Looking at the words on the ground, the wizard A Yue also fell into panic, maybe thinking that he had harmed those people.

However, General Chu also wrote very clearly that they already knew something about this place before coming down, so their sacrifice had nothing to do with Ayue.

Seeing General Chu patting the sorceress A Yue gently, as if to comfort her, and remembering that he had saved A Yue several times in previous battles, Ji Han became interested in gossip again.

Written on the ground:

"You didn't report to the King of Chu because you were afraid that A Yue's identity would be discovered. Then she would not be able to escape the death penalty, right? Do you like A Yue?"

General Chu waved his hands when he saw the writing on the ground, but Ji Han felt that his panicked look spoke volumes.

A Yue also turned his head, but this time his movements were not as cold as before.

After having a rough understanding of the situation, Ji Han breathed a sigh of relief, and felt tired. He was indeed a little tired.

Although I haven't looked for an exit yet, at dawn the canyon outside has been sealed, and I can't get out even if there is an exit.

Moreover, he was really tired this night, so Ji Han decided to rest for a while before getting up to find a way out.

I took out the sleeping bag I had prepared and found a fairly flat and dry place.

"I'm going to rest for a while. You two...just please do as you please. We probably won't be able to go out until dark until dark. Just tell me what you need."

The two of them looked at the words on the ground and nodded. Ji Han felt more at ease with them. Anyway, he still had Corpse Blood Nematodes in his body, so he probably wouldn't do anything harmful to him.

When Ji Han woke up again, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Feeling a lot more relaxed, I turned on my flashlight and looked around, but I couldn't find General Chu and the sorceress A Yue.

Just as he was about to get up and call them two, he heard the sound of water not far behind him.

I took a flashlight and took a photo, and found that the previous pond flowed into a large pit on the side of the road due to the two inversions of the world.

At the edge of the pit, General Chu was sitting with his back against the pond, wiping the Zhenyue Sword in his hand.

In the pond behind him, Ah Yue had taken off his clothes and took a bath in the pond to remove the black stains on his body.

Good guys, they watch each other take a shower. It seems that the previous conflicts between the two people have been resolved, and they always feel like they are eating dog food.

Ji Han took out some simple toiletries from the equipment in the car and handed them to the two of them. This could be regarded as allowing the deceased to dress up before being buried.

Seeing that the two of them had finished sorting things out, Ji Han went over again. Before he could ask, General Chu changed the subject and praised Ji Han's Zhenyue Sword.

Ji Hanxin said that if he was told that this was the sword of Li Mu of Zhao State, he didn't know if he would recognize it.

"The key lies in the person who uses it. Your swordsmanship is much better than mine. Remember to teach me when you go out."

You have to spend money to learn skills from games. Aren’t there ready-made teachers? If you don't use it, you won't use it.

General Chu did not refuse. Ji Han then remembered to ask General Chu for his name. He carved two words neatly on the ground:


It would be dark in more than an hour. Ji Han asked A Yue on the ground:

"Ah Yue, since you know this place better, do you know how to get out?"

A Yue's answer made Ji Han a little disappointed.

"I know that I heard it from the elders before, but they have never come in. I didn't plan to get out alive, so there was no way to search for it in advance."

A Yue rolled his eyes and wrote another string of words on the ground, but Ji Han had seen this string of words before. It was exactly what was written on one of the stone pillars of the big black chimney:

Those who want to come in may not be able to.

Those who want to get out will be able to get out.

It is not allowed to be spread within the clan, and people from outside the clan are not allowed to be brought in. At this time Zhang Si

Ji Han explained:

"I've seen these before, but I haven't understood the reason behind them. Let's go and have a look first. Maybe the exit is in the previous pond."

The three of them came to the place where they came in together. According to Ji Han's speculation when he first came in, the world was upside down and up was down, so the exit should be at his feet.

The water in the pond has been turned upside down twice, but the three people did not find any entrance at the bottom of the pond. The entire bottom of the pond is full of stones.

Jingyang pointed to the top of his head, feeling that the exit might be on top. Although Ji Han had looked at it before and found no exit, he still released his demonic tentacles and climbed up to take a look.

As a result, I actually found something above the pond. It was not an exit, but an open door carved on it.

The strokes and lines are very simple.

Ji Han pushed hard and found that it was carved on a whole piece of stone. There was no mechanism or any holes.

The most important thing is that he is on the ceiling. According to Qiankun's speculation, he should be facing the ground. Even if he really pushes it open, it cannot be the door to go out.

But judging from the depth of the pond I fell into when I came in, it seemed like it was just right to get down from this position.

Ji Han used demonic tentacles to pull up Jingyang and Ayue, but there was nothing they could do about the false door carved into the stone on the ceiling.

Back at the pond, the three of them also began to think about what the problem was. strong sacrifice reading sacrifice

It's already 6:30 outside now, it must be dark, and the canyon should be out, but there is no change here.

Logically speaking, since he has the divine pillar, he should be able to get out easily, but now he is actually trapped here.

Jingyang was looking for clues in the four lines of text A Yue had just written on the ground.

Those who want to come in may not be able to come in because the canyon blocks the door.

Those who want to get out will be able to get out. It should be that the method of getting out is actually not difficult.

This secret cannot be told to outsiders, nor can outsiders be brought in, which means that anyone can use it and know it at a glance.

Looking at the results analyzed by Jingyang, Ji Han still had no thoughts.

A Yue slowly drew the door he just saw on the ceiling on the ground, hoping to find clues from it.

Ji Han was a little upset, because there were only a few days before the time he agreed with the captain, Ethan, and the others, and he still needed to go out in advance to prepare for the things from the Consciousness Only Society.

If he were locked up here like this, it would really be over.

Jingyang and Ayue came over and patted Ji Han's shoulders, trying to comfort him. They had a good impression of Ji Han in the past two days.

Ji Han knew that he had to calm down first, otherwise he would not be able to think at all. Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

Looking at the stone door drawn by A Yue on the ground, Ji Han still had no idea and couldn't help but lower his head and punch the door.

I just wanted to vent, but I didn't expect that the stone door drawn on the ground would be opened with one punch.

Ji Han almost fell down, but fortunately Jingyang beside him reacted quickly and reached out to catch him.

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