I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 23 23 Dark Magic Armor!

Chapter 23 23. Dark Magic Armor!

"You are still 20,000 years too early to defeat me!"

Cero roared, and a circle of golden ripples spread out. Wherever he passed, the black tornado was torn apart bit by bit.

But Belia was not a pushover. At the moment when the dark tornado was disintegrated, he accelerated his offensive again. Huge black tentacles emerged from the dark tornado and lashed at the golden sword energy frantically, weakening the power attached to Cero bit by bit.

Cero's face sank slightly. Although he had the upper hand, it would not be good if he continued like this.

Judging from the current situation, Belia's strength is even half a point higher than his own.

If he allowed the opponent to attack like this, his chances of winning would be very slim.

"No, we must seek a breakthrough!"

Cero's eyes flashed, and he was about to take the initiative to step forward and seek another opportunity to bombard Belia.

But at this moment, a bright head dart suddenly flew from the sky and stuck straight in front of Seven who was fighting a monster on the ground.

"That's it!"

Above this, Zero and Seven shouted almost at the same time.

Because they were very familiar with that thing, it was one of the two head darts on Zero's head!

But... why did this thing fly here at this time?

Zero touched his head with some surprise. Both head darts were clearly there, so there could only be one answer - this one came from this universe.

In an instant, Zero and Seven's faces suddenly became extremely solemn.

How could they not understand the meaning of this head dart? Zero in this universe actually asked for help from them first!

"What did you do, you guy!"

Zero immediately turned around, stared at Belia in front of him, and shouted loudly.

Whether it was from Belia's super strong combat power or from the fact that he just recognized himself, this guy's identity was definitely problematic.

Now the Ultraman Zero in this universe has sent them a call for help again. This matter is definitely not that simple.

Upon hearing this, Belia was not panicked at all, and even laughed a few times: "You just realized it's wrong now, Ultraman Zero."

"Hehe, come to think of it, I have to thank you for leaving such a big gap in time and space in the original place, otherwise I in the future would not be able to cross here."


Ultra Zero's heart was shocked, and he secretly said in his heart: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I have clearly controlled the ultimate armor to close the space-time rift!"

"If it's impossible, then what is this?"

Beria sneered and slowly raised his hand. An extremely pure dark force instantly spread out, and a refined armor suddenly appeared on his body.

All the Ultraman warriors present could feel the breath of this dark force, and they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

This power actually came from one of the old enemies of the Kingdom of Light - Amber!

They had seen the style of that armor countless times and had fought against it before. Even Seven, who was present, had worn it because of the dark aura. It was the Dark Demon Armor.

At this moment, the whole story seemed to be about to come out.

In the period before Zero crossed over, the controller of the Dark Demon Armor was Belia of that universe. (For details, please see "Super Zero Fighting")

"So that's how it is. You relied on the power of the Dark Armor to become so powerful!"

Zero finally figured out the truth of the matter.

No wonder Belia in front of him was so strong, and no wonder the other party could expect him and others to appear. It turned out that the space-time crack left by him when he crossed over allowed Belia, who was resurrected in that time and space, to follow.

The warrior who saved the universe several times had a heavy face at this moment, and a feeling of regret rose in his heart.

But after a few seconds, he put away his thoughts, and his face was more calm and composed: "Wait, if you put on the dark magic armor, what about the other Belia (the future)?"

"What do you think?"

Belia laughed wildly again, and people felt a little cold just by listening to it.

Cero was a little confused, so he could only shout angrily and attack Belia again.

"Watch this!"

Circles of golden ripples spread from Zero's body, covering him, and then he swung it suddenly, and a huge golden energy beam that was several hundred meters long and a hundred meters wide slammed into the opposite side.

Belia was disdainful of this, and black tornadoes gushed out from his hands, turning into black walls blocking in front of Zero.


A series of explosions came, and the two powerful forces offset each other, but in the end, Zero was better.

The golden light attacked fiercely and hit Belia. Even with the protection of the Dark Magic Armor, Belia still felt a pain, and the black air around him dimmed a little.

"It seems that you haven't realized how insignificant you are!"

Belia snorted coldly, and two sharp black rays shot out of his eyes.

He took a step forward and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he was beside Zero.

Zero's heart tightened and he quickly dodged to the side.

But Belia didn't allow him to have a chance to dodge, and punched Zero on the left shoulder.

This punch was so powerful that it blasted Zero, who was wearing the ultimate armor, away. The dark light attached to it was like an inextinguishable flame, burning Zero's body crazily, bringing endless torture!

"How is it, how does it taste?"

Belia asked coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"It's really weird. I didn't expect that my crossing this time would bring so many plot changes."

On the ground, Bai Ye shook his head helplessly.

Based on Belia's conversation, he probably guessed a little bit of the result.

Although Zero didn't know, Bai Ye knew very well that with the blood of the Rebrando star and the dark magic armor, the ability controlled by Belia who came with the future universe was so strange and unpredictable.

In the original plot, Belia took advantage of Zero's unpreparedness to control his body and turned into Dark Zero.

With Belia's many years of combat experience and scheming, and he was very familiar with the Zero in this universe, I'm afraid the first thing he did after crossing over was to find the Zero in this universe, and then...

No wonder the Zero in this universe couldn't come, and asked for help first.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh.

From the current situation, it seems that only if the legendary King of Ultra takes action, the Kingdom of Light will have the possibility of a comeback.

However, Bai Ye had already seen Gomora approaching the mountain where Raymond was blooming.

"I just hope this fool can succeed."

Bai Ye took a deep breath and prepared to face the storm.

But he had already made preparations, and even if things failed, he could get out of it safely.

He had used the disguise card to change himself into another appearance in advance. Now in front of others, he was just a small and cute Red King.

Let me ask, in such a big scene, who would care about a small corn cob?

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