The temple fair is still half an hour away, and the residents haven't shown up yet. I'll follow them later." After thinking it over, Lu Chuan sat on the stairs at the entrance.

Close your eyes and enter the crystal core space.

When I saw the notes given by Gu Wang, it said that before the source of the dream is defeated, you can't summon the dream beast, but you can enter the crystal core space.

He tried to summon the sickle mantis, but got no response.

As soon as he entered the crystal core space, Lu Chuan saw the hardworking sickle mantis, still plowing the land.

"If this were my classmate or colleague, I would definitely be scared!" Lu Chuan complained.

"Could it be that Bubu keeps eating to replenish energy, and then performs for him to relieve his fatigue?"

"She is also a foodie." Lu Chuan smiled and shook his head.

"Ah Mantis, come here."

"Don't look at the ground, plow it later." Lu Chuan saw the sickle mantis, looked at him and then looked at the ground, wavering.

"I thought of another combination move, would you like to try it?"

The sickle mantis shook his head and refused, "Mantis!"

"Well, then try it." Lu Chuan's admiring eyes made the sickle mantis stunned, he said no!

Sighed helplessly.

"When you use the head hug and throw, let go of the enemy first when you are in the air, then use the steel armor and the sharp knife to attack the enemy, and then use the head hug and throw!"

"Your first skill is the sharp knife, the second skill is the steel armor, and the third skill is the head hug and throw."

"The order is like this, 3213, isn't it easy to remember!" Lu Chuan laughed, not seeing the sickle mantis's expression of despair at all.

"Let's start practicing now. Take out the wooden stakes you used last time."

The sickle mantis lowered its head and took out the wooden stakes and started practicing.

"Wrong, wrong. Don't use the sharp knife first, then do it."

"Wrong again. After the head-holding fall, release it when it is in the air. It is when it is rising, not when it is falling."

"After releasing it in the air, there is a period of lingering in the air. You should use the sharp knife and steel armor quickly at that time."

Lu Chuan saw that this set of combination skills was still a bit difficult.

He thought of the 12th team and asked him to teach the dream beast Bajiquan.

"Maybe I can learn from them how to train the dream beast!" Lu Chuan planned to teach the dream beast of the 12th team.

"You train well, and I will go to plow that land for you." As soon as Lu Chuan finished speaking, he saw that the sickle mantis's eyes changed instantly.

The sickle mantis began to work hard in practicing the combination skills, and Lu Chuan began to take the iron block to the ground.

"This piece of iron is not even as good as the ground." Lu Chuan hit the ground hard, and he didn't believe it.

When the sickle mantis was free, he glanced at Lu Chuan.

He showed a shocked expression. The way Lu Chuan worked hard to cultivate the land moved him, so he trained harder.

After hitting the ground for a long time, Lu Chuan fell into deep thought and threw the iron block to the ground, "I quit!"

"Ah Mantis, I'm out, you practice well!" Lu Chuan said, and exited the crystal core space.

The sickle mantis walked over and looked at the third area, which was intact, and fell into deep thought.


One street.

"Strange, where did Songzi go?" Meng Baiyuan searched all over the street, but didn't see him.

"He's probably sleeping somewhere again." Liu Xin said lightly.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, why do I feel that it's right for us to wear skirts?" Meng Baiyuan felt that his clothes were extremely uncomfortable, and he also felt something was wrong when he saw what Yang Wuyu was wearing.

"I want to call you brother!" Yang Wuyu trembled all over, enduring something.

"I suddenly want to protect you, let you call me sister behind my back!" Liu Xin smiled, and a sense of heroism came to her.

"I also want to vent my emotions, find those who criticize me in the game one by one, and beat them up!" Meng Baiyuan clenched his fists, raised them, and began to grin.

"I really want to find someone to fight and step on them!" Liu Xin glanced at the two people, ready to move.

"Something's wrong!" Yang Wuyu kept shaking his head, trying to calm himself.

The people in the conference room watched Meng Baiyuan and the other two fall into negative emotions.

"Dean, what's going on?" A researcher asked.

Dean Li crossed his hands, supported his chin with the back of his hands, and his face was gloomy.

"This dream should be man-made!" Dean Li's voice was cold, and everyone's expressions changed from surprise to tension.

"Then use the light ball quickly, enter the dream, and contact Team 12!" Hong Dao said hurriedly.

Dean Li stood up and walked to the big screen, watching the three people's negative emotions becoming more and more serious.

"No, you have also seen the consequences of Jiangning City."

Dean Li

He turned around and put his hands on the table.

"It's said above that Jiangning City used the light ball."

"It's completely confirmed that Team 13 is gone!"

"It's our fault!!" Dean Li screamed loudly.

The sadness in his voice was moving.

Everyone in the conference room bowed their heads and remained silent. Dean Li turned around and looked at the screen again.

"There is another dream in this dream!" Dean Li's words made everyone look up again.

"They used the first dream as a medium to construct a new dream."

"And the artificially constructed dream will slowly eat away the first dream."

"Does it need to crack the dream twice?" Nighthawk asked.

"No, just once will do. That glowing paper should be the resistance in the first dream."

"They were safe and sound in the house, and they fell into a negative state after coming out, which was out of the resistance range of the paper."

"But, the resistance of this paper also needs a medium, that is, people, awake people!"

"Combined with the assistance of the original source, let the awake people consume their mental power to do this!"

After Dean Li finished speaking, he kept looking at the screen, as if to see who that person was. It is better to say protection than resistance.

That person is using mental power and the source to protect the family with that piece of paper without regard for the consequences!

"Could it be a mysterious person?"

"No, the awake person will not walk around at will, she can only fall into a coma!"

Just when everyone was helpless, they saw three people holding a green paper and reading it.

"That's what they asked our institute to get." A researcher pointed and said.

"So that's it!" Meng Baiyuan and the other two read the contents of the paper, and their eyes regained clarity.

"I didn't expect it to work! Lu Chuan, you've helped a lot!" Liu Xin showed her tiger teeth and smiled happily.

"Brother Ji is awesome!" Yang Wuyu nodded and said calmly.

"Let's go, the temple fair is about to start." Meng Baiyuan saw the residents gathering and walked towards the end of the alley.

What the three didn't know was that Gao Song was in the trash can behind them.

The barrage on the screen was swiping the screen like crazy.

"Captain Meng, go open the trash can quickly, someone is locked in it and is still sleeping!!"

"Gao Song is too careless, sleeping next to the trash can, and being thrown into the trash can by a group of aunties and locked up."

"The trash can is so smelly, how can he sleep!"

"Save the child, he stinks now!"

"The farthest distance!!!"

Meng Baiyuan and the other three couldn't see it, they were still thinking that Gao Song would come to them when he woke up.


Third Street.

Lu Chuan opened his eyes and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He stood up and walked to the street, waiting for the residents to take action.

"The temple fair, it has something to do with No. 5." Lu Chuan murmured.

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