I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 117 116 The giant snail at the Luluye ruins

Chapter 117 116. The giant snail in Luluye ruins

After quickly killing the enhanced Golzan, Bai Ye didn't even pack up this precious food.

Firstly, it was because his extremely violent fighting method blasted most of the strengthened Gorzan's torso to pieces, and secondly, because there was no answer to Bai Zhiye's doubts, and he was eager to find the answer.

The intensity of the dark energy once made Bai Ye think that Beria was reborn in the future. Bai Ye really had no intention of eating until he found out the specific reason.

After he left, he immediately came to the surface of the Pacific Ocean, looking for the legendary super-ancient ruins Luluye sleeping on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Bai Ye's idea is very simple. There are only three possibilities for such amazing dark energy in the Tiga world: one is the evil god Gatanjie, the other is the trio of dark warriors, and the third is those who have been active in Kiriello. The god Kirialod that people talk about.

God Kirialod has not appeared in the original work, so you can ignore it for now.

The first two speculations are related to the super-ancient ruins Luluye, so finding this ruins and figuring out the cause of the dark energy explosion are currently the most important things Bai Ye needs to do.

Since Baiye doesn't know the location of Luluye's ruins, he can only search for traces of dark energy all the way over the Pacific Ocean.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. About ten minutes later, a strong wave of dark power attracted Bai Ye's attention.

He slowly dived into the water, and the fluctuations of the dark power became stronger and stronger, forming a delicate balance with the dawn of Belia in Bai Ye's body.

This spear, which can absorb the power of darkness and turn it into its own use, has been absorbing the surrounding dark power at a stable frequency under Bai Ye's control. While protecting Bai Ye, it is also silently absorbing energy.

As Bai Ye slowly dived into the seabed, the ruins hidden deep in the sea gradually appeared in front of Bai Ye. From the outside, it seemed to be just a large seabed cave, but the rich dark energy around it was always present. Then remind Bai Ye that this is the place he is looking for.

"Is this the ruins of Luluye?"

Bai Ye's eyes flashed, and he immediately confirmed the true name of the cave in front of him.

After all, although there are many powerful monsters in the Tiga world, only Luluye Ruins can have the power of darkness that attracts Baiye.

Silently calming down the excitement in his heart, Bai Ye slowly moved forward, but after taking a few steps, he suddenly got stuck. Only then did he realize that he was actually isolated by a thin energy barrier.

Different from the leaked dark energy, this barrier is obviously formed by the energy of light, and seems to be used to seal the evil formed inside the ruins.

Unfortunately, judging from the leakage of dark energy, the effect of the sealing barrier is obviously slowly weakening. It is very likely that the evil god inside is gradually reviving!

With a thought, Bai Ye immediately activated teleportation, tearing open the surrounding space in a short time, and then entered the barrier.

However, the next second, the sight in front of him made Bai Ye couldn't help but exclaim.

If from the outside, everything seems normal inside, but once inside, the real situation is frightening.

As soon as Bai Ye entered it, the field of vision in front of him instantly became invisible. The rich dark energy turned into a substantial black mist and rolled wantonly, and a suffocating breath rushed towards his face.

If it were not Bai Ye, but an ordinary little monster that accidentally entered it, I am afraid that it would not be able to react at all and would be eroded by the black mist and completely merge into a part of the black mist.

Bai Ye stopped and looked slightly confused.

"This black mist is somewhat familiar. It seems to be the same black mist that I saw around the bodies of Beria and Tregear in the future before, but it is different."

In the original plot of the previous life, Gatanjie caused a huge black mist as soon as it appeared, and it was like a scene of annihilation. Therefore, the ruins of Luluye contain the black mist transformed by the boundless power of darkness. Hakuno Naturally clear.

But once this black mist comes into contact with Beria and others in the future, the problem will be huge!

Bai Ye even had some speculations at this time. Could Gatanjie actually be a part of the other party's plan?

With questions in his heart, Bai Ye moved forward again. His extremely keen perception quickly spread, and every inch of the entire cave was clearly perceived by Bai Ye.

The further he went into the depths of thick dark energy, the more surprised Baiye felt. Not only was the black mist gradually thickening into a solid state, but there were even an incalculable number of Saga groups sleeping everywhere. Once they came out, they would be a threat to the entire world. It's all a disaster!

Bai Ye took a deep breath and walked more firmly.

He must go and see that evil god. This is not only responsible for the earth, but also for himself!

The surrounding environment was extremely quiet. Even Bai Ye's footsteps seemed so loud to his ears. He entered the deepest part of the entire Luluye ruins alone.

Finally, after three minutes, Bai Ye stopped.

Although the field of vision in front of him was still pitch black, with his amazing perception, Bai Ye could clearly detect a giant beast several times larger than him lying in the dark stream. The powerful dark aura made Bai Ye Belia inside the wild body shook even at dawn.

The boundless black mist around seemed scary, but it was not as frightening as what looked like a giant snail.

Because the dark power that was enough to permeate the entire earth was all emitted unintentionally by the evil god of destruction in front of him, which was enough to show the horror of its power.

It was the final boss of Ultraman Tiga, the evil god Gatanjea who had been the nightmare of countless people's childhood!

Facing this opponent who was on the same level as himself, Bai Ye was also skilled and bold. He took the initiative to close the distance and put one hand on Gatanjea's body, quietly sensing the situation inside the other party.

The perception of the tide quickly spread over Gatanjea's body, and those parts that made people lose all their sanity were clearly felt.

"This guy... Fortunately, he is still in a deep sleep. However, his breath... seems to be on the verge of waking up? Didn't he wake up at the end of the plot in the original work?"

Questions in his heart came one after another, but no one could answer them for Bai Ye.

Everything in this time and space is an unknown to Bai Ye. The only good news that makes him feel a little relieved is that this Gatanjea has not really awakened yet, otherwise Bai Ye would really have to fight it in advance.

Although Bai Ye is confident that he will not lose, this unprepared encounter is really annoying to Bai Ye.

It seems that his appearance has not caused a butterfly effect yet!

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and most of the burden in his heart was unloaded. Suddenly, a crazy idea appeared in his mind: How about? Try the taste of this big snail?

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