I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 826 Qionglou Yuyu

Latest website: The four people dragged the little yellow duck inflatable sphere ashore. When they went back, they didn’t know whether they should take this road again. If they still went back along the waterway, they couldn’t lose this set of equipment.

There is a hard stone pavement under their feet. Although the patterns on it can no longer be seen clearly, the regular inlay between the stones still allows the four people to judge that this place is also artificially designed.

Looking back, even in the dark, the waterfall falling from a height of nearly twenty meters is still very spectacular.

Judging from the amount of water, I'm afraid all the surrounding groundwater is collected here.

But it may be a little difficult to return from the original route.

Not to mention the bloodthirsty sparganids that were manipulating human heads that we just saw in the lake, it is not easy to climb back to the waterfall.

But since this place was designed by someone, there should still be a safe way in and out.

Ji Han and the others walked along the stone platform. Relying on the light of their flashlights, they could vaguely see what seemed to be a building in front of them.

Eggplant fired another flare at the right time. Although he couldn't see the details of the building ahead, he still tried his best to avoid it based on its approximate location.

If it were a wooden tower, a flare would be enough to burn it down.

Ji Han is not that worried. After all, if it can exist here for so long, it must not be made of ordinary materials.

As the dazzling white light exploded not far above their heads, a huge tall building made of bluestone appeared in front of Ji Han and the others.

Unlike the reinforced concrete buildings of the future, this one is actually made of bluestone strips of almost the same material.

There are five floors from top to bottom, and the bluestone looks crystal clear under the white light of the flare.

It looks like a tower carved out of jade. Wherever you look, you don't see any trace of wood. Even the doors and windows are all a uniform cyan color.

Although the shape is very similar to the pagodas in the Central Plains region, the details are very Western-style.

"Qionglou Yuyu is really not just joking."

Along the way here, Ji Han thought he had seen quite a few ancient buildings, including the Liu Family Ancient Building and the Kunlun Mountain Snow Palace.

But the building in front of me still left a deep impression on me. It was completely made of bluestone. Not to mention back then, even now, with the help of many large-scale machines, it probably couldn't be done easily.

At first, Ji Han thought there might be the ancient tomb of the Queen Mother of the West, or some underground civilization of that era.

But when he saw the jade-like tower in front of him, he couldn't confirm it.

Why on earth did so much effort be spent on building such a jade pagoda here?

Chen Ke took a few steps forward, observed the layout on both sides of the Jade Tower, frowned and said:

"Maybe this is really the residence of the Queen Mother of the West."

Song Qian asked:

"How can you tell?"

"According to legend, the Queen Mother of the West lived in Wenfengfan in the Hanging Garden on the top of Kunlun Mountain. It was surrounded by Yaochi on the left, green water on the right, and a peach garden behind it. Looking at the layout here and the scene we saw outside, although I dare not say It’s completely consistent, but it’s also like 80% to 90%, maybe there really is some elixir in it that can make people live forever.”….

Eggplant grinned and said:

"Do you believe in that kind of mythical story? Besides characters from myths and legends, are there any other success stories?"

Chen Ke said seriously:

"Brother Qie, if you are asking this, it is true. It was King Zhou Mu who came to see the young Queen Mother of the West as I told you before. At that time, King Zhou Mu actually lived for more than 100 years. People have to wonder whether the Queen Mother of the West is I secretly taught him some methods of immortality."

Ji Han had also heard of many myths and legends about people seeking the elixir of immortality from the Queen Mother of the West. Could it be that those people came all the way to this place to seek the elixir?

Queen Mother of the West is really a socially fearful woman.

Ji Han took out the space-time compass again, and the mark on it was the top of the tower.

() No wonder the marks given before were always forward, but everyone went all the way down. It turned out that they would continue to go up in the end.

The flare slowly went out, and everything in front of him shrank into darkness again.

Song Qian swung the lighting rod towards the important marking points she had just memorized. This would allow the light to illuminate the Jade Tower in front of her as evenly as possible.

The four of them walked forward slowly. After seeing the blood-thorn ball and the female corpse just now, everyone became much more cautious.

No matter what the purpose of this place is, the facilities and mechanisms inside are probably not welcoming to outsiders.

The four of them stepped on the three long steps and arrived at the high platform at the same height as the Jade Tower.

Before they could move any further, Eggplant stopped everyone:

"Hey, wait a minute, look at the ground."

I saw a few stones thrown irregularly on the neatly arranged bluestone bricks in front.

Maybe the place we just walked through was too clean, and the brown and red stones were too conspicuous on the blue bricks, which gave people a different sense of violation.

Looking up, the invisible dome showed no sign of collapse, and the stones falling from that height would not be so regular.

Those stones are not from here, someone must have thrown them on them.

And if you throw stones at the blue bricks in a place like this, it's unlikely that someone has ever played lattice jumping.

Ji Han took out the protective ball, turned around and said:

"Chen Ke, try it."

Chen Ke understood and asked everyone to step back, while he gently tapped the green brick with stones closest to him with the Hyakki Pill.

There was a "pop" sound, and multiple delicate iron nails were pierced out of the gap next to the blue brick.

As Chen Ke withdrew Hyakkimaru, the exposed nails were retracted.

They were really crude mechanisms. At that time, if some poison was applied to the nails, it would be enough to deal with some tomb robbing gangs.

At this moment, Ji Han was more interested in the people who placed these stones.

The designer would certainly not be so thoughtful as to put signs on the traps or play a boring game of guessing the authenticity with the people who come here.

Then the only explanation is that before everyone arrived, uninvited guests had already entered here.

And the person who came in was probably an expert, and I didn't see any traces left by others along the way.

Still here, someone later deliberately pointed out a safe path. I really met a good underground citizen.

Of course, Ji Han knew that even so, he could not confirm that the road without stones in front of him was safe, but this had reduced everyone's workload.

Ji Han gently stepped onto the stone platform, stepped on the green bricks without stones, and turned around:

"I don't know how long it has been. These stones may not be accurate. Please keep a certain distance from me."

Sessune Mutsuki reminds you: Remember to bookmark [] w w after reading it. I will update it next time so you can continue reading. I look forward to continuing the exciting! You can also use the mobile version: , and you can read it anytime, anywhere....

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