Thousands of errand disciples rushed into the dense forest, like fish swimming into the sea, and soon disappeared.

Outside the assessment area, Liu Hong, who stood with a group of deacons, looked at the direction where Zhao Heng left with a cold look.

"Hehe... stinky boy, I don't believe you can come out alive this time!"

Although Zhao Heng was only a errand disciple in the Tempering Body Realm, the other party escaped from his design again and again, and even brought him some trouble.

Liu Hong, who was also cautious by nature, felt a sense of inexplicable threat from Zhao Heng, which made him want to kill him at all costs.

And this time, he believed that he had made sufficient preparations. Even if Zhao Heng was a ninth-level warrior in the Tempering Body Realm, he could not escape death!


At this time, the errand disciples who had just entered the assessment area began to act on their own.

Some called friends and acted together.

Some quickly left the group and acted alone.

Others stayed put and quietly planned something.

Zhao Heng belongs to the second category. He moved forward quickly. After leaving the main force, he quickly tapped his belongings and put on his equipment in a secret place.

Weapons: a dagger and a black gold leopard head knife.

Protective gear: In addition to the large oak shield on his back, there is also the red bellyband that he is too embarrassed to mention.

Special items: 50 kilograms of lime powder, two bottles of psychedelic powder, two bottles of corpse powder, a thunder bead, and some dry food.

In addition, Zhao Heng went to the Merit Hall again early this morning and bought several items that can be used in the wild.

Although these things are expensive and have spent all his savings, Zhao Heng believes that they must be useful.

After being fully armed, Zhao Heng did not act immediately.

He first lay on the ground and listened to the movements around him, then touched a big tree and looked around.

As Zhao Heng expected, he found that there were obscure movements in the dense forest around him, and it seemed that more than one person was quietly approaching this direction.

These people were half-surrounding and approaching the area where he was, obviously following him all the way.

Fortunately, Zhao Heng had already made psychological preparations.

At that moment, he set off directly and went deeper into the dense forest.

This dense forest was specially designated by the sect, spreading in a fan-shaped manner. The deeper you go, the larger the area, and the lower the probability of encountering other people.

The people who followed Zhao Heng obviously discovered his movements. They were not in a hurry and continued to follow Zhao Heng deeper, always keeping a certain distance from Zhao Heng.

The two sides went deeper and deeper, and walked for a full hour or two. Zhao Heng did not stop and continued to move forward.

Among the dozen figures following him from behind, the two leading menial disciples looked at each other.

One of the short and fat men with dark skin couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"Damn, this guy entered the patrol area, but he didn't pick spiritual herbs or hunt mysterious beasts. Why did he keep running forward? Did he find us?"

A tall and thin young man with an eagle nose and long eyebrows frowned and said, "It shouldn't be. He is alone. If he found us, he would have panicked.

I guess he wants to get into the deep part of the assessment area first, where no one has set foot, to pick herbs."

"Then when should we take action?" asked the fat black man.

"Let's wait a little longer. If he goes deeper, the chances of him encountering other contestants and patrols will be even smaller, and it will be easier for us to take action!"

"Okay, let's wait a little longer. I heard that this kid is only at the sixth level of the Tempering Body Realm.

We are all elite among the miners in the mining area. We can easily kill him by sending anyone at random!"

The young man with the eagle nose whispered, "Don't be too careless. If we can't do the things that Deacon Liu has given us, we will all be in trouble."



At the same time, Zhao Heng, who was rushing ahead, noticed the people who continued to follow him, and his eyes were calm.

Through secret observation along the way, he found that the other party was numerous and powerful, and each of them was agile.

Originally, Zhao Heng wanted to try to get rid of them, but now it seems that this will alarm them and rush over, which is not good.

"It seems that we can only implement plan 2."

As Zhao Heng and others went deeper into the assessment area, the roar of mysterious beasts could occasionally be heard in the dense jungle around them.

Obviously, they have entered the area where the mysterious beasts are active. The mysterious beasts in the assessment area are all captured by the sect, and the highest level is only the peak of the first level.

But for the menial disciples who only have the cultivation level of the Tempering Body Realm, this level of mysterious beasts is already threatening enough.

