At this moment, people all over the world who saw the light curtain were dumbfounded.

The huge complete body Susanoo was actually cut into pieces.

How strong must this pupil power be.

Moreover, this man named Qian Rijiu even has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Is it transplanted?

This has also become a doubt in the hearts of everyone.

The Country of Fire, Konoha Village.

Mikoto smiled knowingly.

This is the power of her kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

At the beginning, Lord Qian Rijiu fused her power.

But in terms of power and effect.

Qian Ri Jiu’s Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye Yu is already far above her.

In front of Senichi Kyu-sama, even Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashirama couldn’t get the slightest advantage.

Uchiha Mikoto has always believed in it.

All of a sudden, people all over the world understood.

Why did this man called Chihiku ask Chishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara to work together to deal with it.

On the battlefield, Madara Uchiha looked unbelievable.

The same is true with the soil.

None of them would have thought that Qian Rijiu would actually have a writing wheel.

And it’s still in the state of a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Madara Uchiha: “You bastard, where did the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye come from?”

Qian Rijiu smiled lightly.

“Xiaoban, do I need to tell you?”

What can I say to a trash.

“Xianfa, Mingshenmen!”

Take advantage of this gap.

Hakuma was the first to attack.

Above the sky, a large number of wooden stakes descended sharply, pressing down on Qianri Jiu.

“Boiled and unparalleled.”


A lot of water vapour came out of the sky.

The red gate of Myojin Gate was instantly melted.

“Water escape, the technique of water dragon bombs.”

Tobirama cooperated with Hakuma’s attack. From Xinxiaoqun 1131092560


The group is updated daily to release novels

(from the new novel group 1131092560)

New novel group: 1131092560


A large number of water dragons rushed towards Qian Ri Jiu.

As expected of the master of water escape.

The second-generation Naruto Senju Tobirama’s water dragon bullet technique is not comparable to ordinary ninjas.

Whether it is the number or size, it is far more than the ordinary water dragon technique.


A barrier made of sand blocked Qianri Jiu’s face.

These giant water dragons crashed against the sand wall.

Moisture is instantly absorbed.

This sand wall also forms a tough barrier.

This is the long-lost joint attack of the Hasuma brothers.

However, it was easily cracked by Qian Rijiu.

“Damn, is this useless? 々?”


Senju Tobirama directly threw a kunai and flew towards Senriku.

Flying Thunder God Slash!

Then, Tobirama’s figure instantly appeared in front of Chihikyu.

A bang.

Tobirama’s long blade stabbed directly on the Gudaoyu.

“You flying thunder god can’t do it!”

Qian Rijiu smiled lightly.

One hand directly grabbed the second Hokage Senju Tobirama’s hair.


followed by explosions.

Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama.

This ninja, who is known as the fastest ninja in the ninja world, was directly headshot.

Fei Lei Shen’s slash in front of Qian Ri Jiu was like child’s play.

Moreover, Qian Rijiu used Yin-Yang escape.

Then, the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama is such a shit.

Hakuma: “Tobirama…”

Everyone who saw this scene took a deep breath..

This is the old man who founded Konoha Village.

He was killed in seconds, can you believe it?

“Lord Qian Rijiu is too strong.”

The Konoha crowd couldn’t help swallowing.

This was the first time they saw Qian Rijiu’s power, and they were shocked.

Solved the Thousand Hands Tobirama.

Then there are only three left.

Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, and Senju Hashirama.

Obito clapped his hands.

“Do you still want to struggle?”

Qian Rijiu’s frivolous voice resounded between the heavens and the earth.

Madara and Hisashi also want to save face.

But now, they feel as if they are being played by others in their applause.

How can you bear this tone.

After all, it doesn’t matter if it’s Hakuma or Madara.

During their lifetimes, they were the existences that dwarfed the heroes.

And now, it was so despised.

For them, it is simply a great shame.

“I have absolute power. To be honest, you can’t even touch my hair!”

Qian Rijiu laughed cheaply.

“You bastard.”

Banshee became angry.

Turn on Susanoo again and run towards Chihiku.

“Does Madara get irritated so easily? It really doesn’t look like him.”

At the moment, the pillars are unprecedentedly solemn.

His biggest opponent during his lifetime was Madara Uchiha.

The most intense battle was the Battle of End Valley with Madara Uchiha.

The two fought until the end.

However, what made him most uneasy was facing this man named Qianri Jiu.

“Indeed, this man’s strength is far beyond my imagination.”

Hakuma murmured inwardly.

“This man may have reached the level of a six-path immortal.”

Madara’s Susanoo spreads his wings and flies.

At this time, there were nine Taoist jades behind Qian Rijiu.

Hashirama suddenly shouted: “Madara, come back quickly.”

Obito took advantage of this opportunity to activate his kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

Swish, the space around Qian Rijiu’s body began to distort.

“.~ Shenwei?”

Qian Rijiu smiled disdainfully.

“Obito, your teacher and my pupil power are higher than yours.”

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye royal.

Click, click—

The vortex space appears.

The distorted space created by Obito Kamui was directly swallowed by Qianri Jiujin’s vortex space.

“Divine power has no effect.”

It’s not good to have soil.

Qian Rijiu’s kaleidoscope writing wheel pupil power seems to be the same as Tian conquering him.

“Damn, where did this bastard’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eye come from?”

With a secret curse, Obito could only wait for the opportunity to move.

at the same time.

Madara Uchiha, who lost her arms, has already turned on Susanoo and came to the sky above Chikyuu.


Slashed with two knives.

Both mountains were cut off by lazy waists.

Only Qian Rijiu did not appear.

At this time, Chihiku was already on top of his Susanoo.

Boom kicked away.

He directly kicked Susanoo to pieces.

Madara Uchiha felt like she was hit by a train.

The whole person flew hundreds of meters away, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

(Mano’s) This is the ultimate humiliation.

He, Madara Uchiha, is a majestic sight, how has he ever been so embarrassed.

“You bastard, how dare you hurt my brother.”

At this moment, Hasuma was also angry.

As we all know, Madara and Hasuma are a pair of good friends.

There are many things in common, they are also brothers.

And now, Senju Tobirama was headshot in front of him.

How can this pillar be endured.

The previous wooden dragon and the tree world’s birthday were ineffective.

Since that’s the case, that’s the only way to use it.

“Take it, you bastard.”

“Xianfa, Mu Dun, thousands of hands!”


The earth trembled at this moment.

A huge army of Buddha statues appeared behind Senju Hasuma.

And above the Buddha statue, there are thousands of wooden hands.

The mountain is already a small hill in front of this Buddha statue.

In front of the tailed beast is the existence of a small ant.

This is the ultimate meaning of his Thousand Hands Pillar. .

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