I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 149 148 Earth Protector Bai Ye

Chapter 149 148. Earth Protector Hakuno

TPC's warships and two fighter planes are temporarily docked on an island far away from the Luluye Ruins.

The aftermath of the battle between Hakuno and Gatanjea was too horrific, and even if they had retreated three steps before, they could still be affected. Iruma Kei had to order a temporary retreat to avoid being caught in the aftermath and suffering an unexpected disaster.

At this time, in front of a huge display on the warship, Iruma Kei and the Victory Team were watching the images of the Luluye Ruins in real time through satellite cameras with a group of TPC executives.

Although Iruma Kei had made preparations in advance and called nearly 80% of TPC's satellites to observe the situation, the picture was still a little blurry, as if the strong high temperature released by Hakuno caused certain changes in the surrounding magnetic field.

Seeing the evil god Gatanjea, who was ready to destroy the world at the beginning, was blasted into a dead dog on the sea by Hakuno, and then Camilla and Darram, who came to attack aggressively, were punched into the abyss, and turned into a stone statue under Hakuno's golden light. The senior executives of TPC could not sit still.

The hawkish senior executives headed by Tetsuji Yoshioka were originally inconsistent with the philosophy of Megumi Iruma. Seeing this scene, they could not help but frown and asked: "Captain Iruma, you are not naive to think that this monster will help us humans, right?"

"Yes! The destructive power he showed is so terrifying. As a former member of the Earth Defense Force, I will not allow you to do nothing like this!"


Countless familiar words rang in Megumi Iruma's ears, and she sighed helplessly.

Most of these Eagle Brand executives are former veterans of the Earth Defense Force. Iruma Hui has long heard the same old talk, which is mostly the same. They say that only the power that can be truly and stably controlled by humans can be reassuring, and we cannot rely too much on external help like Ultraman Tiga.

And Hakuno not only showed a strong strength far superior to Tiga, but also Hakuno's extremely violent fighting style. The terrifying power of directly blowing up the enhanced Golzan with one blow made Iruma Hui herself a little flustered.

If she really wanted to convince this group of old antiques who were conservative in their thinking, Iruma Hui herself probably wouldn't believe it.

Fortunately, she was prepared. She snorted coldly and took the initiative: "Chief Yoshioka, please note that my current identity is the director of TPC. Your words and address are not correct."

"Secondly, I have said before that Lord Hakuno is just the protector of the earth. He has nothing to do with us humans. His appearance is just to eliminate the evil god Gatanjea, a scourge that parasitizes on the earth."

"As for whether I am naive or not, there is no need to explain it."

At this point, Iruma Kei paused and said in an extremely formal tone: "I have said before that what Lord Hakuno wants to do has nothing to do with me. All I can ensure is that he will not harm humans."

After saying this, most of the hawkish senior officials chose to remain silent, and only a few still insisted.

The leader, Tetsuji Yoshioka, was shocked, and still chose to be a nitpicker: "Ensure, what can you ensure? Let me ask you, what if that guy turns around and points the gun at us humans?"

Iruma Kei turned around and gave the old boss a clear eye roll: "If Hakuno really wants to kill everyone here, do you think we have a chance to resist?"


Faced with Iruma Kei's soul-searching question, Tetsuji Yoshioka suddenly didn't know how to explain.

But at this moment, Shinjo's exclamation immediately attracted the attention of everyone present: "What's going on? Hakuno seems to be planning to eat Gatanjea directly on the spot?"

Instantly, countless eyes were focused on the screen.

Bai Ye skillfully manipulated the flames to change the terrain around the Luluye ruins, and in an instant, a depression similar to a hot pot was created. The huge seawater that poured into it quickly boiled under Bai Ye's high temperature flames, forming a strange vortex, and even steamed out wisps of water vapor, filling the air like fog.

Gatanjea, who was already close to death after Bai Ye's several last-ditch attacks, lay in this "soup pot" tailored for it, still limp all over, and the continuously rising water temperature did not make this evil god realize the seriousness of the problem.

Bai Ye sat next to him, and broke off a Zoga thigh from somewhere and roasted it on the spot and ate it. In an instant, the gravy splashed, and the officers outside the screen felt a little hungry.

Everyone tacitly chose silence at this moment.

They were not fools, and they could basically see that the real situation was most likely what Xincheng said.

But... cooking the recent rival alive right on the spot is too cruel!

A bold guess came to everyone's mind: Could it be that Hakuno's battle with Gatanjea just now was not for the so-called control of the earth, but simply for predation?


Tetsuji Yoshioka's face turned pale, and he dared not say another word.

Hakuno's "barbarity" was beyond his expectations, and it made him panic. He had reason to believe that with Hakuno's strength and methods, ordinary humans might not be enough to fill this guy's teeth.

At this moment, Iruma Kei, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Wait, Master Hakuno took the initiative to contact me!"

"What's the matter? Tell me now?"

Tetsuji Yoshioka was extremely anxious, fearing that what he had just said might have caused dissatisfaction from Hakuno.

Iruma Kei suddenly fell into silence, and after a long while he looked up and said, "He wants us to bring some chili and other condiments over..."

Yoshioka was even more shocked. He had always thought that what Iruma Kei said about being able to communicate with Hakuno was fake, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Good man, what else can Iruma Kei say about this!

The fear of Hakuno made Tetsuji Yoshioka look at Iruma Megumi with more respect, and he immediately agreed: "What else is there to say? Hurry up and transport it!"

Iruma Megumi was a little surprised to hear that the long-time opposition leader Yoshioka actually agreed so straightforwardly, and quickly continued: "My previous proposal to list Hakuno as the guardian of the earth and widely spread the word and set up a statue inside TPC?"

"Of course!" Tetsuji Yoshioka shouted, as if he had returned to the battlefield in an instant: "Not only should we vigorously promote it, but we must also implement it in place, and make sure that Hakuno's image is deeply rooted in the hearts of every resident of the earth!"

No one expected that this move not only affected the entire timeline of Tiga, but also deeply imprinted the image of Hakuno in the heart of a certain younger Ultra Warrior.

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