I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 73 72 Bai Ye, you evolved again? !

Chapter 73 72. Bai Ye, you evolved again? !

A corner of the universe.

The capital star of the Kingdom of Esmeralda was once again wrapped by the Sphia sphere, forming layers of thick films to isolate it from the world.

The distant universe was even more silent.

No one expected that Taro, the former Ultraman hero, would actually turn evil and fall into darkness, and he was extremely determined to blast Bai Ye with his famous ultimate move - Ultraman Bomb!

At that time, everyone seemed to see a meteor streaking across the sky, and all the power exploded almost in an instant.

Before everyone could react, the extremely rich fire had already submerged Bai Ye, who was closest to him.

The entire asteroid had already cracked on the ground and rocks were flying before it collided with that power, and now the blazing flames have engulfed more than half of the asteroid, and the powerful energy that continues to explode is about to tear the entire planet apart.

In front of this powerful and unusual force, everything around seemed so small and fragile.

The scene in front of them was no longer a sea of ​​fire, but a purgatory prison made entirely of flames. The power that exploded in an instant was enough to make the stars tremble.

The flames and the aftermath of the explosion intertwined, as if the prelude to the end of the world was being written.

It seemed that when this fire was over, everything around would be wiped out, leaving only endless dust and void.

Feeling the breath that was almost equivalent to destruction, everyone present changed their faces.

Even though Gauss had never introduced the Ultra Bomb, a powerful skill that could kill both parties, none of them dared to get close to the focus of the explosion and retreated.

As for Bai Ye, who was not far from the blackened Taro when the explosion occurred, they thought he was in danger at this time.

The few people who witnessed all this up close took it for granted that Bai Ye had already fallen, and their faces were already full of shock and grief before they could even figure it out.

Who would have thought that Bai Ye, who was still "talking" and laughing with everyone not long ago, had passed away at this time, leaving only that slightly honest smile in memory.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire that was like an ocean, Emerana's tears slid quietly down her cheeks like beads with broken strings.

At the beginning, it was Bai Ye who took the initiative to agree to accompany her home to see her. Along the way, Bai Ye paid a lot and even volunteered to do a lot of troublesome things.

This seems ordinary.

But Emerana has spent a lot of time with Bai Ye these days, and she knows Bai Ye's temperament very well. Apart from food, there is almost nothing that can attract the attention of this strange creature.

And now Bai Ye can pay so much for her, which is enough to show that Bai Ye values ​​her friend of a different race.

But now, Bai Ye died here because of her. How can Emerana not blame herself?

Despair and sadness permeated the girl's heart, tears gradually moistened her cheeks, and Emerana did not raise her head for a long time.

All this was seen by James, who had an internal monitoring system, but he could not think of any words of comfort. He could only try his best to turn up the heating a few degrees, hoping to make Emerana not too uncomfortable in this way.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire not far away, even James and Mirror Knight were somewhat moved.

They understood that if Bai Ye had not taken the initiative to lead away the terrifying blackened Taro, they would probably be buried in the sea of ​​fire at this time.

You must know that Bai Ye has such a strange ability to teleport instantly. If he really wants to get rid of the blackened Taro, it will definitely take a few minutes, but Bai Ye still rushed up without hesitation.

Thinking of Bai Ye's last back, the iron warrior James had a little more respect for this monster in his heart.


Seeing the time passing by, everyone felt a little desperate.

Just as Gauss was about to speak, the flames in the sky not far away suddenly changed.

The flames suddenly began to fade rapidly, and were pulled by a mysterious force, shrinking rapidly at a completely unreasonable speed. In just two or three seconds, they had shrunk by a full third!

Everyone watched all this in amazement, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Could it be that everything could turn around?

Under the burning eyes, the fire slowly subsided, revealing the surface of the asteroid that had been burned to charcoal and the rolling dust that spread out in all directions.

As the flames subsided, a huge dark red vortex inside it suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

The vortex spread out from the center of the fire without a trace, and continued to greedily absorb the surrounding flames and explosions to form aftermath, and in a strange way, it gradually devoured and transformed the power that was enough to destroy the world.

The fire that was originally enough to cover the entire asteroid was condensed into a tiny red dot within half a minute, and was swallowed by a tall black shadow in an instant.

The figure was as black as ink, standing there quietly, as if all the disasters that happened before had nothing to do with him.

Everything around him suddenly fell into silence again. Everyone couldn't imagine that there was still someone who could withstand the terrifying explosion shock wave just now. They looked at the black shadow with more caution.

Gauss took a few steps forward, protecting James and Mirror Knight behind him, and asked carefully: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Dudu, Zhiton, Zhiton! (Don't talk about that, come and move it quickly!)"

"Zhiton Zhiton! (Taro's grandson is really too heavy!)"

Instantly, the surroundings seemed to be quieter.

Emerana immediately burst into tears of joy and asked quickly: "Are you Bai Ye? How did you become like this?"

Bai Ye's mouth twitched helplessly: "The fire is too big, I can't be roasted black!"

For a while, there was a dead silence around.

Hyper Jetton, so terrifying!


In the capital of the Kingdom of Esmeralda.

A tranquility and peace once again enveloped the land, and everything seemed to have returned to calm.

The sun shone through the window lattice on the ground, forming mottled shadows of trees, which was particularly beautiful.

Zero's eye light slowly lit up, his head was splitting, and everything he saw in his vision was dizzy.

But even so, Zero still endured the discomfort and tried hard to recall what happened before, trying to make up for the blank in his memory.

He only remembered that he seemed to be pressed to the ground by the blackened Taro, and suffered from the erosion of a strange substance. After that, he could not remember anything. He only vaguely remembered that there was a black shadow before his consciousness completely disappeared.

"Cero, you finally woke up!"

A surprised voice came.

It was the voice of Senior Gaos, and Zero's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Under Gaos' caring eyes, he struggled to sit up and first looked around curiously.

There was a circle of mechanized buildings around, only a thick layer of air cushions were stuffed under Zero's buttocks, which seemed to be temporarily used for him to rest.

Seeing this, Gao Si smiled helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about it. The Kingdom of Esmeralda is still under reconstruction. This is the best living space we can give you."

Cero didn't care too much, but insisted on asking: "What happened?"

Gauss patted his shoulder gently, "Don't worry, your health is more important."

"At least for now, the matter has come to an end, and you are temporarily safe."

His tone was particularly gentle, but revealed a bit of firmness: "It's just... When you meet Bai Ye later, you should be more respectful."

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