Liu Dan fell asleep before he could figure out how he was tricked.

Almost as soon as Liu Dan teleported away, Cui Feng noticed it and shouted:

"Ji Mo?"

When he turned on the light again, he was the only one left in the room.

He didn't detect any signs of supernatural powers and no one came, so how could Ji Mo disappear into thin air?

Just below the second team's building, Carol sneaked into the third team's building and was hiding in the bathroom. When she saw the message from Gemini, a smile appeared on her lips.

It was a little different from what I expected, but fortunately I completed the task.

Originally, he wanted to weave a nightmare in which the escort team from another world was attacked, and then he dressed up as Ji Han and guided Liu Dan to teleport him to Song Qian's home.

Fortunately, just in case, I asked that person to help implant a subconscious mind:

Dreams have a range of influence, and Song Qian's family is the safest.

Because if Liu Dan teleports directly to the commander's room, all his efforts will be wasted.

Although the implanted subconscious mind cannot function as a hypnotic command, it is difficult for people to make accurate judgments in dreams.

In most cases, subconscious actions are followed.

And at the critical moment when he was about to fall, this subconscious line implanted in Ji Mo's mind did play a key role.

Liu Dan was induced to teleport to Song Qian's home, where the Gemini brothers had been waiting for a long time.

Carol said in her heart that it was just herself. If someone else used strange powers in this building, they would definitely be discovered by the captain.

For Carol, dreaming is more of a talent than a superpower. After all, no one will notice anything unusual just because someone is dreaming.

At this moment, Carol suddenly felt a powerful power, and then an alarm sounded outside.

You have to leave quickly, being discovered by that old man is no joke.

Thinking of Carol, she quickly ran out of the bathroom of the third team building.

The powerful ability that Carol felt came from the captain.

At this time, the captain also arrived at the second team building, and Cui Feng reported the unexpected situation to him.

The sounding alarm also attracted Captain Jiang Lan, who was on patrol, and several team members following him.

"Captain, what happened?"

"Ji Han's sister is missing. Did you see anyone suspicious during your patrol?"

The captain guessed that Liu Dan must have used the space power to teleport herself away, but why did she teleport herself away quietly in the early morning?

Cui Feng also felt that someone had intruded and hurriedly warned:

"Captain Jiang Lan, please lead the team down quickly to inspect each floor. I'll go find Captain Ding An to see if there is anything unusual there."


Jiang Lan was about to leave with his team when the captain suddenly called him.

"Wait a minute, Jiang Lan, are these all members of your fifth team?"

"Of course, Captain."

The captain did not ask Jiang Lan anymore, but turned to ask the last team member who had his head lowered:

"So, can you tell me what your name is?"

Before the last team member could speak, her phone vibrated.

Almost at the same time, Cui Feng's cell phone rang, and it was Ding An's call.

After clicking call, a reminder from Ding An came out:

"Five minutes ago, a message was sent to a strange mobile phone in the building. The message was to evacuate as soon as possible. I have already called that mobile phone. The phone that is ringing now is the one you are ringing. Look for it quickly."

In the silent corridor, although Ding An's voice was not loud, it could still be heard by Cui Feng and the captain.

Cui Feng stepped forward and tried to catch the member of the fake team 5 at the back, but that guy was not slow at all and quickly jumped away to distance himself.

It was a woman with curly brown hair. Although she was wearing the uniform of the fifth team of the Alien Guards, her face was very unfamiliar.

Cui Feng shouted:

"Who are you! Where did you take Ji Mo?"

The woman smiled and said:

"Do you really think I can tell you that's why you ask?"

Just as Cui Feng was about to step forward, Jiang Lan suddenly stopped him and said:

"Wait a minute, Captain Cui Feng, please hand this person over to me. I didn't notice the abnormality of my subordinates. I have to deal with it myself."

Before Cui Feng could reply, Jiang Lan had already rushed forward.

Cui Feng wanted to turn around and ask the captain, but the captain made a silent gesture.

As Jiang Lan came closer, a stream of white smoke also emerged from around his body. In the blink of an eye, five or six Jiang Lan had emerged from the white smoke.

Cui Feng knew that Captain Jiang Lan's superpower was clouds and mist. Not only could he use it to create clones to enhance his abilities, but he could also make the opponent fall into an illusion caused by the clouds and mist.

The brown-haired woman blocked from left to right, but her fists were no match for her four hands. Moreover, the smoke was full of voids and solids, and she soon began to retreat.

Just when the woman was struggling to defend herself, Jiang Lan pierced the smoke with her kick, kicked the woman far away, and hit the wall on the other side.

There was almost no pause. Before the woman could recover, the floating smoke gradually condensed on Jiang Lan's right fist.

There was a sudden blow, with a "boom" sound, but Jiang Lan's attack did not hit the woman, but hit the wall next to her.

A big hole was blown out of the wall, and the clouds condensed in his hands suddenly spread out, almost submerging the entire floor.

No one could react to the sudden change, and everyone's eyes were filled with a vast expanse of white.

At this moment, Jiang Lan grabbed the woman and was about to escape through the hole blasted in the wall, but at this moment, the two of them suddenly felt a tightening in their shoulders.

The familiar voice of the captain came from behind:

"The play is over? Where are you going? Have you asked me?"

As he spoke, he turned around and threw the two of them onto the stone pillar behind him.

The captain turned around and stood in front of the hole Jiang Lan had just bombarded and said:

"I have noticed something is wrong since I just discovered that one of the members of your fifth team is an imposter. You, Jiang Lan, are not blind enough to not notice it. If you don't notice it, it means there is something wrong with both of you."

Although they were just grabbing and throwing away, a big hole had been burned through the clothes on their shoulders.

Jiang Lan smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"The captain is still the captain, and he didn't even escape like this."

Only then did Cui Feng react and hurriedly led the team members who were also in disbelief to surround them to prevent the two from escaping again.

The captain was not in a hurry:

"But I still don't understand. You have passed all the inspections during this period, so I still can't understand why you are colluding with people like them. This is not like you."

Hearing the captain's doubts, Jiang Lan laughed even louder, as if his usual elegant expression was completely gone.

"Hey hey hey hey, I am so lucky to be able to make the captain confused. In fact, the reason is very simple. The person you see is Jiang Lan, and the person standing in front of you now is not him, or it is not him. His personality.”

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