The two sides of the two sides of the two sides have been separated.

In the "Spirit Test 02" room, everyone was shocked by Lu Chuan, and Zhong Lili looked even uglier.

After all, this is an important part of their assessment. If the performance during the internship is taken seriously, it is not a problem to directly become a regular employee.

Zhong Lili was shocked by Lu Chuan's operation. He also knew that this assessment was very important, but he didn't expect that this intern would not give him face.

When they came, they knew that they were short of manpower and other staff were busy, so they would definitely not be able to take care of this side. A group of people looked at Zhong Lili with unfriendly eyes.

"Zhongli Li, it's all your fault!"

"That's right, if it weren't for you, the test would have started now. I've worked so hard for this opportunity."

"Go find the person in charge quickly!"

"Haha, do you want me to bow my head? Do you deserve it?" Zhongli Li laughed coldly.

"There are so many of us, do you dare to do it?" said a boy with glasses.

"Yes, do you? And where is this place, do it."

Now they are stuck at the first step, and everyone is at a loss. Lu Chuan walked into the door slowly, eating a chicken leg in his mouth.

"Oh, what are you doing? Don't fight, fighting is not good." Lu Chuan knew it well, but he still said it with a serious face.

"Come on, continue, prepare for the test when your name is called." Lu Chuan threw the chicken leg bone into the trash can, took out a tissue to wipe his hands, and then looked at the list in his hand.

Wu Shuya hurried forward, but was stopped by Lu Chuan.

"The first one is Zhongli Li." Lu Chuan said lightly.

"Isn't it me?" Wu Shuya was stunned. The rest of the people's originally hanging hearts were transformed into anger again. They asked us to go up in front, but now we are scared by Zhong Lili. Are they playing tricks on us?

Lu Chuan looked at the proud Zhong Lili, and the disdain and anger in the eyes of the others.

"Oh, what are you doing, hurry up, look at the list, if it drags on like this, the other interns will be done." Lu Chuan pretended to be anxious and said with indifference in his eyes.

The people in front looked at the list in his hand, and the first one was Zhong Lili.

Zhong Lili's face turned black, "I will remember you!"

Walking forward silently and lying on a recliner, Lu Chuan went forward to operate it. After fixing the device attached to his head, he saw Zhong Lili with a vigilant face and couldn't help but smile.

"Zhong Lili, mental power index: 18, D level." Lu Chuan said lightly.

Zhong Lili sat up. There was no problem with this assessment. He had tested it alone.

It seems that this intern is still afraid of him. He looked at Lu Chuan with disdain and stood up to leave.


At half past eleven, Lu Chuan finished evaluating the last person. He thought about it and cleaned up some messy places in the room.

"Spiritual power index? I don't know how much mine is."

Lu Chuan looked up and down and found no surveillance. Then he found the network cable of the machine and unplugged it directly to prevent the data from being uploaded.

After doing everything, he locked the door and started to test himself.

Lu Chuan, who was lying on the recliner, was still waiting for the test time to end. He couldn't see the value on the machine instrument, which was constantly rising!

10, 20, 50, 100, 1000, 5999


Lu Chuan, who was lying on the recliner, heard a sound and turned his head to see that the machine was smoking.

"Oh my god, what's going on!" Lu Chuan saw that the machine was burned out, and hurriedly unplugged the device attached to his head, and then quickly unplugged the power cord.

"Slip, slip." Lu Chuan left in a hurry.

On the way, he saw the people from the assessment department who were explaining their tasks, and Lu Chuan ran forward: "The equipment in that room is burned out, maybe it was overused. I will come over to help after lunch."

After Lu Chuan finished speaking, he didn't give the other party time to react, and he slipped away to have lunch.

After lunch, Lu Chuan returned to the training ground, dejected: "Where are my comrades? Why am I alone?"

"You are the only one in the logistics department."

After hearing this, Lu Chuan felt as if he was struck by lightning, and turned his head tremblingly. Gu Wang was behind him.

"You, you said I am the only one in the logistics department?" Lu Chuan pointed at himself and said tremblingly.

Seeing Gu Wang nod, Lu Chuan looked up in despair, my uncle hurt me!

"Cows and horses." Lu Chuan couldn't help but say when he thought of the days to come.

"Cows and horses? New dream beasts? Have you seen them?" Gu Wang asked curiously.

"Well, I didn't have it before, but now I can see it in the mirror."

"How much do you rate?" Lu Chuan stopped looking at the ceiling and looked at Gu Wang curiously.


"Index 32, C-level."

Lu Chuan nodded. He had no idea about this, so he asked, "Tell me everything you know."

"Mental power index,

10~19 is D, which can subdue one dream beast,

20~39 is C, which can subdue two,

40~99 is B, which can subdue three,

100~499 is A, which can subdue four,

500~1999 is S, which can subdue five,

2000~3999 is SS, which can subdue six,

4000~5999 is SSS Seven can be subdued."

"This is the crystal core space on the back of my hand. People who meet the mental index can absorb dream cores, and dream cores can be transformed into crystal core space."

"Dream cores can be obtained by deciphering dreams. After each dream is deciphered, various dream cores will be produced, and dream cores can upgrade the crystal core space."

At this time, a voice called Gu Wang and asked him to enter the test room.

Gu Wang took out a notebook from his body and handed it to Lu Chuan, "There are my records in it."

"I know so much and I won't be held accountable?" Lu Chuan looked at Gu Wang.

"No. It's clear, you saved me in the campus dream." After Gu Wang finished speaking, he went to the test site.

Lu Chuan accepted it and planned to take a closer look at it at night.

"Logistics internship? Come with me, you need to be responsible for recording the awake time of the assessee in the dream." Another staff member of the assessment department said.

"Hey, where is the person with a mole on his face this morning? Didn't he give the task?" Lu Chuan saw the person coming, not the one who arranged the task in the morning.

"He went to review with his superiors and didn't repair the machine on time."

"So unlucky?"

"It can only be blamed on the people in Team 3. Okay, hurry up and follow me."

Lu Chuan came to another room, with "Awake Time Test 02" posted on the door.

After a demonstration and guidance, the people from the assessment department left.

"..." Lu Chuan looked at the five people in surprise, all of them were familiar.

It must take longer this time, there are only five people who tested the awake time in the dream, but there are ten people for the mental power test.

Lu Chuan felt very uncomfortable. He started working after eating and had no time to rest. He sighed helplessly and picked up the list and read it.

"The first one, Gu Wang."

When Lu Chuan's voice fell, the five people were looking at him with different expressions.

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