I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 108: Unexpected Disaster

"Your guest?"

Zhao Heng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard that Lin Yeqiu actually wanted to invite him to become the Guest Minister of the Huagu Sect.

Lin Yeqiu, on the other hand, put on the posture of a courteous corporal and said seriously: "As long as fellow Taoist Ren agrees to become my guest at the Bone Transformation Sect, Lin will definitely not treat fellow Taoist badly.

Kung Fu, Xuan Jing, or other treasures, fellow Taoist fellow Daoist, you can ask for any price! "

Zhao Heng could see that Lin Yeqiu was calm on the surface, but there was a hint of urgency in his eyes.

But Zhao Heng still shook his head, "Fellow Daoist Lin, I am not interested in becoming a guest of your family."

Lin Yeqiu's eyes showed disappointment, but he still refused to accept it.

"Fellow Taoist, you came to the sphere of influence of Yaoyue Palace to avoid being pursued by the Blood Refining Sect. Since we are all in the same situation, why not join a group to keep warm?"

"Hmm...?" Zhao Heng heard some hidden meanings.

"Why did Fellow Daoist Lin say this? Are you also being hunted by the Blood Refining Sect?"

Lin Yeqiu nodded bitterly, "Fellow Daoist Ren is not an outsider, so I will tell you the truth about the current situation of the Bone Transformation Sect."

A trace of curiosity arose in Zhao Heng's heart, but he did not forget to use the qi-gazing technique to target Lin Yeqiu and the other four people, always keeping an eye on each other.

With his Dacheng Realm Explosive Flame Steps, he could escape immediately if the opponent made the slightest move.

But it turned out that Lin Qiuye had no malicious intentions.

Zhao Heng also learned about what happened to the Bone Transformation Sect from his mouth.

It turned out that after Zhao Heng killed Liu Hong in Niujiao Mountain that day, the Blood Refining Sect had done some investigation into the matter.

And through some traces, it was discovered that Huagumen was somewhat involved in this matter.

But Liu Hong was just a small hidden line from the Blood Refining Sect, and the Blood Refining Sect did not delve into the matter.

Until Zhao Heng killed Ku Xuan's disciple Duan Wuyou in Qiuyue City.

The Blood Refining Sect was furious and investigated the matter thoroughly, and the Bone Transformation Sect was also affected.

A group of Blood Refining Sect warriors intercepted the Huagu Sect, which was looking for a new location, to investigate the matter.

Lin Yeqiu and others originally wanted to spend money to eliminate the disaster and bribe the other party, but unexpectedly, the deacon leading the team from the Blood Lian Sect actually liked men.

A handsome man like Lin Yeqiu, who had deceived the country and brought disaster to the people, made him salivate, and he actually wanted Lin Yeqiu to sacrifice himself on the spot.

He also threatened that if he didn't comply, he would escort everyone from the Huagu Sect back to the Blood Refining Sect.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't bear the humiliation, so he fought back with everyone from the Huagu Sect and killed the deacon, but was escaped by a Blood Refining Sect disciple.

This matter was reported back to the Blood Refining Sect, and the Bone Transformation Sect was immediately pursued by the Blood Refining Sect.

Lin Yeqiu and others knew that they had caused a big disaster and fled all the way to the area under the jurisdiction of Yaoyue Palace in the southeast of the Black Flame Dynasty.

The four sects of the Demonic Way are divided and governed.

Especially the Yaoyue Palace and the Blood Refining Sect, the two have long had a grudge, and they will never allow the other party's troops to set foot in the areas under their jurisdiction.

Therefore, the Bone Transformation Sect was a lucky escape.

After listening to Lin Yeqiu's story, Zhao Heng couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy.

There is no other reason. In fact, this whole thing was caused by him alone, and the Bone Transformation Sect suffered a complete disaster.

For this reason, the young sect leader was even more likely to be defiled and his whole family was wiped out.

Of course, sympathy is sympathy, he would never admit this kind of thing.

Zhao Heng immediately asked: "Since Taoist Fellow Lin and Guimen are out of danger, why should Fellow Taoist be so worried and want to involve me in joining the gang?"

