I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 228 227 Void Monster Gliza!

Chapter 228 227. Void Monster Gliza!

Nearly a month has passed since Bai Ye entered the depths of the universe to explore.

During this period, Bai Ye intermittently destroyed more than a dozen monster groups with the mark of the Leiblonians. During this period, he encountered countless controlled monsters, which made Bai Ye sigh with emotion: As the ancestor of Leonix, The Reblondo alien's ability to control monsters is really impressive, and he deserves the treatment that Tartarus went through so much trouble to revive him.

He even had a guess, if according to the previous timeline, the people of Planet Reblondo were not beaten up by Regulus who got the template of the real protagonist as soon as they were resurrected in the original plot, would there have been a wave of chaos in the entire universe? This is a disaster that belongs to the Ultra clan.

Of course, Bai Ye also further polished his fighting skills and cooking skills in his spare time, but he would not show off these special gifts until the next time he meets his old opponents.

In addition, Bai Ye also maintains contact with the earth from time to time.

Since the influence of the Lebrondos has not subsided, Geed and Orb are still on the earth, helping Jagula to train Zeta together, and their lives are relatively stable.

Even though Celebolo, who had hurriedly escaped from Kabuto Shinya's body, caused trouble many times, in the end, the thunder was loud and the rain was small, and it was calmed down by several Ultra Warriors without causing any trouble.

Under the supervision of the three seniors, Zeta, who had a teacher-student relationship with Hakuno, has grown steadily. Haruki has also gradually improved as he tried to win the arm wrestling war with Yoko-senpai. Everything is so beautiful.

Bai Ye once thought about whether everything would continue slowly like this, but in the end, this quiet time ended with a message from Little Jetton: "A mysterious monster with extremely powerful power appears, even if it is... Geed, Orb and Zeta were unable to deal with it even if they fought at the same time. In the end, Geed had to take the risk and throw his body directly into the opponent's body to prevent the monster from destroying the entire earth! "

In the command room of the armory headquarters, everyone, including Hong Kai, was gathered in front of the screen, carefully observing the images on the screen in front of them.

In the image, a huge and strange figure continuously shuttles through the city, leaving only an afterimage wherever it goes, but it can cause bursts of sonic booms.

This situation looks very similar to Bai Ye's teleportation, except that the pause time is shorter, but in fact it is very different.

There are no problems with exploration using modern precision instruments, but as Ultra warriors Zeta and Orb understand that wherever this monster goes, all space and even any matter will be distorted, and then completely annihilated. The end!

Hong Kai stared at the monster and frowned: "Gliza, the void monster..."

Jagula on the side wondered: "How could such a monster appear here? Logically speaking, an existence like Gliza cannot be controlled by the people from the Reblondo planet!"

"It's no longer useful to say that, how should we deal with this guy?" Yoko Nakajima rarely participated in the discussion, and Yuka Ohta, who was in charge of statistics on the side, added a last-ditch attack at an inappropriate time: "If you don't want to come up with something, I’m afraid that Ultra warrior with fierce eyes is about to be completely assimilated!”

At this moment, in Yaohui's mind, only the voices that could be heard by Yaohui, Hongkai, and Jagula sounded.

"Ultraman Ax, who once sealed Griza, gave a lecture in the Kingdom of Light, and I also learned some information from it." Zeta was a little lucky, at least he listened to this lecture well: " The void monster Griza is a hole in the universe, and its existence itself is nothingness, and the needle that sews the hole in the universe is in the nothingness!”

"It's just... if you want to avoid being swallowed by nothingness, you need power beyond common sense!"

Yaohui felt confused at first, and then felt happy again.

Not long ago, he just grabbed the Medal of Beria from Cerebros, and at the same time, he got the Medal of Cerro and the Medal of Geed entrusted to him by Shikali from Ged. According to Zeta, these three are just right. Can activate some extremely powerful force.

It's just that the power is difficult to control, but according to Zeta, it should be able to rescue Senior Xiao Lu.

However, at this moment, the little Jetton ornament placed on Yuuka Ota's table suddenly said loudly: "Leave the power beyond common sense to me!"

In an instant, the entire armory was silent.

Yaohui, Hongkai and Jiagu La looked at each other. No one thought why Bai Ye would use the little Zeton who had long been claimed to be abandoned, and even openly spoke directly in the armory!

Ohta Yuka was extremely excited. Her eyes lit up when she looked at the little Jetton doll in front of her, wishing she could cut it into pieces right now.

She had already speculated that this ornament might be related to the monster claiming to be Bai Ye, but she never had the chance to confirm it, but she did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to expose it.

Yoko Nakajima looked at the people around him in confusion, feeling that he seemed a little out of place, and felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

Bai Ye didn't stop at all, using his teleportation ability to quickly rush to the earth.

He didn't know why he was so anxious. Maybe it was because the earth here was very similar to his former hometown, or maybe it was because there were people or things he cared about here.

By the time Bai Ye's majestic figure appeared in the sky, less than a quarter of an hour had passed.

He quietly floated in the sky above the city, ignoring the fleeing people, and focused all his attention on the strange purple-yellow irregular sphere in front of him that emitted a gorgeous purple light.

"It seems that I came quite timely."

Bai Ye, who was familiar with the history of the Ultra series, knew very well the true identity of the irregular sphere in front of him, which was the first form of the void monster Gliza.

As Zeta said, although Gliza's existence could be perceived from the visual effect, its spatial energy value was zero, that is, complete nothingness.

In other words, Gliza should not exist in the world. He was just a concrete image of nothingness, like a bug in the universe.

However, what caught Bai Ye's attention was the timing of Gliza's appearance.

According to the original plot, Gliza should have appeared to wreak havoc on the world after the four-dimensional monster Bruton was destroyed by Zeta, but in the current timeline, Bai Ye has repeatedly verified that Bruton has never died, and the appearance of this Gliza in front of him is completely unreasonable.

"Heh, don't think too much about it, let's get rid of you first."

Bai Ye shook his head, smiled calmly, and controlled the devouring power in his body to surge towards the irregular sphere.

As Bai Ye's voice sounded, the entire atmosphere trembled a little, and the purple-yellow irregular sphere that was originally floating quietly in the air suddenly expanded, as if it could not withstand some huge pressure.

Although Gliza's first form cannot be attacked as an entity, Bai Ye's target is not Gliza himself at all.

What he used was the understanding of space division in the space turbulence day and night. Now, even if Bai Ye cannot directly control the power of space, he has already mastered the control of space rules.

And his current goal is to directly split Gliza's space, completely separate it from the space of Zeta Universe, and transform it into a different space!

You must know that Gliza, as the universe hole of the universe bug, can only rely on this universe to exist. Once it is separated, it will inevitably cause violent turbulence.

This plan sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to implement. Even Bai Ye had to concentrate all his mental power in his mind to control it carefully before he could successfully separate the space.

As he continued to increase the degree of separation, the Gliza sphere became larger and larger, and there was even a faint sign of explosion. The original heavy shell of the sphere gradually became extremely smooth, as if it was about to explode.


Accompanied by a crisp shattering sound, the purple-yellow irregular sphere that could barely maintain its balance suddenly collapsed, causing the surrounding space to completely collapse!

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this, Bai Ye snorted coldly, raised his arm lightly, and several golden and red lightning rushed to that place at a very fast speed, but before the power exploded, it was absorbed into the body by a trance figure.

The second form of the void monster Gliza, debut!

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