I will cast myself... These words linger in the minds of evil spirits.

It decided to beg for mercy temporarily and discuss it with the little Taoist priest. Even if you abandon this only believer, you must save your own life. When I become a real god, will there still be a lack of believers?

Following his two "slow down", Li Chu seemed to have no intention of stopping, but the falling speed of the sword tip slowed down a little.

The evil spirit caught a glimpse of the door, and hurriedly shouted: "Do you remember? I gave you a lot of luck!"

The inside and outside of the words are clearly meant to please.

Hearing what the evil spirit said, Mr. Wu was the first to break down.

What are you doing?

This fight hasn't been fought at all, so why did Lord Evil God surrender first?

Are you not a god?

The emotions and thoughts in his heart are immediately reflected in the evil spirit's sea of ​​consciousness through the mysterious connection in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although he didn't convey it intentionally, every thought he has about faith will be passed on automatically, which is the shackles of believers.

Evil spirits believed in will not.

The evil spirit sensed the hopelessness of the believers in their hearts, and naturally felt a little helpless.

what can I do? I am also very desperate.

But you have to understand that begging for mercy is just forbearance for a while. Sooner or later, I will not let every hater go.

This is the creed of my evil gods...

Put on pants first and then shoes, be a grandson first and then a father!


Hearing its shout, Li Chu thought for a while.

It is true that this evil spirit has continuously provided him with a lot of luck. It's just... compared to myself bound to the little koi, it's just a drop in the bucket.

And these luck, compared with the experience that the evil spirits may provide to him...is nothing worth mentioning.

Especially since it used to do a lot of evil.

To be soft on the bad guys is to be cruel to the good guys.

With this sword, there is no room for maneuver.

In an instant, the evil spirit begged for mercy, the believers collapsed, Li Chu's sword fell, and all sentient beings were short-lived.

The autumn wind blows the fallen leaves.


With a loud bang, the huge column of sword energy reappeared, and the evil spirit suddenly lost its color. Just as its body completely fell from the light curtain, it jumped back into the light curtain with force!

This light curtain was originally the crack that it tore from the two spaces, and it began to slowly close when its body got back.

Where do you come from, where do you go back!

But can you escape?

The moment it disappeared, the sword qi column followed...


I don't know what happened at the other end of the space, I saw the light curtain shaking violently, as if the water surface was hit by a boulder.

The thick column of sword energy is completely submerged.

The pitch-black crack suddenly trembled three times.

There was a loud bang, and Mr. Wu felt that the mountain under his feet was vibrating and shaking.

next second.

A burst of white light appeared out of thin air and gathered on Li Chu's body, and then his experience value skyrocketed!

Only then was Li Chu satisfied.

There is no more accurate kill broadcast than this. It seems that this evil spirit's life-saving means will not be used a second time after all.

It's just that there is still such an increase at the seventy-sixth level, the strength of this evil spirit is a little stronger than I expected.

What also made him quite satisfied was that his control over the sword energy became more and more handy.

Mr. Wu and the little genius doctor were very close to the evil spirit, and with this sword strike, the turbulent sword energy didn't touch them at all.

This was difficult to do before.

This kind of control ability is not brought by leveling up, but the proficiency gained from constantly displaying sword energy.

Although this kind of hidden "experience" can't help him level up, it can make him more comfortable in battle, which is also very important.

After some thought, Li Chu looked at Mr. Wu standing over there.

He walked over, put down the little genius doctor first, and checked it.

There was a faint black air around the little genius doctor's body, probably under some kind of hypnotic spell.

Li Chu raised the Little Bodhi Mantra, and the sun shone for a while, dispelling the black energy.

The little miracle doctor woke up leisurely.

He opened his eyes, rubbed the pig's head, saw Li Chu, and immediately asked, "Have you got Xuan Qingdan?"

"Yeah." Li Chu nodded: "I'll tell you later."

After that, he got up and looked at Mr. Wu, and opened his mouth.

Mr. Wu immediately showed a childlike smile.


Just kidding, at that moment just now, the stars in his sea of ​​consciousness disappeared. What this means is self-evident.

No time to mourn, his first thought was that there was only one god and one believer in the Evil God, and if the Evil God died, wouldn't he be the boss of the Evil God?

The second thought was, even the evil god was forced to sacrifice, what else could he do?

Of course, let this little Taoist do whatever he wants.

Li Chudao: "I have a few questions I want to ask you."

"You ask." Mr. Wu's attitude is very good.

Li Chu thought for a while, and asked him the most curious one at the moment.

"Is the current Jiangnan King real or fake?"

"Really?" Mr. Wu frowned. "The day before yesterday, Chaotianque came to check on the door, and it was also because of this problem."

"The results of it?"

This is what Li Chu was curious about. Of course Chao Tianque would not tell him the result of the inspection, but he felt that the "Jiangnan King" he picked up did not seem to be lying, so he asked this question.

I heard Mr. Wu reply: "Of course the result is true."

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