I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 602 Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees

Latest website: Looking at a basin of water suddenly turning red, Ji Han didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Song Qian pulled Ji Han back, and everyone also moved back a little.

Just when Ji Han was wondering what he was doing, a bloody arm suddenly stretched out from the red liquid in the basin.

This time, Ji Han really didn't expect it and was shocked.

However, Ji Han immediately discovered that the water in the basin did not fluctuate.

This is not a real or water arm, this is just an image.

"Is this fake? How did you do it?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"It looks like a small full-scale image. I don't know how it was done. We were also scared by this arm just now."

Seeing everyone gathering together again, Ji Han knew that there should be no such scary things behind him, so he joined in.

I saw the bloody arm slowly falling, and the perspective in the water above the space-time compass frame slowly opened.

What comes into view is a dense forest, but it is obviously different from the tropical rain forest. It should be a temperate or subtropical area.

The owner of that arm was a man covered in blood, and the clothes he was wearing were very simple. From the style of his hair and clothes, it was obvious that this guy was a stand-up man.

At this time, he didn't know what frightened him, and he was throwing the cloth strip to the tree with trembling hands. The arm he just saw was his hand throwing the cloth strip.

But because I was nervous, I threw the cloth several times before finally throwing it up.

Seeing the guy buckle the cloth strip thrown up, Ji Han seemed to understand what he was going to do?

Sure enough, after testing whether the cloth strips and trees could restrain him, the man stretched his neck in through the trunk of the tree, and was instantly hung up as soon as his feet came loose.

Immediately afterwards, the man's body began to tumble unconsciously driven by his survival instinct, but there was nothing to grab around.

Ji Hanxin said that although searching for the time ring and the divine pillar may be different, the information recorded here should be related to the location or situation. Why did he come up alone, and he committed suicide.

This shows that the recording method of the time ring should be different from that of the divine pillar. Even if something is recorded, it seems that it will not be discovered by the person involved.

Thinking about it, he said to himself:

"He's committing suicide? It looks like he's afraid of something? But what's more terrifying than death?"

As he said this, he looked back to see what everyone thought. After all, they had already seen this image.

Unexpectedly, Eggplant pouted and pointed at the screen, as if he wanted to say that the answer was behind it.

Ji Han just glanced back. When he turned around, the man was still struggling, and the range of his movements was very small. It seemed that he was severely deprived of oxygen.

But then the man's body suddenly sank and fell to the ground. At first, Ji Han thought something had hit him, but then he saw several leaves falling from his head and several broken roots. of branches.

It seems that the excessive weight of his body broke the hanging branch above his head.

The space-time compass frame should not be able to record sound, otherwise you should have heard a "click" just now.

This guy really saved his life.

After the man landed, he couldn't help coughing and gasping for air. It was obvious that he had been choked hard just now.

After taking a few breaths and regaining consciousness, the man pulled off the cloth around his neck, stood up with support on the tree trunk and looked up, as if to see why the branches above were broken.

But at this moment, a branch tied with cloth suddenly fell vertically from the sky, and the sharp bottom of the branch pierced directly into the man's right eye.

This was extremely sudden and silent. Not to mention the person involved, even Ji Han's eyes widened.

Before the man could scream, his body was pressed to his knees and motionless. Blood kept pouring out along the wounds made by the branches. It could be seen that the branches stabbed down directly penetrated his eyeballs. Brain, otherwise it would be impossible to die so quickly.

For a moment, Ji Han didn't know what to say. He failed to hang himself, but was stabbed to death by a branch he pulled down.

Putting aside whether you should be happy for this man or not, the probability is too small.

As the man died, the image in the basin began to change, and the perspective gradually extended back from the man's body.

At this time, you can see the endless woods behind him, and there are long blood trails on the ground. It seems that this man fled here and prepared to commit suicide, but he encountered an accident.

But this time, as the perspective zoomed in, the forest scenery became much more detailed.

The first thing Ji Han noticed was that there seemed to be a man's body in the woods. He could vaguely see figures around him, some hanging and others lying beside the trees.

Is this place a public suicide site? Where did so many dead people come from?

Then the perspective slowly advanced, and trees and corpses passed around.

It did look a bit shocking. Xiao Jimo frowned and said:

"The next section is full of scenes in this forest."

Ji Hanxin said that if he had known that the picture was so bloody, he would not have allowed Ji Mo to participate in the search.

While the scene in the picture was still composed of trees and dead bodies, Chen Ke explained:

"Brother Ji, you also noticed that the first person who died was Li Renren, right? And those corpses that can be seen clearly can be judged to be Li Renren.

Coupled with this vast forest and a large number of corpses, I have just confirmed the most likely location with everyone. "

"Oh? So fast? Where did you come from in Liben?"

It usually takes a long time to confirm the location, but this time Chen Ke got the answer so quickly, so he was probably very confident.

"At the foot of Mount Fuji, Yamanashi Prefecture, Aokigahara sea of ​​trees."

The place Chen Ke was talking about, he only knew "Mount Fuji". As for the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees, this was the first time he heard about it.

"Aokigahara Shuhai, how do you judge? Will you be able to see Mount Fuji soon?"

Chen Ke explained:

“In the later clips, we did see a high mountain similar to Mount Fuji, but the most important thing is this forest. There are too many dead people in it, and a large part of them committed suicide.

Only Aokigahara Jukai can do this in Tatemoto. It is the largest suicide forest in Tatemoto. From the 1950s to the present, there have been more than 500 suicides in it.

Although some people say that this is due to the influence of Matsumoto Seicho's "The Deserted Sea of ​​Trees", which is why there is a strange trend of suicide in the sea of ​​trees, but the number of deaths is really exaggerated.

According to residents living nearby, they can even hear the sound of ropes rubbing together in the middle of the night and can see ghost figures wandering in the forest. "

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