The black-robed man looked at the four-eyed bat after it missed its attack, but he lost his ego.


A wall in the corridor was cut open like tofu, and then fell to the ground with a loud noise.

The black-robed man looked at the four-eyed bat after it missed its attack, and turned his head to look at himself, waiting for the next order.

"Are you still too anxious? The combat power has indeed improved a lot, but you have lost yourself." The black-robed man rubbed the crystal space on the back of his other hand with his hand.

Lu Chuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Long Qi was hit, he would definitely be seriously injured.

However, the black-robed man said that the source entered the I state, and Lu Chuan also knew that the four-eyed bat was formed by the two-eyed bat entering the source!

He remembered that there was a column called [Source State] on the dream beast panel. His three dream beasts were the origin. Liu Xin also said that one of the ways to improve the strength of dream beasts was to enter the source!

Long Qi looked at the fallen wall, and his face became solemn.

He found that the opponent's four-eyed bat would pause after attacking once.

Lu Chuan also found that this four-eyed bat seemed a little unintelligent.

"Xiao Qi, don't attack first. Wait for the opponent to attack, then dodge and attack again!"

Long Qi received Lu Chuan's instructions, nodded, and looked at the four-eyed bat intently.

The black-robed man noticed this scene and said, "Do you think that if you let the four-eyed bat take the initiative, you can take advantage of it?" He sighed, and his tone seemed full of ridicule, "You are too naive!"

"Ultrasound, restrict him, then use enchantment to make him unable to move, and finally use high-altitude impact!" The black-robed man's order was transmitted to the four-eyed bat, and he was stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, the man in black robes sent his thoughts to the four-eyed bat several more times.

After a while, the four-eyed bat began to move.

Long Qi saw the ultrasonic wave coming, and a dragon's breath offset it, and a wave of air surged around.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand to press the mask on his face. He saw Long Qi take a few steps back before he stabilized his body.

Long Qi jumped up, thinking of taking advantage of the four-eyed bat's daze to hit it hard!

But at this time, the four-eyed bat did not stop, but four fake eyes floated behind him.

In Long Qi's eyes, it seemed to be constantly getting bigger, and finally it seemed to cover his sight. A murmur sounded in Long Qi's ears, which made his thoughts suddenly stunned.

"Come back to your senses, Xiao Qi!" Lu Chuan anxiously sent his thoughts.

But Long Qi's eyes were empty and lifeless, and he fell from the air in a daze.

The four-eyed bat retracted its wings and shot at Long Qi like a bullet. The speed was so fast that Lu Chuan did not react.


Long Qi was hit and flew backwards, smashing through two walls and covered by stones.

"How is it? Is it unrealistic to take advantage of the opportunity?" The black-robed man looked at Lu Chuan and smiled faintly, "You don't know our strength, poor frog in the well."

Lu Chuan ignored the black-robed man's words, but transmitted the voice to Long Qi, "Xiao Qi, how are you!"

Watching the dust gradually dissipate, the expression under the mask became more and more ugly. He underestimated the opponent and overestimated the time for the Dream Breaker Team to discover the illusion and come to support in time.


Long Qi conveyed to Lu Chuan that he was fine and could still fight.

When the Bubu Beast hiding in the corner saw Long Qi being knocked away, he also wanted to come out, but was stopped by Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan looked at the black-robed man. He guessed that the black-robed man was the key just now. If he was affected, would the four-eyed bat be affected?

The four-eyed bat frequently looked back at the black-robed man, probably waiting for his instructions!

"Just give it a try!" Seeing the scars on Long Qi's body, Lu Chuan knew it was not the time to hesitate.

He took out the iron hoe from the crystal core space and rushed towards the black-robed man, while conveying his thoughts to Long Qi, "Xiao Qi, the four-eyed bat is in your hands. I will deal with this black-robed man. Let's fight hard!"

The black-robed man looked at the masked man who attacked him and was stunned. Just as he was about to give an order, he found that the four-eyed bat was entangled by Long Qi and could not fully understand his instructions.

Lu Chuan used the dragon power at the first time to maximize his state.

Seeing Lu Chuan's momentum suddenly surge, the black-robed man also took a stance, with his hands like claws.

The black-robed man has a bond skill - canine teeth!

"Sweep the army!" Lu Chuan muttered silently, and when he waved the iron hoe, there was a faint explosion in the air!

The black-robed man blasted out with his claws, and his ten fingers turned into fangs, trying to compete with Lu Chuan's momentum of fighting against thousands of troops.

"Bang!" A dull sound rang out in the corridor.

Lu Chuan tightly grasped the iron hoe, and his palms felt numb. The black-robed man took the blow, which also caused his hands to hurt.

"The iron hoe made by Long Qi can actually improve my combat effectiveness. I still have a chance to fight him!"

The four-eyed bat was temporarily without the command of the black-robed man, and was suppressed by Long Qi for a while, but his defense was also extremely high, and Long Qi had not really hurt him yet!

Just as the black-robed man was about to give an order, Lu Chuan came over again.

The iron hoe in his hand seemed to come alive, sweeping, chopping, and smashing the top, all kinds of moves made the black-robed man busy resisting!

"Do you have a legacy? Which sect are you from?" The black-robed man said while resisting Lu Chuan's attack.

"Egg yolk pie!"

The black-robed man thought for a while before saying, "It seems that your sect is not very famous. I haven't heard of it. Maybe your name is too weird!"

"Join us, we have a way to let your dream beast enter the source, and then your strength will be at least doubled!" The black-robed man's voice seemed to carry a magic sound.

"Hypnosis? I've seen you use it before. Do you think I'm not on guard?" Lu Chuan sneered in his heart, but pretended to be attracted and asked hurriedly, "How can I get the dream beast into the source?"

"You can only get this method if you join us!" The black-robed man saw Lu Chuan wavering and couldn't help tempting him again.

"What are the conditions for joining you?" Lu Chuan's tone seemed to be struggling, and he seemed a little sober.

The black-robed man couldn't help but sigh, "This person has such a strong self-awareness. He used all his strength to hypnotize, but he still showed signs of sobriety so quickly."

"You only need to take one thing, it will prevent you from betraying the organization." The black-robed man stopped and looked at the trembling Lu Chuan.

"Give it to me!" Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and walked forward quickly.

The black-robed man was delighted. If someone with inheritance entered the organization, there would be someone to train the dream beast with fighting attributes. At that time, the organization would definitely not treat him unfairly!

"Okay, okay, when you join, I will definitely make your egg yolk pie famous all over the world!" The black-robed man took out a glass bottle from his arms, which contained an octopus tentacle.

Lu Chuan approached the black-robed man like an obsessed man, slowly stretched out his hand, and took the glass bottle.

"Eat it quickly, we will be companions. Then the Dream Breakers and Dream Beast Protectors will not be our opponents!" The black-robed man saw Lu Chuan holding the bottle in a daze and urged him.

Lu Chuan opened the bottle cap, and just when the black-robed man thought Lu Chuan was going to eat it, a huge force hit his waist and flew out and hit the wall.

"Do you really think I was hypnotized by you? Naive!" Lu Chuan looked at the bottle and laughed.

"Is this thing related to octopuses again?" Lu Chuan's heart sank.

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