After entering this dangerous area, Zhao Heng's trajectory finally changed.

He began to rush into those dense bushes, dark swamps, dark caves... these areas that seemed extremely dangerous.

His behavior puzzled a group of menial disciples who were closely following him from behind, thinking that the other party was simply seeking death by doing so.

But the strange thing is that Zhao Heng was able to pass through the dangerous areas safely every time.

On the contrary, when the people following Zhao Heng followed the footprints that Zhao Heng had stepped on.

Some mysterious beasts suddenly rushed out from those dark corners and attacked them fiercely.

There were wild boars in the bushes, snakes and insects in the swamps, lizards in the caves... These mysterious beasts were startled by the crowd and launched surprise attacks in secret.

These attacks caught everyone off guard.

Fortunately, everyone in the group was very powerful and had a large number of people, especially the two leaders, who were both at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm.

Even if they are attacked by mysterious beasts, they can still deal with it and kill these mysterious beasts one by one.

But as time passed, Zhao Hengxing passed through more and more dangerous places, and everyone was attacked more and more frequently.

Several people were inevitably injured, and one was even seriously injured and lost the ability to move.

Instead of killing Zhao Heng, the group hunted a lot of mysterious beasts and accumulated a lot of points.

But Zhao Heng, who "doesn't know whether to live or die" ahead, is still in various dangerous places, crawling around like a headless fly.

At this moment, the eagle-nosed young man and the fat dark man who were leading the team both had ugly expressions.

"How come this bastard is so lucky that none of these mysterious beasts attacked him?" The fat black man was so angry that his nose was almost smoking.

The eagle-nosed man on the side was also puzzled. If it happened once or twice, it might be luck.

It's a bit strange that Zhao Heng has been able to survive so many dangers unscathed.

"Is this guy using these mysterious beasts to deal with us? How did he do it?"

"Don't worry about how he did it, just go up and kill him, otherwise you don't know what he's going to do!" the fat black man said viciously.

The eagle-nosed young man hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

He quietly waved and summoned all the more than a dozen mining area handymen with cultivation levels above the sixth level of the Body Tempering Realm to his side.

With an order, everyone speeded up to catch up to Zhao Heng who had just crossed a mound.

However, when everyone rushed up the slope, they all froze and looked ahead in surprise.

The eagle-nosed man waved his hand, signaling everyone to use the slope to cover their bodies and look forward.

There was an open grassland in front of him. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Zhao Heng sat alone in the middle of the grassland, with a bonfire made of dry wood in front of him.

"Hmm...what is this kid doing?"

Everyone was a little baffled by Zhao Heng's strange behavior.

"He doesn't want to make a fire to cook."

The fat black man swallowed his saliva and hurriedly hurriedly fought with the mysterious beast. He didn't even have time to drink. He was thirsty and hungry now.

The eagle-nosed young man frowned and said, "Is this guy looking for death? He is lighting a fire to cook in the assessment area. Isn't he afraid of attracting the mysterious beasts around him?"

Next, in front of everyone's stunned eyes, Zhao Heng actually took out a skinned and washed pheasant from the package, put it on with an iron skewer, and roasted it on the bonfire.

While roasting, he didn't forget to add firewood to the campfire.

A group of people on the slope were stunned, but they didn't notice when Zhao Heng was adding firewood.

He pulled out a dark red stick from his package and threw it into the bonfire.

As the flame burned one end of the stick, a light blue flame rose, and a wonderful aroma spread along with the curls of green smoke.

"Damn, this idiot is really making a fire to cook!"

Seeing Zhao Heng's actions, the fat black man finally couldn't bear it anymore and was about to take action.

"Sniff sniff...!"

"Wait a moment!"

The eagle-nosed young man on the side held him down.

"Do you smell anything?"

Everyone was stunned and sniffed the air together. Sure enough, they smelled a strange aroma, like some kind of floral fragrance, but it seemed to be mixed with a trace of blood.

"This is... blood spirit wood!"

The face of the eagle-nosed young man suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

Others were also startled when they heard the words "blood spirit wood".

