I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 81 80 Surprise Appearance! Dark Lopus Cero

Chapter 81 80. Surprise appearance! Dark Lopsiro

"That is?!"

Bai Ye's expression condensed, and he suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

He had seen the black mist many times before, and almost every time it appeared, it announced the appearance of Beria in the future.

Can't get through it.

Before Baiye and the others could ask, Beria's sharp and piercing voice sounded again in the future: "Haha, that's so thoughtful. We even gathered them together to prevent me from looking for them one by one."


Zero's eyes were blazing, and he looked at Future Beria as if he wished he could just cut him into pieces.

The Mirror Knight standing next to him even exclaimed: "How could it be?"

This is his hometown Mirror Star. Why will Beria appear here in the future?

Bai Ye's head twitched, but he soon let it go.

Since Belial can think of invading the Kingdom of Esmeralda in the future, how could he turn a blind eye to the Mirror Star?

"Yo ho?"

Future Beria sneered, "Sero? I didn't expect you to be still alive."

Zero gritted his teeth and shouted coldly: "I will not die until you are brought to justice."

Future Beria laughed loudly when he heard this: "Okay, that's great. I like seeing you like this. But the opponent you have to deal with next is not me."


Zero was confused for a while, and everyone felt something was wrong.

"Let's try this. No matter how powerful the tiger is, it may not be able to defeat a pack of wolves!"

As Future Beria's voice faded away, figures emerged from the black mist. Strangely, the figures looked very similar to Zero.

Their body shape is almost the same as that of Ultra Warriors, but there is an aura of darkness and depravity lingering on their bodies. Being with them makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

Everyone seemed a little confused at this time, but Bai Ye had already called out the real names of those dark and strange beings for the first time: "Chiton! (Dark Lopus Sero)!"

At this moment, both Baiye and the Ultra warriors behind him immediately increased their vigilance.

Because the Dark Lopuseros who came out of the black mist were not just one or two people, but came in groups and in an endless stream.

Just a few seconds later, there were hundreds of Dark Lopuseros in front of everyone!

Their majestic bodies stood like hills, and each of them exuded a heart-stopping aura.

The scarlet blood eyes were full of bloodthirsty rage, looking at Bai Ye and others as if they wanted to devour them all.

Everyone looked ugly.

Although it is not clear how strong the other party is, the huge number alone is enough for them to drink a pot.

"Has it really changed?"

White ambition secretly said something was wrong. In the past life and future, the Belial Army was said to have created nearly a million Dark Lopseros, but basically all of them were sent to the Kingdom of Light.

As for the ending?

Basically, the entire army was wiped out, and only a few remnants of the army were scattered throughout the universe. Even by the time of Yin Ge III, they had not been completely wiped out.

Obviously, the future Beria in this life has absorbed this part of the experience and is not in a hurry to send his men to die in the Kingdom of Light universe.

Seeing this strange existence that looked similar to himself, Zero felt a little angry in his heart.

No one wants their image to be stolen by the enemy, right? Not to mention that Dark Lopsiro is also affiliated with the current biggest enemy of the entire Kingdom of Light - Future Ultraman Belial!

"You all, go to hell!"

Zero roared angrily, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body.

The dazzling light tore through the sky, and the next moment Cero flew away without hesitation, rushed into the piles of dark Lopus Cero, and immediately began to fight.

With Zello taking the lead, several people behind him also joined the battle group and started a desperate struggle with the surrounding dark Lopus Zero.

But even so, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

For a time, densely packed dark Lopuseros were flying in the sky like locusts, making people's scalp numb just by looking at them!

After just a few minutes.

After a period of fighting, everyone discovered the weakness of Dark Lopus Cerro in front of them - although it can replicate many of Cerro's basic abilities, because it is a mass-produced type, the strength of a single individual is not too strong.

Everyone used their own methods, and for a while, the flames and beams of light swept across the entire sky, quickly killing several Dark Lopuseros.

But even so, the pressure on everyone's shoulders still has not been relieved at all.

The dark Lopuseros that emerged in patches seemed to be endless, relying on their huge numbers to surround Bai Ye and others, even covering the light in the sky, making the surroundings dark.

Seeing that their side seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire, and more and more dark Lopseros were rushing forward, Bai Ye and others' expressions became a little solemn.

Even though they have absolute strength to suppress the opponent now, there are too many people who can't hold the opponent back, and there is not much energy left in the three Ultra Warriors. If they continue to be consumed, the ability to transform will no longer exist. .

So if this continues, they will definitely lose!

A flash of anxiety flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and after a brief thought, he immediately made the most rational decision.

The next moment, Bai Ye first blasted the Dark Lopus Cero in front of him away with a palm, then turned to look at Gauss and others beside him: "Dudu, Zhiton Zhiton. (You retreat first, I'll guard here first!)"

He probably guessed the real purpose of the future Belia. I'm afraid that these difficult Dark Lopus Cero are not the main course this time, but are just used to consume their energy.

I'm afraid the real threat is still hidden in the endless black fog!

Gauss was somewhat surprised when he heard this, but he still responded solemnly: "No, how can we leave you here and ignore you?"

Mirror Knight nodded solemnly, with a death determination in his eyes: "This is the Mirror Star, the place where I was born and raised. Even if I die here, I don't want to live alone!"

Everyone's eyes were slightly moistened when they heard this, and Bai Ye's calm mentality was also ignited.

Even so, Hakuno shook his head firmly: "Zhiton Zhiton, Zhiton. (If you don't want to fall into the trap of the future Belia, then listen to me.)"

Seeing him like this, Gao Si and others showed some hesitation in their eyes, and their faces were slightly silent.

Letting a monster to cover their backs, the Ultra Warriors really felt guilty.

Especially Dyna, who still hadn't reconciled with Hakuno, looked at Hakuno with mixed emotions.

For some reason, Hakuno even vaguely had the meaning of a spiritual leader among them.


"Zhiton, Zhiton! (Don't hesitate, you won't be able to leave if you hesitate any longer!)"

Hakuno's impassioned voice sounded again, causing a wave of waves in everyone's hearts.

Emerana opened her mouth to speak, her lips moved slightly, but in the end she still didn't speak.

Gao Si and others looked at each other, but didn't say anything after all. Although they were full of emotion, they finally chose to leave together.

Just as Bai Ye said, if they were really dragged to death by these robots, they would have no chance to turn things around in the future!

Watching the disappearing backs of the people, Bai Ye raised a faint smile, turned his head and looked at the dark Lopus Cero around him, but couldn't help but sneer

"Zhidun Zhidun, Zhidun! (You bunch of trash want to trap me, don't even think about it!)"

The next moment, the sky was full of flames, like a solid cage covering the entire world!

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