The dream was so beautiful that the dream beasts were still alive.

Dream Processing Center, underground third floor, Dream Beast Garden.

Lu Chuan shook his head. This place is different from the test room. After all, there are surveillance cameras everywhere.

And if you want to subdue it and put the dream beast in an abnormal state, you need to fight. The Bubu beast is still healing. I can't just roll up my sleeves and face so many dream beasts alone.

Lu Chuan saw someone appear, staring at the sign, then shook his head and left.

"Uh, why don't you like the dream beasts in this area?" Lu Chuan was a little puzzled.

Seeing that there was no one, Lu Chuan had to sit on the ground after standing for so long.

"I'm so tired on the first day. I don't know what kind of work I'll have next." Lu Chuan gritted his teeth, thinking of his uncle, who had found such an internship through connections.

"Cotton~" The cotton beast floated in front of Lu Chuan, and two big eyes looked at Lu Chuan.

Looking at the furry cotton beast, Lu Chuan couldn't help but pick it up.

"So light."

Touched the cotton beast with his fingers, it was very smooth and didn't shed hair.

"Sickle!" The sickle mantis also came in front of him. Looking at the sickle mantis that was level with him, Lu Chuan reached out and touched his head.

"Flying mushroom!" The flying mushroom landed on Lu Chuan's head.

Gradually, the remaining flying mushrooms played the cat-and-cat game on Lu Chuan's head.

There were several cotton beasts in Lu Chuan's palm, and the sickle mantis even fell asleep on the ground.

"My whole body and mind are healed." Lu Chuan abandoned all distracting thoughts in his heart. At this moment, he was extremely peaceful and enjoyed the warmth of this moment.

In the distance, several vultures were staring at Lu Chuan with suspicion, but they didn't come close.

The warm moment didn't last long, and a capture net appeared, trapping the sickle mantis.

The dream beasts surrounding Lu Chuan fled one after another, and the sickle mantis trapped in the net struggled and screamed.

"So there are people who evaluate here, and they are interns of students?" A young man sneered with narrowed eyes.

"I really don't understand, students should study hard in school, why do they do internships." The squinting young man walked towards the sickle mantis.

"Oh, what's your business? If you have the ability, go and report it. I really don't know how to recruit you as an intern." Lu Chuan stood up and said coldly.

"D-level mental power, do you have the qualifications?"

"No wonder, the IQ went to mental power."

The squinting man walked towards Lu Chuan and picked up the stick in his hand.

"This is used to stun dream beasts, I wonder how it will work on people?" The squinting young man picked up the stick and gestured on Lu Chuan.

"The surveillance is here, and I am in charge of supervision. Do you dare?"

"Oh, I am so scared. What will happen if I hit you? What will happen if there is surveillance? There are so few people who can subdue dream beasts. Do you think you are more important than me?" The squinting man laughed.

After that, he kicked the sickle mantis in the head.

The sickle mantis screamed in pain, staring at the squinting young man fiercely.

"Did you see that? It seems that you have a good relationship with these dream beasts? Yes, you are not worthy of staying with these things." The squinting young man laughed.

"Oh, that's strange. Why are you here?" Lu Chuan said lightly. He saw the sickle mantis start to cut the capture net.

The squinting young man heard the noise and hit the sickle mantis with a stick. An electric current spread from the electric current stick.

The sickle mantis did not scream in pain, but bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared.

"See, it's the right way to treat these beasts! I just want to use them to deal with more beasts, isn't it wonderful?" The squinting young man whispered in Lu Chuan's ear.

"Is that so? So you don't like these little guys so much."

"They are just some beasts, how can I like them? You insulted me." The squinting young man stretched his body, as if he felt relieved after abusing the sickle mantis.

Lu Chuan nodded, walked up to dismantle the capture net, the sickle mantis looked at Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan pointed to the woods in other areas, "Let's go!"

The sickle mantis looked deeply at the squinting young man, and then left quickly.

"Look, I'll take care of the ones you don't like." Lu Chuan said lightly.

"Hahaha, there are a lot of them here." The squinting young man watched everything Lu Chuan did with interest, and did not stop him.

"Sure enough, you are also a boring person. Students are students, and they don't understand this kind of fun." The squinting man smiled, and then left with his hands on his head.

Lu Chuan looked at the back of the squinting man with deep eyes.

He picked up the intercom, "I am responsible for

Interns in blocks 01-03 on the east side, something just happened here."

He then briefly explained what had just happened, and the people in the assessment department thought about it.

"This matter cannot be used as an assessment factor. Our current task is just to supervise them in capturing dream beasts and not let them capture more than one. "The person from the assessment department on the other side of the intercom said.

Lu Chuan was silent, a nameless fire was brewing in his chest, churning, and roaring, but his face was calm and deep.

He saw that the other dream beasts had left and the entire area was empty, so he walked in the direction where the sickle mantis had just left.

As for whether he would be fired for leaving his post without permission, or whether it would affect his internship score, he didn't care, and he had an excuse ready.

Lu Chuan followed the footprints of the sickle mantis to a forest and walked in. The light was not sufficient, and the surroundings seemed a little dark.

After walking for a while, Lu Chuan found that he was lost.


"I didn't expect you to run to a place without surveillance. Isn't this courting death?"

"I have a problem. If the beast I stared at is not dying, it is an insult to myself."

"You insulted me, so I can't keep you!"

"Blame the person who let you go, otherwise, I should have taken you in. "

"What a pity, as a beast, you have no awareness. That's right, if you have awareness, you won't look at me like this!" The squinting young man squatted down and looked at the sickle mantis that was covered with wounds and couldn't make any sound.

"How pitiful, you feel the passing of life, what difference will it make if you die?"

"Forget it, time is running out. If you can't catch one, it will be difficult to report to the boss."

The squinting young man put away the capture net, and the sickle mantis seemed to have a last gasp, leaping over and pounced on the squinting young man.

But he was injured too badly, so badly that even his scythe arms that swung over were easily blocked.

He was hit by a stick again, and a strong electric current swept through his body. He felt that his body had no feeling and his vision was blurred.

He could only vaguely watch his enemy leave and vaguely feel that he was going to disappear.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a long time, and it seemed like a moment, he heard a voice ringing in his ear, very gentle.


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