I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 54 54 Hidden Boss: King Zaurus

Chapter 54 54. Hidden boss: King Zaurus

Three days later.

in a wide square.

A proud stone statue attracted special attention, while several cosmonauts and monsters gathered not far from the stone statue, carefully observing its condition.

And a handsome giant beetle was wandering next to the stone statue, and from time to time he would shoot out a blast to pour energy into the stone statue.

But the stone statue is still a stone statue, and apart from a slight shaking, there is no change at all.

Little Jetton, who was watching from the sidelines, reminded in a low voice: "Sir Baiye, we have tried many times. No matter what type of energy we input into the stone statue, it doesn't work. Even using the Emerald Ore does not work." Same result."


Bai Ye nodded slightly, but the unintentionally flashing eyes reminded him that he had many doubts in his heart.

Why did Zero suddenly fall here from the sky?

Why was Zero so impulsive after seeing Belia's face, and took the initiative to attack before he could explain?

Why did Zero lose his energy and fall to the ground, turning into a stone statue before their battle could be decided?

The stone statue of Zero has no effect other than being placed at the door to affect the appearance of the city. It may even have an additional debuff that doubles the probability of hostility from the Ultra camp.

However, it cannot be said that Sai Rabbit is useless, because the terrifying light energy contained in his last blow of Emelium's cut caused the annoying Belial face behind Baiye to fall into a complete sleep. And there is a vague feeling of falling off.

Other than that, there is almost no other impact.

Bai Ye sometimes even wonders, is this guy just here to have sex? Otherwise, how could the ending be so abstract?

It's okay now. Zero has turned into a stone statue and is placed here. It has no final edible value, so Bai Ye has completely lost interest in him.

After all, there is no light energy here that can be used by the Ultra Warriors to recover. Unless Bai Ye takes Zero to the Noah ruins, it is impossible for Zero to wake up.

At this moment, he was thinking about finding a space crack and throwing this guy out. Anyway, he never wanted to have anything to do with those 'just' Ultramans.

At this time, a majestic robot strode into the square, with the Mirror Knight following behind him.

The two guys buried their heads almost in unison, not daring to look at Bai Ye at all. It was probably because their previous prison life was very unpleasant.

In contrast, an anxious female voice that did not match her appearance had already sounded in Bai Ye's mind: "Bai Ye, it's not good!"

"Aimee Lana? Haven't you already gone back?"

Bai Ye got a headache when he heard the sound.

Two days ago, he talked hard and finally sent back the little princess Emerana, and went to the dungeon to release James Robert and the Mirror Knight.

It's only been less than a day now, why did you turn back again?

Emerana paused for a short while, and then whispered in a crying voice: "Hakuye, you are the only one who can help me now, please!"

"You should calm down first and tell me what's going on."

When Bai Ye heard this, he was confused. Could it be that Bei Laohei had already attacked the Esmeralda Kingdom?

"On my way back home with James Robert and the Mirror Knight, I heard on the way that the Kingdom of Esmeralda is now being attacked by King Zaurus. The kingdom has even completely fallen in just one day!"

"Hakuno, I know you are very strong. Even the Mirror Knight and James Robert combined are no match for you. Can you help me, help me save the Kingdom of Esmeralda, please."

Aimee Lana's voice trembled very much. She tried hard to suppress the crying and to appear stronger, but it sounded even more pitiful.

The princess, who did not show any timidity even after being captured by Hakuye, was already in a state of despair. The news of the kingdom's disaster left her at a loss as to what to do, otherwise she would not have come to Hakuye.

"The kingdom fell completely in one day? Wait...are you talking about King Zaurus?"

Bai Ye had a strange look on his face, and a trace of confusion arose in his heart. The name of King Zaurus undoubtedly brought back his long-standing memories.

It is rumored that there was a mini-boss in "Beria Galactic Empire", and it was King Zaurus.

In the setting, King Zaurus's strength is second only to Beria, and he will confront the Red Lotus Flame in the final battle, but nothing happened in the end.

Now, after listening to Emerana's words, King Zaurus actually does exist in this world.

The storm of thoughts quickly swept through Bai Ye's mind. Listening to Emera Nana's constant pleading voice, Bai Ye's will kept wandering between soft-heartedness and rejection.

The purpose he set for himself in the beginning was to cause less trouble and meddle less. Obviously, he intervened in the war in the Kingdom of Esmeralda for the sake of Emerana, and may eventually collide with Beria head-on. This was not Hakuno's original intention. among.

But on the other hand, he was indeed happy getting along with Amy Lana these days. Although they were just friends, it was rare for someone to talk to him, so he was naturally relieved.

Right now, the other party was crying and making sincere requests to him again and again.


Bai Ye suddenly became in a dilemma. The two consciousnesses were constantly pulling at each other, and he was completely unable to make up his mind for a while.

But at this moment, several figures ran in from outside the square again. They were the men that Bai Ye had taken over from Dark Gonna. The leader was Baltan, whom Bai Ye had deliberately controlled to be his boss in the outside world.

Baltan's giant pincers quickly gestured and he said in standard Neon language: "Master Bai Ye, there is an urgent war report!"

"King Zaurus's troops have crossed the border of our star field and are heading towards the palace where you, Master Bai Ye, are!"


Bai Ye was stunned.

Didn't you just say that King Zaurus was attacking the Kingdom of Esmeralda?

How come I am the one who is being beaten?

What's going on!

After thinking for a long time, I realized that I am the real boss?

Upon hearing this news, Emerana was also stunned. The tears that she had been holding back for a long time immediately burst out and turned into two lines of clear tears that slid down her beautiful face.

If King Zaurus's army can be freed, doesn't that mean that her hometown, the Kingdom of Esmeralda, has been completely conquered?

Little Jetton was also a little uneasy. He had heard of King Zaurus's reputation. It was said that the opponent's strength was so strong that he could sweep the entire universe alone.

Can his own boss Bai Ye really deal with such an enemy?

In an instant, the originally noisy square was instantly silent. Everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried. Some were even thinking about whether they should give the original dinosaur king a big gift in advance.

The Nakel star looked pale and asked cautiously: "Lord Bai Ye, what should we do now?"

Bai Ye snorted coldly and did not speak. Instead, he conveyed his thoughts directly to the Nakel star.

In an instant, the Nakel star's full voice rang throughout the square: "Lord Bai Ye ordered to integrate all the combat power in the entire star field and prepare to fight to the death with King Zaurus!"

Bai Ye nodded silently.

Well, at least it's much better than that unscrupulous translator, Little Jetton.

"Bai Ye, thank you."

Emerana's voice sounded again, but it was the most sincere thanks to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye shook his head: "Helping you is also helping myself."

The other party has come to the door, how can I just ignore it?

It King Zaurus actually wants to ride on Bai Ye's head, he will also let the other party understand what is the special monster king.

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