Lin Yeqiu smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, although Yaoyue Palace is in charge of this place and the Blood Lian Sect dare not set foot in it, there are also many demonic sects within the jurisdiction of Yaoyue Palace.

Ever since our Huangu Sect encountered a catastrophic disaster decades ago and lost all its masters, we have been looking for a new place to rebuild the mountain gate.

Not long ago, we found a hilltop in the Black Dragon Mountains on the southeastern border and planned to start from scratch.

Unexpectedly, the three demonic sects on the three nearby hills that have been entrenched here for a long time are very hostile to us.

They harassed us many times and did not allow us to build a mountain gate or open a business road here..."

Under Lin Yeqiu's narration, Zhao Heng already understood their predicament.

It's nothing more than that Huagu Sect's reconstruction of the mountain gate was attacked by the 'local snake'. Presumably the other party was worried that Huagu Sect would take away the original benefits.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, are those three sects very strong?" Zhao Heng asked casually.

Lin Yeqiu shook his head and said: "They are just three low-level sects, and there are no innate masters in the sect. If it were decades ago, my Bone Transformation Sect could be wiped out with a wave of my hand.

But now, we don’t have any innate masters sitting around, so it’s more than enough to deal with one of the sects.

But those three companies joined forces to expel us, so it was naturally a bit tricky to deal with them. "

In fact, Zhao Heng knew that the situation of the Huagumen Sect should be worse than Lin Yeqiu said.

Otherwise, the other party would not cross the border and purchase those supplies from Zhanhai.

And as soon as he saw himself, he was so eager to win over.

Faced with Lin Yeqiu's repeated invitations.

Zhao Heng finally replied: "Fellow Taoist Lin, let me think about this matter again and then give you an answer."

Zhao Heng did not completely refuse, but the meaning was actually very obvious.

Lin Qiuye couldn't hide his disappointment, and with a glimmer of hope, he handed a jade pendant to Zhao Heng.

"Fellow Daoist Ren, this jade talisman is a token of my Bone Transformation Sect. If you want to meet me in the future, you can inject a trace of mysterious energy into it, and we can sense it from a hundred miles away."

Zhao Heng accepted the jade talisman, clasped his fists at the opponent, dodged a few ups and downs, and disappeared into the forest.

Watching Zhao Heng leave, the great monk on the side said anxiously: "Young Master, this guy must have robbed our supplies, why did we let him go?"

Lin Qiuye rolled his eyes, "He who can't even be caught by the Blood Refining Sect, how can we stop him?

Now that we can no longer protect ourselves, if we continue to raise such a formidable enemy, we will be seeking death. "

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

Lin Yeqiu sighed and shook his head.

"It's such a pity. If this person is willing to join my Bone Transformation Sect, he will definitely strengthen our sect and make those three sects put a taboo on them. Give us some time to take root here."

After Lin Qiuye finished speaking, he looked at the gray-clothed Taoist again.

"Dao Zhang Ling, how long can we last with the funds in the treasury now?"

The old man in gray said in a deep voice: "Reporting to my young master, since we moved away from home, we have consumed a lot of money along the way.

Especially in recent months, fighting with those three sects and purchasing resources have intensified the consumption.

If it continues, it can last for up to three months. "

Lin Qiuye nodded and asked the enchanting woman, "Elder Qu, how many disciples are there in the sect who can fight?"

The woman's face darkened and she said, "There are now less than a hundred people. During this period, the number of disciples' casualties has increased sharply, and many people have escaped on their own."

Hearing this, Lin Qiuye couldn't help but shake his head.

"Sigh... Now that things have come to a point, we can only take one step at a time.

I just hope that things can turn around and that the legacy left by the ancestors of the sect will not be cut off in my hands. "

But Zhao Heng, after parting ways with Lin Qiuye and others, crossed the border overnight and returned to Misty Rain City.

Zhao Heng didn't care whether the Huagu Sect could gain a foothold in the Black Dragon Mountains. What he had to do now was to completely eliminate Qingyu Hall and take control of it in his own hands.

The culprit Yu Zhanhai has been eliminated by himself, as for the other party's main party members.

As early as these days, Zhao Heng had mastered the technique of observing and observing Qi, and now it was time to catch them all.

That night, when he returned to the hall, Zhao Heng quietly knocked on the doors of many people...

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