“Then this time, let’s bet on medical ninjutsu!”


Medical ninjutsu?

Tsunade confirmed that he heard correctly.

asked again.

“Boy, you are right in the medical ninjutsu competition, right?”

“You heard right, it’s medical ninjutsu.”

Chihiro laughed playfully.

This surprised Tsunade.

Where does Qian Ri Jiu’s self-confidence come from?

In terms of strength, Tsunade lost, and she admitted it.

But in medical ninjutsu, Tsunade has never served anyone.

Is her title of Ninja Medical Saint for nothing?

You know, during the Second Ninja World War.

The poison of Chiyo, the medical captain of Shayin, was cracked by Tsunade one by one.

In this regard, Chiyo’s mother-in-law is also very helpless.

And now, Chihiku is going to compete with Tsunade, her best medical ninjutsu.

Who do you look down on?

Tsunade couldn’t help but smile.

Should I say Qian Rijiu is arrogant or should I say he is naive.

Don’t really think that if she wins in power, she is omnipotent.

Being defiant, extreme inflation comes at a price.

“Hmph, Qian Rijiu, are you provoking me?

Do you think you are very hopeful in the medical ninjutsu competition? ”

Qian Rijiu smiled lightly and replied calmly:

“I bet with others, I never look at what I know, but what the other person is good at.”


This is extremely arrogant.

Arrogant to the extreme.

“Qian Rijiu, you will pay for your confidence.”

“Unfortunately, no one will see the price.”

Tsunade was instantly speechless.

She had never seen someone so confident and inflated.

Qian Rijiu’s appearance really overwhelmed her cognition.

Tsunade had never seen such an arrogant person before.

Now, she sees it.

Kushina, who was not too serious to watch the fun, came over again.

“Sister Tsunade, why not?”

Tsunade put both hands on Kushina’s shoulders.

pushed her aside.

“Kushina, my bet with that guy this time has nothing to do with you.”

Tsunade just lost the wrench.

She recognized Qian Rijiu’s strength.

A man qualified to be Kushina.

But now, the medical ninjutsu bet is about her and Chihiku, not Kushina.

This is entirely a matter between Tsunade and Chihiku.

The arrogant guy Tsunade couldn’t stand it any longer.

She is bound to attack Qianri Jiu’s confident look.

Competing in medical ninjutsu, Tsunade has never been afraid of anyone.

Of course, through the arm wrestling test just now.

Tsunade knew that Chihiku was not an ordinary ninja.

But Tsunade couldn’t think of any reason why he could lose in the medical ninjutsu competition.

She won’t take it slow like she just wrenched her wrist.

Instead, he tried his best at the beginning.

Completely destroy the opponent’s self-confidence.

Tsunade was already imagining the cheers when he was victorious.

“Tell me, Chihiro, how do you want to compete in medical ninjutsu?”

“Since you’re a medical ninja in the ninja world, it’s different from the ordinary medical ninjutsu competition.

This time, it is not only a medical ninjutsu competition, but also a desperate competition. ”

Compete hard?

Tsunade was stunned.

“What’s the meaning?”

“In other words, this is a test that will kill you if you’re not careful.

What, are you afraid? ”

Chihiro laughed playfully.


Tsunade’s dictionary does not contain the word fear.

“Qian Rijiu, you have to think clearly.

In case of an accident, I don’t want Kushina to be a widow! ”

Kushina echoed on the side and said:

“It’s going to be hard, why not, Sister Tsunade, it’s too dangerous.”

“Kushina, you’d better worry about Qianrijiu, you have to tell him!”

Tsunade smiled happily.

In this gamble, she is bound to win.

Kushina felt bitter in her heart.

She wasn’t worried about Qian Rijiu at all.

She was worried about Tsunade!

Immediately, Kushina leaned into Qianri Kyu’s ear and said softly.

“Sir Chihiku, I’m worried for Tsunade-san, it won’t be too serious to bet your life on a date.

Tsunade-san will be okay, right? ”

“Don’t worry, JiuSinna, it’s no surprise that I’m here.

I want to convince your sister Tsunade to lose. ”

Got Qian Riju’s promise.

Kushina breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s alright, it’s alright.

At the same time, I was praying for Tsunade in my heart.

“Sister Tsunade, it’s your life to get offended by the evil master Qianri Jiu-sama.

You shouldn’t provoke him, wait a moment, you will feel better. ”

“Qianrijiu, the medical ninjutsu competition where you risk your life, how can you bet?”

Tsunade has already jumped and tried, and can’t wait.

Kushina was also very curious.

What exactly is the medical ninjutsu competition that Chihiku-sama said about risking his life?

Tsunade was in such a hurry.

Qian Rijiu no longer sells off.

What he said about the medical ninjutsu competition that risked his life is that both sides self-mutilate one after another.

Whoever falls first, or admits defeat.

The results will emerge.

And the way of self-harm should be the same.

For example, Qian Riju cut off one of his own arms first.

did not fall.

Next, it was Tsunade’s turn.

Tsunade will cut whichever one of his own arms is cut off by Chihiro.

Until one side falls or admits defeat.

For example, playing the big game.

Qian Rijiu stabbed himself in the heart first.

He fell and did not wake up.

Tsunade doesn’t have to do it.

Because Chihiku had already fallen, it was her Tsunade who won.

Of course, medical ninjutsu can be used in the process of self-harm.

As for the cure or not.

Then it depends on the sophistication of their medical ninjutsu.

Therefore, this is a gamble of medical ninjutsu, and it is also a gamble of life.

Tsunade didn’t expect Chihiku to be so brave.

“Qian Rijiu, you have to think about it clearly, a little carelessness will kill you!”

Qian Rijiu smiled softly:

“Tsunade, what you should be worried about is yourself!”

Tsunade was worried for Kushina.

She recognized Qianri Jiu, a man, and did not want Jiushina to be a widow so quickly.

“Kushina, do you have any opinion?”

Kushina gave a silly smile.

“Sister Tsunade, I have no opinion, how can I have an opinion?

It’s you, Tsunade-san, don’t force it! ”

This made Tsunade suspicious.

Does Kushina really like the man Chihiku?

What Kushina should be worried about is not her Tsunade, but Chihiku!

But Tsunade couldn’t tell from Kushina that Kushina was worried about Chihiku.

Kushina is her disciple.

Tsunade is very clear about his medical ninjutsu Kushina.

How could Kushina push her boyfriend into the fire pit?

“Cough cough…”

Now it’s time for Kushina to host.

“Next is the second round of competition between Chihiku-sama and Tsunade-san.

The topic is medical ninjutsu. ”

With the words of Kushina.

The competition has officially started.

Chihiku and Tsunade placed a Kunai and a small dagger in front of them, respectively.

This time, Tsunade will not be careless.

From the very beginning, she will give her 100% strength.

For the medical ninjutsu competition, she would not give Chihiku a chance to breathe.

And this time, she won’t look down on Qian Rijiu.

Instead, treat him as a real gambler.

Such an opponent deserves her attention.

So at the beginning of the scene, Tsunade used the Hundred-Hero Technique.

The Yin seal has been completely released.

The first person to self-harm was Tsunade.

She thought about it, what should she do?

Tsunade is also a kind person.

The first thing she had to do was to keep Qian Rijiu away.

She couldn’t bear to let the young Kushina be a widow!

“Boy, look good!”

I saw Tsunade pick up Kunai and draw a deep incision on his right arm.

Immediately, blood flowed.

Tsunade is serious about this medical ninjutsu competition. .

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