The blood spirit tree is a strange vegetation that grows in nature. This plant can be used as medicine, but its greatest effect is to gather mysterious beasts.

When the dried blood spirit wood is ignited, it will emit a strange aroma, which is highly attractive to low-level mysterious beasts with low intelligence.

Blood Spirit Wood is a very dangerous thing. Under normal circumstances, even Bone Forging Realm warriors would not dare to use it, but Zhao Heng lit it on fire at this moment!

"Damn it, this idiot didn't burn the blood spirit wood as ordinary firewood."

Just when everyone was shocked.


Around the dense forest, there were roars of beasts, and the sounds of dense running could be vaguely heard.

Apparently, the nearby mysterious beasts had smelled the scent of the Blood Spirit Wood and had gathered towards where Zhao Heng was.

These mysterious beasts move extremely fast, and in a moment, they faintly rush out of the surrounding woods. They are estimated to number in the dozens, almost forming a small herd.

Seeing this situation, everyone hiding on the slope looked at each other.

The fat black man sneered: "I'm just saying that this kid can't always be so lucky. No, he's trying to kill himself. There's no need for us to take action now. Let's withdraw!"

The eagle-nosed young man on the side was staring at Zhao Heng beside the bonfire.

At this moment, facing the huge noise coming from all around, Zhao Heng was not afraid at all, and just took out a light yellow vial from his package.

He poured out some viscous white liquid from it, rubbed it with his hands, and applied it carefully on his face, hands...

At this time, the group of mysterious beasts in the woods had already rushed out of the woods.

They come in different sizes and types, including common fox dogs, wolves, lizards, snakes and pythons...

A group of mysterious beasts roared ferociously, following the breath of the Blood Spirit Wood, and rushed towards Zhao Heng in the center of the clearing!

Judging from the situation, Zhao Heng has fallen into a desperate situation. With so many first-level mysterious beasts, even if Zhao Heng is a ninth-level warrior of the Body Tempering Realm, he will definitely die.

But the strange thing is.

When this group of mysterious beasts rushed to a distance of more than ten feet around Zhao Heng, they all suddenly stopped and twitched their noses one by one.

Sniffing the smell emanating from Zhao Heng, they actually showed hesitation in their eyes.

The alluring breath of the blood spirit wood was still being released continuously, and they were unwilling to leave, so they lingered in the same place strangely.

"What...what is going on?"

Looking at the scene below, the fat black man and others were all surprised.

Only the eagle-nosed young man's pupils shrank, and he suddenly reacted.

"He used the beast repellent liquid!"

"Beast repellent liquid?"

Everyone immediately remembered the white liquid that Zhao Heng had just applied on his body.

Beast repellent liquid is a kind of medicine that only works on low-level mysterious beasts, especially first-level mysterious beasts.

It is made from the glands and blood of third-level or second-level mysterious beasts. When applied to the body, it can emit the breath of such mysterious beasts and effectively repel lower-level mysterious beasts.

But this medicine is complicated to make. One bottle requires dozens of mysterious crystals, and it is very volatile. It will become ineffective a few days after it is made. Ordinary menial disciples are reluctant to buy it.

Moreover, this chores assessment is to rely on hunting mysterious beasts and accumulating points. Who would be so stupid as to use the beast repellent liquid to alarm these mysterious beasts?

Obviously, Zhao Heng is this "fool".

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Zhao Heng had been entering those dangerous areas before, but no mysterious beasts attacked him.


The eagle-nosed man suddenly woke up, "He knows we are following him, so what does he want to do?"

At this moment, Zhao Heng, who was surrounded by a group of beasts in the distance and standing by the campfire, showed a strange smile on his face.

Suddenly, he leaned over and held a half-burned dark red wooden stick, slowly turned his head and looked at the earth slope behind him.

In the horrified eyes of the eagle-nosed young man and the black fat man, he threw it suddenly!

"Go, eat to your heart's content!"

The dazzling blue flame drew a beautiful arc in the void and fell straight to the top of the slope.

Without the scent of the beast repellent liquid on Zhao Heng's body, the group of long-restrained mysterious beasts roared wildly, and rushed to the top of the slope with red eyes...

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