I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 216 215 The Escaped Rebertus?

Chapter 216 215. The Escape of Rebertus?

No matter how sophisticated the internal instruments are, no matter how fast the calculations of the intelligent brain are, Mechagomora, who had just recovered from the flames, could not expect Bai Ye to teleport to its face, and hurriedly raised his claws to defend.

However, how could Bai Ye do as he wished?

A shocking black light appeared on Belia's Dawn. Bai Ye even used the Devouring Black Flame, which was not stored in large quantities. With one move, he pierced through Mechagomora's defense at an extremely fast speed and pierced his right arm through!

At the same time, Barton, the volcanic bird who also had the ability of fire, was the first to react from the sea of ​​fire, and rushed up with a strange cry to stop Bai Ye.

However, no matter how dazzling Barton's previous achievements were, he could not be compared with Bai Ye, who was now in the ultimate state of strength. The flames he spit out were simply tickling for Bai Ye, who was the originator of playing with fire!

Bai Ye snorted coldly, and unceremoniously absorbed all the flames spit out by Patton into his body. At the same time, he raised his hands and waved them, and lifted Mechagomora with the enhanced strength, aiming at Patton in the distance.

The next second, a dazzling rainbow-colored light shot out and pierced Mechagomora's abdomen. With a burst of explosion, it directly pierced Mechagomora's abdomen, and then blasted towards Patton!

"Requiem of Creation!"

This powerful skill once again demonstrated his unparalleled power, directly killing Mechagomora and Patton, who were already dying!

With an explosion, Mechagomora's huge body shattered, and even the countless parts in his body were swallowed by the Requiem of Creation and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After getting rid of Mechagomora, the remaining monsters were almost threatening. Hakuno and Orb worked together and killed all the monsters in front of them in less than three minutes.

And then… only Hakuno and Orb were left.

Seeing Hakuno looking at him, Orb's face was full of defense. He held the Orb Holy Sword tightly in his hand and kept fighting.

Hakuno looked helpless. It seemed that this was the most troublesome explanation. He couldn't help but sigh that it was really difficult to be a good person. He could only explain his identity and the reason why he appeared in this universe to Orb from the beginning.

When he heard Hakuno mention that he and the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light had participated in the Golgotha ​​Planetary Battle, Orb's expression eased.

Although Orb, as an O50 Ultra Warrior, did not participate in that battle, he had heard from Fuma and others that a monster assisted the Ultra Camp. After thinking about it carefully, he also recognized Hakuno's identity.

After all... if Bai Ye had bad intentions, there was no need to save him. The other monsters besieging him didn't care about adding another person to the fight.

However, he still couldn't understand why Bai Ye attacked him as well.

"Sorry, I just wanted to save you as soon as possible. That level of fire is just a drop in the bucket for you."

Bai Ye knew Orb's doubts, and while forcing comfort, he changed the subject: "Speaking of which, Orb, why are you here? Why are you besieged by so many monsters?"

Orb explained with embarrassment: "You should have heard about Rebertus breaking through the space prison and resurrecting all the monsters in the monster cemetery. At that time, the Kingdom of Light invited me."

"After all, he was my former enemy. I certainly wouldn't refuse this responsibility. I followed his whereabouts all the way to this universe, and all the monsters you see in front of you are the products of his resurrection."

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded silently, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

There is no doubt that Rebertus is a subordinate of Tartarus, and now Rebertus actually appears in this universe, which is quite meaningful no matter how you look at it!

A little embarrassed, Bai Ye took the initiative to ask again, trying to get closer to Orb: "Speaking of which, Orb, what are you going to do next?"

"Me? I guess I will continue to pursue Rebertus."

Orb shook his head helplessly after hearing this: "But at that time, I followed him through the space turbulence and came to this group of universes, but was ambushed by Hyperzeton and Tyrande, and then what you saw was the scene. Now I have no information about him."

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded, and he could understand Orb.

The tyrant monster Tyrande and the space dinosaur Hyperzeton are both first-class in strength. After all, they have not reached the strength of outstanding individuals like Bai Ye, and they are also quite difficult to deal with.

What's more, they don't need to defeat Orb, just delay time for Rebertus.

"In that case, you can go to Earth with me. It happens that I cannot transform into human form, so I have to ask you to contact Zeta."

"Besides you and me, there is only one member of the Light Force in this universe, Zeta. Maybe he is the real target of Rebertus. Besides, you should be very happy to go to Earth again, Orb."

When he said the last sentence, Bai Ye couldn't help but smile, which made Orb look a little scared.

After a brief hesitation, Orb felt that Bai Ye's words made sense and accepted Bai Ye's invitation: "Okay, please lead the way."

At the same time, on Earth.

Unlike the beginners in the beginning, Zeta and Haruki are now skilled partners. They have experienced a series of battles together and have long been close brothers.

At this moment, Haruki Natsukawa, the special aircraft pilot of the armory, had just returned from the training ground. He was sweating profusely and took out a bottle of energy drink from the public refrigerator in the armory and drank it all in one gulp, muttering: "I really don't know how Zeta's previous master taught him. What does it mean that you can only experience real power after experiencing pain?"

Thinking of Zeta talking about his temporary master who only taught him for half a day, Haruki's hair all over his body stood up.

You know, Zeta gave him a standard course of devil training based on the experience of that mentor, which almost caused Haruki to suffer kidney failure!

Ota Yuka, who was fiddling with the instrument nearby, heard this and asked curiously: "What's wrong, Haruki? Why have you been talking to yourself lately?"

"Nothing, I just thought of some happy things."

Haruki perfunctorily said a few words helplessly, but the dull look on his face did not look happy no matter how you looked at it.

"Could it be that the captain secretly taught you a lesson in the training ground again?" Yuka smiled with an understanding smile, and changed the subject and said: "Recently, an earthquake occurred in the Alaska Mountains in North America, and the ice broke, and a 30,000-year-old artifact was unearthed, which is temporarily stored in the Imperial Capital Museum."

"The captain said that we may need to escort it temporarily next, so you should change your clothes and prepare in advance."


Haruki nodded neatly and was about to change into the uniform of the armory when an alarm sounded throughout the armory in an instant: "Warning! Warning! The frozen monster Pejira appeared in the Alaska Mountains and is now flying rapidly to Japan! "

Then, the voice of the armory captain Shota Jakura sounded: "Yoko, you quickly drive the U-Indam to fight, and you must not let Pejila get close to the city!"

Hearing this, Haruki couldn't help but smile bitterly: "No... Yuka, you are too bad-mouthed!"

"Don't worry about that for now!" Monster expert Ota Yuka showed her strong professionalism at this moment, her hands quickly jumped on the precision instrument in front of her, and called out red lines: "Based on the flight route of Pejila, his target is very likely to be the Imperial Capital Museum I just mentioned! Haruki, you quickly go to the Imperial Capital Museum to clear the crowd. "


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