The old alley is full of dreams.

"Old Zhao, did your prayer come true today?" said an old man wearing reading glasses.

"Not yet, I'll know when I get back. What about you, Old Zhang?" said the short old Zhao with a smile.

"What did you pray for, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhao?" Lu Chuan walked up and asked curiously.

"Young man, who are you?" Uncle Zhao asked with a smile.

"Look at your memory, it's me, A Tai downstairs!" Lu Chuan just picked up a name.

"Oh, it's A Tai, I was wondering why he looked familiar." Uncle Zhao looked at Lu Chuan with an expression that he knew him, and he began to doubt his memory.

"I hope my waistline is smaller, after all, I'm afraid I can't wear the floral dress my wife bought for me." Uncle Zhao lowered his head in shame.

"Old Zhao, you have a partner who loves you." Old Zhang looked envious.

"Unlike me, I still can't recognize those cosmetics. My wife dislikes me for not being manly and not dressing myself up." Uncle Zhang wiped his eyes and was about to cry.

"So I prayed that I would become a pig man who knows how to dress up." Uncle Zhang covered his face shyly.

Lu Chuan watched the two people talking. He was now at the end of the alley of the Fourth Street, while Meng Baiyuan and the others were at the First Street.

One was that Meng Baiyuan and the others were not awake yet, and the other was that this place was a little far from the First Street.

He had to collect clues in advance, decipher the dream, and capture the dream beast!

"Uncles, is it heavy to wear the ones on your heads?" Lu Chuan asked curiously.

"Atai, this is the octopus god who can grant wishes. I have been wearing it since I was a child, so I am used to it." Uncle Zhao touched the octopus on his head and smiled.

"Atai, you are extraordinary!" Uncle Zhang also saw Lu Chuan's outfit, a golden mask, a black rectangle, and then the octopus god.

"One in a million, you have always had this mask and black rectangle?" Uncle Zhang asked.

"I have been like this since I was a child, so I dare not go out to see people. Now that I have grown up, it is better." Lu Chuan lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Don't be sad, pray more, it will come true." Uncle Zhang stared at the top of Lu Chuan's head, his eyes revealed envy, he wanted the black rectangle on Lu Chuan's head, and gradually, his eyes turned into greed.

Uncle Zhao looked at Lu Chuan's mask, his eyes changed from envy to jealousy.

"Well, the Octopus God once told me that if anyone dares to touch the items he gave me, he will make that person's prayers never come true." Lu Chuan's admiring tone made the two uncles restrain their emotions, but they kept staring.

"Have you communicated with the Octopus God?" An old lady's voice came.

Lu Chuan turned his head and saw an old lady holding a bowl in one hand and eating rice in the other.

"Miss Chen is so feminine!" Uncle Zhao praised, but his eyes could not leave Lu Chuan's golden mask.

"If you don't know how to praise, don't force it. You little man, you are fooling around here, you are so old." Aunt Chen grabbed a handful of rice and stuffed it into her mouth.

"You only know how to eat, I call you Miss Chen to give you face, like a starving ghost, a grown woman dare to hit me, come on, if you dare to hit me, I will lie here!" Uncle Zhao was furious, stamped his feet and cursed, and saw Aunt Chen's sharp eyes, thinking she was going to hit him.

"Bang." Aunt Chen threw a large bowl of rice at Uncle Zhao's head, causing a group of people around to shout and applaud.

"Fight, fight, fight!" The people around shouted.

The two people's eyes were full of anger. Lu Chuan noticed that the octopus on their heads began to turn red, and its eyes became more and more energetic.

"Uncle Zhang, don't stop it?" Lu Chuan waved in front of Uncle Zhang, signaling him to come back to his senses and stop looking at the stone hat on his head.

"Atai, it seems that you rarely go out. If there is a conflict, you must solve it by hand." Uncle Zhang turned around to watch the fight between the two, with a smile on his face.

"Are you injured?"

"Go find Dr. Jiang, she is a very powerful person." Uncle Zhang said with a smile.

"You bastard, dare to bully my man!" Another aunt appeared, and the octopus on her head was extremely red!

Lu Chuan was ready to stop him, and Aunt Chen and Uncle Zhao grabbed his hair. Seeing Uncle Zhao's wife's appearance, they were afraid that something might happen.

At this age, if he got hurt, it would be very uncomfortable in real life.

However, before Lu Chuan could act, the octopus on their heads sprayed red smoke, and the three of them calmed down instantly.

The red smoke floated into the sky and disappeared.

In Lu Chuan's field of vision.

Everyone looked at the red smoke with awe, and then dispersed, as if nothing had happened just now, and the three people who were fighting were lying on the ground picking up food.

Lu Chuan saw three cognitive errors and the situation of amplified desires.

"There are three cognitive errors."

"One, gender recognition."

"Two, eating methods."

"Three, fighting is reasonable."

"The only strange thing is the red smoke. The octopus on the top of the head seems to absorb negative emotions."

Lu Chuan did not move, and then took out the leaves from the crystal core space.

Before entering the dream, he asked the sickle mantis to engrave words on it, and finally succeeded in engraving when the leaves of the dream tree were almost plucked.

"Don't say the word 'dream', desire expands, and cognition is confused."

"It seems that I am not affected. This black stone still has an effect. So, the octopus on the head is the culprit for cognitive errors and amplified desires." After Lu Chuan sorted it out, he felt much better.

Lu Chuan came to Sanjie. If there was something wrong with the No. 5 detection team, it would be more reliable to look for clues along the places he had walked before.

However, he went up to the fifth floor first and knocked on the door of 501.

This time the door was opened quickly, but it was opened by a woman in medical uniform.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"I came to see the child. Is she there?" Lu Chuan asked.

"I am her relative. Alas, she is not full and not in good health. I am taking care of her."

"But everything will be fine. I am here and she will be fine!"

"She is sleeping now. Let her sleep more. She must have been scared before." The woman said.

"Okay, then it's nothing. I'll leave first." Lu Chuan took a look inside.

The living room was very clean, the things were neatly arranged, and the lights were on. It was no longer what he saw in reality.

The woman watched Lu Chuan leave and closed the door.

"He looks a bit like that little girl. It's good that someone is taking care of him." Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he started from the fourth floor and went down, greeting every household and testing the waters.

But there was still no useful information.

"No. 5, is he the source?" Lu Chuan walked out of the corridor and stood under the street light.

"If he is, then where is he? If not, then the information about the source is completely zero."

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