I Can’t Be a Sword God

Chapter 192 A Wisp of Immortal Qi Refined Over a Hundred Years


Zhan Liuming volleyed in the air and beheaded a Void Spirit.

A fairy gourd seed floated up.

His stern face loosened slightly, and he flew forward to pick up the seed. Just as he was about to go to the junction of the upper and lower secret realms, he suddenly heard thunder.


No, not thunder.

It was the sound of the sky cracking!

Looking up, the vast sky is slowly descending, accompanied by infinite coercion! But in this scene, the dome of the sky overwhelmed some strong character, and it actually started to crack!


"Hit me!"

In the distant sky, there is a bright white figure with flying feathers.

Venerable Xuan Ge raised his hand and summoned two of the highest peaks in this world from the left and right sides. His palms turned over, causing the two peaks to overlap and reach the sky.


He used these two mountain peaks to withstand the downward pressure of the sky!

At the junction of the mountain peak and the sky, dark cracks appeared in the blue sky, and the towering peaks were slowly crushed and ground.

The head seemed to be swallowed into the black hole.

Sang Daoren's black face was neither sad nor happy, like a god with no waves in the ancient well. His left hand kept pulling the sky downwards, and he slapped lightly with his right.



The long wind suddenly swept Gao Tian from south to north! This is not an ordinary wind, but the wind from the sky, roaring from the shattered black hole!

Venerable Xuan Ge raised his eyebrows, and said two words softly, "Barrier."

call out--

A white feather instantly lit up with brilliance, turning into a golden curtain of light that enveloped his whole body.


The strong wind collided with the barrier, causing waves of ripples, but it was like a stubborn stone in the torrent, unwavering.

During this short fight, Venerable Xuan Ge has been on the defensive.

Up to this moment, he seemed to have finally figured out the details of the enemy, with a sharp light in his eyes.

With a light flick of his finger, another white feather flew up, "Weakness."


Taoist Sang was high above, and with the sound of landing, his body sank suddenly, and his momentum plummeted instantly.

And the sky that was slowly pressing down suddenly shook, as if it was about to collapse.

Taoist Sang frowned slightly, only to feel that his true energy, spiritual consciousness, and blood energy were all bound by the law, weakening more than half!

The supernatural powers of this great monster of the Western Regions are really tricky.

But he remained calm in the face of danger, and no longer wanted to simply rely on his own superiority to directly crush the opponent, but changed the seal of his hands.



With an order, the flowers, grass, trees, and woods in the entire secret realm... released a thick or light blue breath at the same time, and then languished for a while.

All the oriental A and B woods, all listen to this order, and the mighty green energy soars upwards, twisting into a big hand that covers the sky and the sun.

With one hand, those two mountain peaks were pushed down!

In an instant, it seemed like the sky was falling.

The body of Venerable Xuan Ge was about to be crushed by the collapsing mountain peak, not to mention the huge palm on top of the mountain peak.

He is almost inevitable!


I saw a purple light rising into the sky.

When the rumbling rocks fell like rain, when the giant palm that covered the day fell from the sky, boom——

The whole secret realm trembled!

However, the figure of Venerable Black Pigeon was transmitted to the farther sky along with the vertically falling purple light.

"It's impossible to catch me." There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


"Is this the power of Almighty? The mountains, rivers, plants...even the heavens and the earth are within their grasp."

Huo Zhuge looked at the fierce battle in the sky, and silently compared it with the venerables of Yanyue Sect.

"No, if it's outside, they shouldn't be able to do it so easily."

"It's because in this secret realm, the avenues of heaven and earth are incomplete, so they can do whatever they want."

King Kong Nu scratched his head excitedly as he watched the battle.

"I really want them both to hit me together."

The wound on his body that was bloody just a moment ago has already begun to heal.

It really makes people have to envy his physique against the sky.

But Huo Zhuge just looked at him worriedly, "Your perverted habit is going too far, what will you do in the future..."


