I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 23 You Have Someone on Your Back

Hearing the sound of the iron door being opened on the second floor, the three of them looked at each other.

There are only three of them here, and the sculptures downstairs should not come up without lights.

Although some windows are broken, the iron door on the second floor is a side-pull type, and no matter how strong the wind is, it cannot be opened.

No doubt, someone opened the door on the second floor?

Ji Han made a gesture of silence and gestured for everyone to step back.

The three quietly walked through the bookshelf, then circled around the outside of the bookshelf, and slowly came to the side of the iron gate on the second floor, wanting to see what was coming in.

But looking from this side, the front of the iron gate is empty and there is nothing.

"Brother Ji, why is there nothing?"

"Shh, go and have a look."

Ji Han gestured to Song Qian, and the two slowly moved over, one left and one right.

The iron door has been fully opened, but there is nothing around it.

Song Qian even lowered her head to check the footprints, only the three of them, and no new footprints appeared.

This place has been deserted for a long time, the ground is full of dust, if someone comes in, they will definitely leave footprints.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Chen Ke boldly walked over.

"How? Still haven't found it?"

Song Qian shook her head: "There are no footprints on the ground, so nothing should have come in."

"Huh? But what's going on with this door?"

Ji Han didn't understand, and scratched his head.

"If it's not that the iron door is broken or something that doesn't touch the ground comes in, then someone from upstairs came down and opened the door and left."

"Come down and open the door before leaving? Brother Ji, no one would do this kind of prank in such a weird place, right?"

Chen Ke said and turned to look outside the door.

But there was really nothing outside, and the inside of the corridor was empty.

Could it be that the one upstairs really opened the door and ran up again?

Just as Chen Ke turned around.

Both Ji Han and Song Qian subconsciously took a big step back.

Because they saw that there was a person lying on Chen Ke's back!

It's not so much a person, it's better to say it's a big black thing, like a black windbreaker draped over Chen Ke's back.

But Chen Ke didn't notice it at all.

He was still looking at the corridor by himself.

Seeing this scene, both Song Qian and Ji Han were startled, and subconsciously took a step back.

Chen Ke turned his head and saw Ji Han and Song Qian suddenly looking at him nervously, and looked at him curiously.

"What's the matter with you? Is there a problem?"

Just as Song Qian was about to say something, Ji Han stopped her and said:

"No, no, we think it's better to search every row of bookshelves. You just stand there and look at the door."

Song Qian understood, knowing that Ji Han was afraid that telling Chen Ke that there was something on his back would hurt him or startle him.

Chen Ke was a little confused and didn't understand what Ji Han and Song Qian meant, but he still stood obediently.

The two first turned around and looked at each other's backs to confirm that neither of them was glued to that thing.

Only then did Ji Han make a gesture, instructing Song Qian and himself to outflank them, go to Chen Ke and attack the things behind them.

Seeing the two walking towards him, Chen Ke didn't understand what was going on.

Ji Han made individual gestures.

1, 2, 3!

Song Qian grabbed Chen Ke's shoulder and pressed it down. Ji Han took out a Troodon switchblade and pointed it at his back.

But at this moment, there was nothing on Chen Ke's back.

"What are you doing? Damn!"

Chen Ke was in a daze, and felt stumbled before he finished speaking.

It was as if something grabbed my leg with great force and pulled Chen Ke out directly.

Song Qian and Ji Han didn't react either,

Unable to hold Chen Ke down in time, Chen Ke flew out of the door and slid up the stairs.

The flashlight showed it, and there was a huge black figure at the end of the stairs outside the door, pulling Chen Ke upstairs.

The two hurriedly took out their weapons and chased them out.

Chen Ke didn't understand what happened at all, and his body fell directly on the stairs, and he was still sliding. In his panic, he had nothing to grab at hand, and the stairs were still hurting him.

[Optional mission: support teammates]

[Task reward: 2000 yuan]

This game sucks! Poor Chen Ke, you have depreciated, it was worth 5000 before!

Ji Han shouted: "Hands protect your head!"

Although the black shadow was very fast, but with Chen Ke behind it, the speed could not be increased.

As soon as he reached the third floor, he was caught up by Song Qian and Ji Han.

The two first grabbed Chen Ke's shoulders, and Song Qian raised her gun and shot at the black figure in front of her.

"Bang bang bang!"

But three bullets went right through the shadow, shattering the glass behind the window.

Seeing that the pistol attack was ineffective, Ji Han took out the Troodon switchblade and was about to throw it out.

[Throwing aiming system activated: Please aim at the object to be attacked with the red circle]

Ji Han didn't dare to raise his aiming position, but threw it towards the lower half of the shadow.

It's not kindness, but it's because I'm afraid that knives will fly out of the window. After all, losing a weapon is the same as losing money now.

With a "clang", the switchblade was nailed deeply to the window sill.

Surprisingly, the black shadow also hit the window sill with the knife.

Knives work on that thing!

The black shadow suddenly made a "hissing" sound, and then crawled out from the shattered glass like a pool of black mud.

The dragging force on Chen Ke's legs also disappeared.

Regardless of the injury on his body, Chen Ke just stood up and asked:

"What the hell is going on? What was that just now?"

Only then did the two tell him what they had just seen with a black shadow on his back.

"Fuck, why don't you just tell me?"

"It's not because I'm afraid that that thing can understand, because I'm afraid that he will hold you hostage."

With lingering fear, Chen Ke checked to see if he still had that thing on him.

Song Qian carefully found a few long strands of hair on Chen Ke's back.

Panting heavily, Chen Ke looked at his hair and still laughed at himself:

"What? Did the monster lose its hair? The monsters in the other world are under so much pressure?"

Chen Ke found that what was wrapped around his leg was also a lock of hair. Fortunately, it was wrapped around his pants. If it were wrapped around his leg, he would probably have been strangled by now.

Ji Han walked over and pulled out the switchblade on the window sill, a few hairs were also wrapped around it.

"The monster just now may be a big pile of hair, which is why the small bullet penetrated directly, but the switchblade nailed it."

He looked out of the window again to make sure that there was no trace of that big black shadow, and then Ji Han walked back.

"So that lump of hair walks without footprints and sounds, everyone be careful."

"Brother Ji, thank you so much just now."

"What nonsense, if I'm trapped, just remember to save me."

Song Qianxin said: Will you be trapped?

From using a flashlight to attract the sculpture to get the key, and now saving Chen Ke with a knife, we can see that we are not at the same level as you.

Looking at the pensive Ji Han, Chen Ke also thought the same.

At this moment, Ji Han frowned, thinking about one thing.

The previous reward for rescuing teammates was still 5000, why is the reward only 2000 this time? Could it be that Chen Ke's situation is not critical enough?

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