I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 633 The Art of 5-Sense Sealing

Latest website: Ji Han scanned it twice and confirmed that Yamada's body no longer showed the Soul Eater status before releasing the devil's tentacles.

"Song Qian, do these talismans work?"

Song Qian nodded and said:

"No problem, this is A Yue's five-sense sealing technique. The original method of use is to seal the dying person with these talismans, so that the soul cannot come out after death, and the person will never be reincarnated.

These talisman barriers can ensure that no soul body will enter. "

Chen Ke complained:

"Damn it, their nation has some weird tricks, each one is more destructive than the other."

Seeing that there was no problem here, Qiezi came over with the little boy, Ji Mo and Liu Dan in his arms.

"Ji Han, what on earth is going on?"

Although the fight just now didn't last long, it took a lot of energy to punch to the flesh.

Ji Han took off the Yanmo Fist Blade and replied with a heavy breath:

"I know the ability of Yamada Isseven. His ability is to absorb and use other people's souls and transform them into abilities or other means.

But if he uses up all the absorbed souls, including his own soul, he will become the state we saw above: a dead corpse.

That's why I just said that he absorbed some soul bodies while he was checking up there, and then he was resurrected and turned into a monster searching for soul bodies everywhere. "

Eggplant suddenly realized:

"No wonder Ishikawa Cheng said that this guy can get here. As long as there is someone around Yamada, he can ensure his absolute safety by sucking the souls of the people around him.

What he brought with him was not subordinates at all, but food that could be used at any time.

That's why he led so many people into the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees, and did not shrink back because someone died, because he felt that as long as there were living people in this village, he would not have any problems. "

Chen Ke replied:

"It's almost like a dementor. But when he got here, he found that there were no living people in the village. It's really ironic when you think about it."

Ji Han speculated:

"That's probably what happened, but this guy didn't give up, and continued to search the village with his guards until there was no one available around him.

But he had already arrived at this ancient well, so he chose to make a desperate move and directly transform his soul, but it seemed that he failed in the end. "

Ji Hanxin said that if he had followed the advice of the game and sealed the body in a body bag when he saw it, there might not have been so many things.

When he looked up, he saw the little boy in Eggplant's arms looking at the body on the ground in horror.

Ji Han raised his eyes and looked at the little boy. Song Qian immediately understood and stepped forward to ask:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's fine. Do you know him?"

The little boy thought for a moment and then shook his head.

Ji Han couldn't see anything wrong with the little boy's demeanor, and wondered whether this child was really frightened. Everyone in his village died, so it was possible that he was stunned.

After thinking about it, he stood up and said:

"Okay, let's move on first. The Shihuan should be behind this pile of rubble, right?"

At this time, Ji Mo reached out and lowered everyone's flashlights and reminded:

"Look at the cracks in the rubble, there seems to be light coming through."

When everyone came in just now, it was obviously pitch dark without any light.

Eggplant guessed:

"That place seems to have been created by Ji Han when you were kicked over just now. It seems that the pile of rubble is not very deep. It should be no problem for everyone to dig out the cave with bare hands."

Everyone came together and didn't know what the light behind the rubble was, so they didn't act rashly, but carefully moved the rocks away bit by bit.

In order not to block the evacuation route or cause a secondary collapse, everyone piled all the stones next to the "Black River".

The little boy who drank a whole bottle of water and ate several pieces of beef jerky saw everyone moving away the rocks and followed behind to help.

Strangely enough, the little boy didn't know his name or the actual identities of Ji Han and the others, but he wasn't afraid at all.

Even Eggplant was a little surprised and said:

"This little guy is really good. He's not afraid of life at all."

Chen Ke joked:

"I guess before he lost his memory, he was probably a little bit of a social nerd."

Ji Mo was very emotional:

"I think it's good that he has lost his memory like this. He has forgotten the tragedy that happened in his village, and he has suffered a lot less pain."

The little boy was wearing Chen Ke's coat, which looked very baggy. Although he couldn't understand what Ji Han and the others were talking about, he would smile politely whenever anyone looked at him.

Soon everyone moved away all the rubble above, revealing a simple cave with only a few dozen square meters as far as the eye could see.

There was nothing else placed in the cave. There was only a stone platform near the interior. There was something on the stone platform that emitted a soft white light.

That kind of light is the same as the white light illuminated by the space-time compass frame before.

Chen Ke said excitedly:

"found it!"

As soon as everyone was about to step in, Ji Han stretched out his hand to stop everyone.

"Wait a minute. I'd better go in first to check the situation. If there's no problem, I'll talk about it."

There are only a few dozen square meters inside, and you can see everything at a glance. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with it, so everyone knows that the problem Ji Han mentioned is definitely not here.

Eggplant asked:

"you mean?"

"Whether it's the time ring, the Dracula family, or the handling of the catastrophe, these are all told to us by others, and I always feel like I'm being led by the nose.

And this is the first time ring, so I will go in first to find out the situation. "

Song Qian heard the suggestion and said:

"Brother Han, let me go with you then!"

"No, just wait for me here. Anyway, there is no problem if you want to cover at this distance."

Of course, everyone believed in Ji Han unconditionally, so they helped him guard the entrance of the cave.

In order to confirm the truth, Ji Han took the space-time compass frame from Song Qian and carefully walked into the cave under everyone's gaze.

In fact, Ji Han also had some small thoughts of his own, just to see if Huan had anything to do with the game at this time.

After all, I am a gamer, and the four time guardians know a lot more than me. I do believe them, and there are letters left by my future self, but I still want to try my best to learn more about the real situation.

I walked slowly to the stone platform, but nothing happened around me.

Sure enough, there was a beautifully carved luminous jade ring lying flat on the stone platform. It was much larger than a jade bracelet and just a little smaller than the space-time compass stand.


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