The auction was held in a big market, but the price was too high.

On the auction stage, Yixin lifted the red cloth.

"Next, it's the auction item that everyone is looking forward to, the skill fruit!"

Yixin looked at the audience, who were discussing it enthusiastically.

"The skill fruit is not the finale, so what will be the tenth auction item?"

"Just watch the show, there is no share for us."

"Alas, I thought I would bring a few million, and then I contacted someone and borrowed 10 million. Now I find that it is not enough!"

After hearing this, Yixin was even more delighted.

"Let me talk about this fruit now. The skill of this fruit is called - Dragon Breath!"

"It is a skill fruit with dragon attributes!"

The people in the audience were instantly shocked. The skill fruit with dragon attributes means powerful!

"Dragon-attributed dream beasts are too rare, and the probability of taming them has nothing to do with the taming rate in the crystal core space!"

"No matter which one you are taming, the probability is extremely low!"

"Although you can't have a dragon-attributed dream beast, there is such a dragon-attributed skill fruit. If you have a suitable dream beast, after learning it, your strength will also increase greatly!"

"And, according to reliable information, skills are helpful for the growth of dream beasts!"

Yixin took a deep breath. After saying so much at once, I believe many people will be shocked.

She glanced at the VIP room and thought to herself, I guess you are no exception.

Seeing Lu Chuan's incredulous expression, Gu Wang couldn't help but say, "You really wouldn't understand this if you weren't interning in the Dream Breaker Team. She's right. Dragon-attributed dream beasts are hard to subdue and hard to encounter."

Lu Chuan nodded woodenly and said, "So it's so difficult!"

Gu Wang continued, "This dragon-attributed skill fruit is really precious, but unfortunately I have no money!"

"Skill fruit - Dragon Breath, starting price 100 million, each bid increase is no less than 10 million!"

"200 million!" VIP 103 said.

"300 million!" VIP 102 said.


"It's incredible. Is this money just like paper? Don't worry about it?"

"If I had so much gold, I would also participate in this fight!"

"Come on, you are still fighting, my Dream Adventure Group didn't even make a move."

"Believe it or not, I will give you a kick. My Chang family won't make a move. If we made a move, we would have won it long ago!"

The competition price of 102 and 103 has reached 1 billion!

This also shows the preciousness of this fruit.

Lu Chuan's mouth was about to burst into tears. He felt that his luck was really too good!

Seeing Lu Chuan's expression, Gu Wang shook his head. He was fine, but suddenly became like Zhu Qiang.

Lu Chuan was happy, but he already knew his differences. In the future, he had to protect himself better and not expose himself easily.

He restrained his emotions. The Bubu beast who had just eavesdropped outside the door of 102 had passed the information to him.

He just went out once to find a way to 102.

With the help of Bubumon, he found that 101 and 102 were not in the same building, but in a separate building.

He asked Bubumon to turn into a sickle mantis and fly over, and then asked him to eavesdrop.

The chat in 102 was very loud, and it seemed that no one was eavesdropping.

"It seems that the weakness and pretending to be angry just now were for this dragon attribute skill fruit?"

"Or is the tenth auction item their target."

Bubumon has not heard any useful information, so Lu Chuan still doesn't know what the purpose of the people in 102 is.

If there is no danger, it's good. If there is something wrong, he will have to leave early.

The power orb, the auctioneer did not say in detail how it came from!

Other auction items will also provide evidence or explain the source of raw materials.

Also, just like the fruit eaten by the dream beast, humans cannot eat it.

If this power orb is produced in a dream, can people use it?

If it is man-made, why didn't you say the source and effectiveness?

Lu Chuan had to doubt it, and the uneasiness in his heart made him take the action of eavesdropping on Room 102.

As for Room 103, he couldn't find it, so he had to give up for now.

"1.5 billion!" The voice of VIP Room 102 resounded throughout the auction.

And Room 103 had stopped calling out the price.

"VIP Room 102, offer 1.5 billion! Is there anyone who wants to bid more? This dragon-attribute skill fruit is hard to come by!"

Yixin tried to stimulate it to see if she could raise the price again.

She looked at VIP Room 101, and Zhu Qiang was screaming loudly. Lu Chuan and Gu Wang were shocked by his decibels and covered their ears.

Yixin saw that VIP Room 101 had no response for a long time, and said to herself: "No funds? Time is almost up."

Inside VIP Room 103.

Feng Qingqiu and Qingzhaoyue hurriedly took off their headphones, covered their ears with pain.

Yeying stood up and asked nervously: "What happened!"

Qingzhaoyue said aggrievedly: "Zhu Qiang, that stupid boy, kept shouting, and my ears were shaken!"

Yeying said with a black line on his face: "Fortunately, he is not interning in our team. Cut off their monitors and don't worry about them!"

"Congratulations to VIP 102 for successfully bidding on the ninth auction item!"

"The next tenth auction item is a bit special." Yixin said, while signaling to the staff beside her.

Soon, everyone saw a square object covered with red cloth, half a head taller than Yixin, being pushed onto the auction table.

Yixin did not immediately unveil the red cloth, but began to speak: "The way to compete for this auction item will also be different from the other nine."

Seeing the curious expressions of the crowd, she showed a charming smile, "Everyone has a chance to get this auction item!"

After that, Yixin pulled the red cloth down with force.

I saw a dream beast being locked in the iron bars. At this time, the dream beast was taking a nap, and the outside noise seemed to be unable to wake him up.

"This dream beast is called Meow Meow Warrior!"

Meow Meow Warrior seemed to hear someone calling him, and saw him open his eyes, stand on his feet, and a knife on his waist.

Then he drew out the knife and chopped the iron bars. A huge collision sounded, and everyone saw a burst of sparks appear, and the iron bars were safe and sound.

"Meow War!" Meow Meow Warrior roared and sat down to take a nap.

"Why did I just say that everyone has a chance? That's because you just bid and the price will be ranked according to the highest and lowest prices. The one with the highest bid will be the first to be subdued. If the one who cannot be subdued is the next one."

"Also, if the person who participated in the auction has subdued the beast before, we still have to collect the bid price."

Everyone was just surprised, thinking that the lucky person might be themselves, but Yi Xin's words made many people back off.

"You have more or less heard about the relationship between dream beasts and skill fruits. Here I can tell you that dream beasts seem to have a natural instinct when they see skill fruits."

"If they can learn it, they will eat it. If they can't learn it, they won't eat it!"

"The skill fruit of Dragon's Breath can be learned by Meow Warrior!"

"This is unscientific, but it's the fact."

After Yi Xin finished speaking, she aroused heated discussions among the crowd. She also deliberately glanced at VIP Room 102.

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