The two of them followed the passage and came to a room that looked like an assembly line workshop.

"Hurry up, we can't stay here for long." Lu Chuan saw the door and walked forward immediately.

Gu Wang and Zhu Qiang followed Lu Chuan, and when they were about to reach the door, Lu Chuan signaled them to hide.

"It seems that there is a problem with the item transmitter in VIP room 101, and the alarm has been ringing." Two auction house staff passed by the door.

After seeing the two people go away, Lu Chuan opened the door and left.

When passing through an employee lounge, Lu Chuan led the two people in.

"Hurry, change clothes!" Lu Chuan picked up the clothes of the auction house staff and changed his own clothes.

"Let's go." Lu Chuan saw the two people change their clothes and walked out openly.

The three of them walked along the corridor, looking for the door to go out.

"Why are you three hanging around here instead of going to work?" A middle-aged man with a big belly looked at Lu Chuan and the other two with his small eyes and said unhappily.

"Let's go find the maintenance master. There's a problem with the item conveyor of VIP 101. The alarm keeps ringing." Lu Chuan lowered his head and spoke with a tremor.

The big-bellied man was so happy to see Lu Chuan, who was intimidated by him.

"The maintenance department is over there, wandering around all day long. Don't let me see you again. If I see you three again, I'll deduct your performance!" The middle-aged man said, and left with satisfaction.

Zhu Qiang patted Lu Chuan on the shoulder, his eyes full of relief: "You are very similar to me, and you are very good at talking!"

Lu Chuan and Gu Wang twitched their mouths. The two ignored this idiot and followed the instructions to find the door to go out.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the door, they were stopped by a figure.

"You three are still thinking about leisurely, come with me, something happened at the auction house." The staff of the auction house appeared in front of the three people and said anxiously.

Lu Chuan wanted to rush out, but he saw a man in a black robe outside, hiding behind a stone pillar, half of his head exposed, staring at the door.

"Okay, take us there!" Lu Chuan nodded, gave Gu Wang a look, and the three followed the staff.

On the other side, VIP room 101.

The leading black-robed man touched the head of the octopus in his arms and said, "It's quite smart, let the wind hound come out."

"Just now our people reported that no one has gone out of all the exits, they must be in the auction house." A female black-robed man said.

One of the black-robed men summoned a wind hound, sniffed around in the room, and soon stopped at the location of the teleported item.

The wind hound bit the cover and moved it away. Everyone saw a hole, and they didn't know where it led to.

"Let's go to the auction house." The leader laughed and said.

"Do we need to catch them quickly? The Dream Breakers in 103 won't be trapped for long." The female black-robed person asked.

"It's better to come out, otherwise it's boring." The leading black-robed person said lightly.

The female black-robed person didn't say anything else. If it weren't for the tenth auction item, which was beyond their expectations, it wouldn't be exposed to the public in advance.

They all have dream beasts in their crystal core space, and they can't subdue the Meow Warriors anymore.

Just as they walked out of the door, two staff members appeared.

"Are you from VIP Room 101? I'm really sorry, we just saw that there was a problem with the teleporter in your room, so we're here to check it out now." The two auction house staff members lowered their heads and said quickly.

The four black-robed people ignored them. The staff saw them coming directly and hurriedly gave up their seats.

Seeing the black-robed man leave, the two men showed anger on their faces: "These rich people are so pretentious!"

"That's right, they are so humble to them, but they still act so high and mighty!"

Just then, an octopus appeared out of thin air above their heads!

The octopus turned red in an instant, and then spit out a puff of red smoke and disappeared.

The two staff members also fell to the ground at the same time, foaming at the mouth.

In the elevator, the leading black-robed man said lightly: "What a dirty smell!"

The four black-robed men followed the wind hound all the way to the employee lounge. The wind hound roared at the clothes left by Lu Chuan and the other two.

"Oh, these little mice are good at hiding." The leading black-robed man said coldly.

The female black-robed man saw that he was already angry, so she said: "The wind hound smelled the smell of one of them, but it was a little faint. It should be one of them who forgot to change all the clothes on his body.

. "

The leading black-robed man said nothing and turned to walk out of the door.

The wind hound sniffed all the way and arrived at the auction house.

At this time, the place was in chaos. Dozens of people led by Chang Yuteng kept shouting to return the money.

Yixin was surrounded and protected by a group of staff, and there was a wall formed by a row of staff between them.

Lucan and his three companions happened to be part of the wall and were right in front of Chang Yuteng.

Lu Chuan's ears were ringing because of his roar. He turned his head to try to relieve the burden on his ears.

This turn also made him discover four black-robed men standing at the entrance. He thought to himself, "Oh no, I forgot to change the armband!"

"Old Gu, take Zhu Qiang away from me first, be careful! "Lu Chuan said to Gu Wang.

Then he pushed Chang Yuteng and forced him back. The crowd became chaotic again. Seeing this, Gu Wang hurriedly changed his position and kept a distance from Lu Chuan.

Although he didn't know what happened, he thought it was right to listen to what Lu Chuan said.

The wind hound sniffed the air. There were too many people in the venue, so he couldn't find the man for a while.

Yixin, who was protected in the crowd, had an angry and helpless look on her face.

"Before the auction, I have made the rules clear. You are playing hooligans!" Yixin's voice sounded in the venue through the microphone.

"This is unfair. Either compensate us or return the money!" Chang Qingteng was very excited. If he hadn't ranked second, he wouldn't be so heartbroken.

The second son of his Chang family was actually tricked. He didn't accept it!

"That's right, return the money! "The people who were stirring up trouble saw someone making trouble and joined in without knowing right or wrong, hoping that the auction house would return their money. Or to get some compensation. If something went wrong, they could say that they were instigated by others. The black-robed man at the door saw this and laughed, and soon the laughter spread throughout the auction house. "Interesting, isn't this a complete gift of warmth? It's really dirty!" The leading black-robed man sneered, and then waved his hand. An octopus appeared on the heads of the people in the auction house. Everyone quieted down at this moment, touching the octopus on their heads, and their faces gradually turned pale. The unknown is scary, and the other party is dressed up to look unseen. Isn't this the image of a bad guy? They are scared, and fear is spreading. Lu Chuan's eyes condensed, and he recognized that this was the octopus that appeared in Laoxiang's dream!

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