Somewhere in the secret realm, King Jiangnan gritted his teeth.

"If such a character can be used by me..."

"Wait, he was supposed to be used by me, right?"

"Dead pigeon..."


Li Chu also looked enviously at the battle in mid-air.

Is this a fight between gods?

So gorgeous, so shocking, so envious.

It is said that the power of law that can only be mastered in the Zhanbai realm, and those great supernatural powers that almost destroy the world with every gesture, are really yearning.

The big cow next to him worried: "If they continue to fight like this, they won't smash this world into pieces, will they?"

"Heh." The tauren sneered, "This level of cultivation is not enough to shake the gourd cave that my master has arranged for many years. This is only the first floor. If they reach the second floor of the gourd cave, they can't be so easily. Invoke the laws of heaven and earth."

Daniel said: "Will the second floor be safer? Is there a path to go down?"

The Tauren replied: "In the Forest of Two Realms, there is a huge gourd vine. You must get the fairy gourd seeds and go down the gourd vine to reach the second floor."

"Oh—" Daniu sighed when he heard that he still wanted the fairy gourd seeds.


Just when the people below were looking up.

The sky is changing.

Sang Taoist raised his hand and took out the flower brush, his expression was serious, but for the first time there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

It seemed that he was going to use some means of lore.

Venerable Xuan Ge's heart also trembled.

Although he had repeatedly cracked Taoist Sang's tricks just now, it was not easy.

After all, Taoist Sang has practiced for a long time, more than a thousand years longer than him, and his accumulation of Taoism is deeper.

Without giving him much chance to breathe, Taoist Sang raised his pen and swiped in the air.

At the same time, the left hand shot out a stream of clear spirit.

When Venerable Xuan Ge saw it, the white hair all over his body exploded at the same time, and exclaimed: "It's immortal energy, you have refined it!"

As we all know, refining immortal energy is a method only available to land gods.

But usually at the late stage of the Slashing Decline Realm or at the peak of the Slashing Decline Realm, the cultivator may have the ability to refine immortal energy.

When he really succeeded in refining the first ray of immortal energy, it meant that this person had already glimpsed the path to be promoted to a land immortal.

There are two levels of immortal energy and no immortal energy.

Immortal energy is extremely rare.

Even for the vast majority of land gods, it will take ten years or even a hundred years to refine such a small wisp of immortal energy, and they are not willing to use it at all.

But as long as there is such a fairy energy in his hand, it means that he has the opportunity to display a real fairy technique.

Intangible deterrence is sometimes more important than real killing.

But at this time, Taoist Sang took out this wisp of immortal energy without saying a word.

No wonder Venerable Xuan Ge was terrified for a while.

If Taoist Sang showed this immortal energy before, he would not have dared to fight against it!

"Hehe, it took a full hundred years to refine the first ray of immortal energy in the body of a foolish demon." Taoist Sang said slowly in the air, "I will use you to try today, the power of a true immortal."

Immortal Qi still needs to be used in conjunction with the Immortal Technique.

If there is no fairy method, there should be a fairy weapon.

At this time, Taoist Sang happened to have a fairy artifact in his hand.

gifted pen.

He randomly drew a curved line in the air with the magic pen, and then poured that immortal energy into it.

A clear shout: "Qinglong!"

The Shenghua brush is used for this purpose, and there is no need to draw it so vividly, because as long as there is immortal energy infused into it, the caster only needs to imagine it in his heart.

Whatever you want, you can just swipe it and it will come out of thin air.

This is the fairy.

Only those clumsy wastes of life and energy need to be drawn perfectly.

Because that is Van.


Following Sang Daoren's order, the cyan curve in mid-air turned and suddenly stretched out.

The word Qinglong shocked the whole world.


Venerable Xuan Ge shouted loudly when he heard the words, but it was too late.

Four images, in this world, represent the living laws of heaven and earth!


Qinglong was born.

The rest of Venerable Xuan Ge's voice was almost crying.

"You... how can you kill me when you are joking..."

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