It turned out that the King Kong blockade and Chakra arm just now were induced attacks.

Uzumaki Kushina was trying to lead Mitomon to this place.

A blue ball of spiral pills was already waiting for him.

“No, no, no!”

It’s weird.

Mitomon Yan’s final wailing is exactly the same as that of the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan and Koharu.

As expected of a ninja of the same period.

The old acquaintance who controlled Konoha for many years together!

don’t want?

How is that possible?

Kushina shot the spiral pill directly on Mito Menyan’s head.


A loud bang resounded throughout the Konoha Outer Room.

Mitomon Yan’s Heavenly Spirit Cover was smashed to pieces by the whirlpool Kushina.

At this point, the three old guys who control Konoha.

Three generations of Hokage, Sarutobi, and Mito Gate Flame, Go to bed Koharu has all been resolved.

There was only one Danzo who escaped.

However, Uchiha Mikoto has already chased after him.

After resolving the Mito Gate inflammation, Kushina clapped her hands.

“Lord Qianrijiu, that guy in Danzo is insidious and ruthless, let’s go after him!”


Chihiku looked at Sarutobi Hiizan, Mito Menyan, and Koharu who were lying on the ground.

A sly smile.

Before that, he wanted to surprise Danzo.

In the end, Chihiku, Kushina, and Tsunade chased after him.

Hatake Sakumo stayed to deal with the rest.


On the other side, Danzo is fleeing frantically.

While running away, put the signal on.

I saw Uchiha Mikoto who was chasing after him.

Tuanzang sneered.

“Those guys have already arranged it there!”

Only Uchiha Mikoto caught up.

This is the result Danzo wanted.

Then, this kaleidoscope writing wheel eye came to the door.

There’s no reason why Tuanzang should not.

Right now, Danzo is only worried about what’s going on with the third Hokage.

After all, he sold his teammates.

He also often does things like selling teammates.

In the original book, the Nine-Tails Rebellion did not come out to fight.

Even when Payne attacked Konoha, he didn’t come out to solve the problem.

These two large-scale damages to Konoha Village.

The ninjas of other clans suffered more or less losses.

Only Danzo’s power, his subordinates and roots.

Unscathed, no damage was suffered.

Danzo puts its own interests first.

Others, he doesn’t care.

Nine tails are the power of Konoha Village, which is not what Danzo wants.

The tailed beast must become his strength.

In this way, Danzo will feel at ease.

And the same is true of the Uchiha clan right now.

The Uchiha clan staged a coup.

Kaleidoscope Shaker is the power of the Uchiha clan and the power of the village, so what?

This is going to be the strength of his Danzo!

Suddenly, Danzo ran into a canyon.

This is the terrain of a thin line of sky, he stopped.

Mikoto, who was chasing after her, stopped immediately.

He was only a few dozen meters away from Danzang.

“Old guy, why didn’t you run away?”

Mikoto, who was usually mild-mannered, became extremely cold at this time.

An icy chill radiated from his body.

This chill filled the entire canyon.

Danzo took a deep breath.

He squinted his eyes and said with a smile, “It’s worthy of the Uchiha clan’s patriarch to be able to chase here.

But being alone is not a wise choice. ”

“Old man, do you need two more people to deal with you?”

Mikoto responded like this.

Danzo’s face darkened immediately.

I was so underestimated.

It’s the first time!

In the past, Danzo was always high above.

Except for the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi.

Who else in the entire Konoha Village dared to attack him.

Today’s young people are really not afraid of tigers.

“Crack, snap, snap—”

Danzo clapped his palms.

Dozens of figures stand densely above the Skyline Canyon.

All wearing masks.

It is the person who is the root of Danzo.

After receiving a signal from Danzo, they had been lying in ambush here for a long time.

Danzo was responsible for introducing Uchiha Mikoto into this trap.


A loud noise that shook the world spread from the canyon.

The echo echoed between heaven and earth for a long time.

Both ends of the canyon are covered with detonators.

Boom, boom, boom—

One after another explosion, the boulder fell.

The whole process took a few minutes.

Both ends of the canyon are filled.

Dilemma in and out.

Uchiha Mikoto has gone deep into the trap.


Seeing this, Danzo’s gloomy face suddenly burst into laughter.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Today’s young ninjas are too confident!

Is Danzo really going to escape here unprepared?


He was fully prepared.

Even if the other party has a kaleidoscope writing wheel, so what?

She’s just a little girl who hasn’t been deeply involved in the world.

Danzo’s wild laughter made the wrinkled face distorted and hideous.

However, the road ahead and behind was blocked.

There was not much panic on Uchiha Mikoto’s face.

Still unusually calm as water.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Danzo does not need to be stolen from the living.

A dead body, that’s the same.

The Uchiha family is different from the Hinata family.

The people of the Hyuga clan have caged birds in their separate households, and the effect of white eyes is gone when they die.

Seeing Uchiha Mikoto’s flat face.

This made Danzo very unhappy.

Obviously, he was in a desperate situation.


Why is it so calm.

Are you pretending?

The distorted and hideous face gradually returned to calm.

Danzo waved his hand.


The loud bang resounding through the heavens and the earth came again.

At this moment, the earth is shaking.

When the boulder fell, it was bound to fill up the canyon.

This is Danzo’s order.

Don’t worry about him, the rockfall on the two rock walls can fill the canyon.

If you do this, Danzo will also be buried here.

Although Gen’s people don’t understand why Danzo does this.

But the command is absolute,They can only do so.

I have followed Danzo for so many years.

They knew that Danzo-sama would not fight an uncertain battle.

Must have figured out a way to be safe.

The boulder fell.

Mikoto narrowed her eyes.

Instead, she chuckled softly when she was in danger.

“Lord Qian Rijiu is really amazing.

This step has been counted by him. ”

Danzo is the way to perish together.

Is he really going to die with Uchiha Mikoto?

how can that be possible!

Boom, boom, boom—

Bang, bang, bang—

The falling rocks continued.

The whole process lasted for dozens of minutes.

This Xiantian canyon was actually filled with huge falling rocks.

Under this kind of rockfall, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

“Well done!”

A gloomy voice came from behind Gen.

Everyone sees it.

Danzo was standing behind them unharmed.

They all knelt down.

“Lord Danzo!”

“Well, then you just need to find the woman’s body.”

“Yes, Danzo-sama!”

Just get the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Danzo can use the kaleidoscope pupil technique to control the nine tails.

No one knows Uchiha better than him.

Compared to the Uchiha family.

Danzo thinks he knows Uchiha better than him.

Just now, Danzo used Izanagi to escape his life.

It also cost one of his eyes.

However, there is a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye to fill in right now.

What is an ordinary three-hooked jade writing wheel eye?


A loud bang came from under the rubble.

A golden light emanated from the gap.

The boulder fell, and a giant yellow shadow jumped out of the boulder.

“This, this is…”

Seeing this scene, everyone in Gen’s heart was extremely shocked.

Danzo’s pupils suddenly narrowed.

“Here, this is Uchiha’s Susanoo. Damn, can her pupil strength be able to do this?”

Uchiha Mikoto’s Susano is almost yellow.

This is only the second stage.

“It hurts to use this power!”

Mikoto bit her lip lightly and said secretly.

She didn’t drown in the rubble because of Susanoo’s absolute defense.

With a slight jump, Mikoto came to the canyon with a huge yellow Susanoo.

The yellow skeleton has already put on its armor.

This Shura Death God is angry!

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