The auction house was in chaos after hearing Meng Baiyuan's words.

"Captain, I give up." Gao Song ran to Meng Baiyuan and said, rubbing his hands.

Ye Ying looked at the tired faces of the people in Team 12, with dark circles under their eyes.

"Meng Silly, what have you been doing? You look worse than us who have been poisoned by the depletion powder." After the fight, the mental state of the people in Team 12 was even worse, and Ye Ying couldn't help asking.

"Don't try to trick me!" Meng Baiyuan turned his head and was about to leave, but he stopped and pointed back at the three black-robed men who were knocked unconscious, "These three black-robed men are left to you, we're going back."

"You don't want it? This is a lot of points." Ye Ying said a little surprised.

"I think these points are not enough to fill the gap between our teeth. You should keep them for yourself. We will have to interrogate them later. It's a waste of time!" Gao Song took out the ice cream from the crystal core space and started eating.

On Lu Chuan's side, Yi Xin walked up to the three people, flicked her messy bangs with her fingers, and said with her red lips: "Thank you for just now!"

Lu Chuan suddenly heard a huge engine sound, turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and saw Zhu Qiang looking at Yi Xin with disdain, without saying a word.

Gu Wang looked away with a cold face.

"These two people are amazing." Lu Chuan's eyes jumped. He had never saved Yi Xin, so it was difficult to speak. She came to thank him, and these two expressions would scare her away!

Yi Xin's expression changed a little, but she still kept smiling and said to Lu Chuan: "I'll call you Brother Sea Urchin. The way you scattered sea urchins just now was quite funny."

Lu Chuan nodded and said: "There are skills to scatter sea urchins. I'll teach you later!"


Yixin couldn't chat any more, smiled, turned around and ran to find Hong Dao.

"Sister Hong, none of you people in Mengchu are normal!"

"Are you scolding me?"

Everyone was fighting and making a lot of noise. The black-robed man lying on the ground wanted to cry but had no tears. They were sold out and the boss ran away.

The matter came to an end for the time being.

Lu Chuan stood outside the Mengbao Chamber of Commerce and took a deep breath. He was ready to go home and rest.

As a result, four figures appeared in front of him, and they put their hands on his shoulders, "Let's go, continue practicing!"

Zhu Qiang looked at Lu Chuan being pulled away by Team 12, and couldn't help but say, "His back looks a bit weathered!"

Gu Wang nodded, "Yes, a little!"

"Boss, Yi Xin must have an impression of me!"


In the training room of Team 12.

The swaying appearance of Meng Baiyuan and the other four made Lu Chuan, who was following behind them, follow their movements with a throbbing heart.

"You guys should take a rest, I'm just an intern, if you fall down, I can't take the responsibility!" Lu Chuan couldn't help but say.

"No, I can still hold on!" Gao Song took out the stimulant and ate it with ice cream.

"Is pine nuts delicious? Give me some!" Meng Baiyuan said weakly.

Liu Xin and Yang Wuyu also asked Gao Song for ice cream, asking if it tasted good with the stimulant.

Lu Chuan was in a state of panic, and said, "If you don't sleep tonight, I won't come to teach the dream beast."

When the others heard this and saw Lu Chuan's expression, they looked at each other and nodded in agreement after a moment.

Seeing the four of them fall down and fall asleep with relief, Lu Chuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know what these people are obsessed with, but they still insist on training in this state.

He walked into the bathroom, took a comfortable shower, and changed his clothes. He had brought several sets of clothes to the training room, and the crystal core space also prepared several sets.

He lay on the bed in the independent lounge, thinking about what happened at the auction.

Before coming back, he used Dragon Recovery once more, and he also found that Dragon Recovery has a cooling time.

But now he can use it again, and his body will be restored to health, but the mental fatigue still exists.

"I don't know what happened to the power orb. It should be the work of Team 2 and Team 5."

"The monitoring device may also be made by Team 2 and Team 5, but was later interfered by the black-robed man, so they were trapped in the room."

"It is also possible that the black-robed man discovered them and locked the door. In that room, the de-energizing smoke was released in advance, and someone leaked the information."

"But they don't know how to leave through the channel for teleporting items, otherwise there wouldn't be so many troubles!"

"Why did the pig-masked girl look for me? She showed up so quickly, which means that the black-robed man is not her opponent. We can't go to the underground market in Pinglu Street anymore!"

Lu Chuan thought for a while and shook his head.

He didn't want to think about it anymore, it had nothing to do with him anyway.

"By the way," Lu Chuan took out the Day and Night Stone and put it on the crystal core space of his arm. The Day and Night Stone turned into a ball of solution and melted into the crystal core space. The surface of the crystal core space turned black, and there was faint starlight. "Will the skin change according to the day and night?"

Lu Chuan looked at it curiously for a while, then immersed himself in the mind and entered the crystal core space.

Opening his eyes, Lu Chuan saw that the crystal core space was already dotted with stars, and there was darkness in the distance.



Two voices kept shouting, as if the changes in the crystal core space made them uncomfortable.

"Huh? It seems a bit cold." Lu Chuan trembled, and then a flame lit up in the dark night. Long Qi used the flame to illuminate part of the area. After seeing it, Bubu Beast floated over.

As for the sickle mantis, it was healing in the stone tablet.

Lu Chuan hurried to the two beasts and found that they were warming up around the fireball at this time.



"Oh, I made this. There will be day and night here in the future. You can sleep well and don't have to face the day all day." Lu Chuan touched the heads of the two beasts and said with a smile. The fireball made him feel warm.

Lu Chuan got up and walked to a few trees. The trees had grown taller at this time. He thought about breaking some small branches to make a fire.

He broke them hard a few times and found that he couldn't hurt the small branches at all.

In the end, it was Long Qi who solved it. Lu Chuan sat by the fire, looking at a tree that had been plucked of branches and Long Qi who was holding a pile of branches. He couldn't help but sighed: "Is my strength so low?"

But what surprised Lu Chuan was that Long Qi wove a nest with branches, and the Bubu beast jumped on it a few times, lay on it, and made a comfortable sound.

"Xiao Qi, you are too good at hands-on work. You can make branches into various patterns!" Lu Chuan looked around the nest woven by branches and praised.


Long Qi laughed happily and asked Lu Chuan if he wanted to do one too.

"I'll do it when I have time, you do yours first!" Lu Chuan waved his hand, and Long Qi nodded and began to weave his own nest.

Seeing that Long Qi quickly finished the nest, he lay down and stretched out his hand comfortably.


"Go to sleep, good night."

Looking at the two beasts who had already fallen asleep, Lu Chuan felt that his whole spirit was much better. He added some branches to the fire to ensure that it would burn until dawn.

Taking a fire stick, Lu Chuan came to the stone tablet and checked the state of the sickle mantis. He was relieved to make sure that there was nothing wrong.

Now there was nothing to do, so Lu Chuan exited the crystal core space.

In the gray fog at the edge of the crystal core space, a pair of eyes were watching Lu Chuan's every move. It was not until Lu Chuan left that a group of black shadows stepped in and observed left and right.

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