I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 175 Puppet Armor Guard

Huang Yuanzheng gave the order and immediately took action. A beam of mysterious light shot out from his palm and injected it into the array center in front of him.

Seeing this, the people sitting in other array centers took action one after another and injected their mysterious energy into the array center.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Heng also shot out his mysterious energy.

As the seven people's mysterious power was injected into the array center, the array pattern on the ground suddenly lit up.

A khaki light curtain rose from the ground and in a blink of an eye, it actually covered the blood-colored restriction.

Then, a strong pressure surged from the yellow light curtain towards the blood-colored restriction.

Like a big hand, squeezing with great force, the blood-colored light curtain trembled and deformed.

But inside the blood-colored restriction, blood light surged, and a constant supply of energy immediately strengthened the restriction.

The light curtain was stabilized again and resisted the pressure of the Seven Star Reversal Array.

Seeing this, Huang Yuanzheng, who was sitting in the main array center, was not panicked at all.

A yellow-glowing array appeared in his hand. As he moved his five fingers, several rays of light entered and changed the array layout.

"Seven Stars Reversed!"

Huang Yuanzheng shouted softly.

The next moment, yellow light surged inside the array.

Seven yellow light balls, shining like stars, condensed from the seven array eyes.

The seven light balls contained amazing energy fluctuations. Once condensed, they began to flow around the array and began to violently hit the blood-colored restriction.

Every collision would cause the restriction light curtain to vibrate violently, dent and deform.

But the blood-colored light curtain then quickly recovered under the operation of the restriction power.

Huang Yuanzheng remained calm.

Because as everyone continued to infuse energy and bless the Seven Stars Reversed Array.

The seven "yellow stars" in the array were running faster and faster, and the intensity and density of bombarding the blood-colored light curtain were also rising sharply.

An hour later.

"Boom boom boom..."

Under the violent bombardment of the seven stars, the blood-colored light curtain trembled violently, the deformation intensified, and fine cracks appeared on the surface of the light curtain.

Seeing this, Huang Yuanzheng said happily: "Everyone, please work harder, this restriction can't hold up!"

The seven people increased the supply of Xuan Qi at the same time, and the power of the formation increased again.

The seven stars were running wildly, and the cracks in the blood-colored light curtain spread rapidly.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

"Crack, crack..."

The harsh sound of cracking resounded throughout the cave.



In the Seven Stars Inverted Formation, there was a violent roar, and the blood-colored light curtain exploded, shaking the entire cave violently.

"It's done!"

The light of the formation plate in Huang Yuanzheng's hand was reduced, and the light curtain condensed by the Seven Stars Inverted Formation gradually became virtual.

Seeing this, everyone was overjoyed and stopped supplying energy.

As the light curtain of the formation disappeared, a dark underground passage appeared, extending all the way to the ground.

Everyone stood up excitedly. Before entering the underground passage, Qinglong Zhenren spoke.

"Everyone, now that the entrance to the ruins has been opened, in order to avoid disagreements when taking the treasures, we still have to agree on some things in advance.

The treasures obtained from the ruins this time, according to the value, I and Master Huang will each get 20%, and the remaining 60% will be divided equally among the five of you.

I wonder if everyone has any objections to this distribution method?"

Hearing this, Qinglong Zhenren's junior brother Chihu Zhenren naturally had no objection.

And Jiang Yan, Zhou Xu, Yu Linglong and Zhao Heng, the four people, looked at each other briefly, and had no objection.

After all, this ruins was originally discovered by Qinglong Zhenren first.

And everyone was able to break the ban thanks to the formation arranged by Huang Yuanzheng.

Not only did the two of them contribute the most, they were also the two people with the highest cultivation on the scene. Each of them only got 20% of the treasures, which was already very generous.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Qinglong Zhenren smiled and said, "Since everyone agrees, let's take a look at what treasures are in this ruins."

Then, the strongest Qinglong Zhenren led the way in front.

Huang Yuanzheng, whose cultivation was second only to Qinglong Zhenren, was at the back.

The group of seven people followed the stairs of the tunnel and went deeper step by step.

During this time, Zhao Heng had been spreading his spiritual sense to the extreme, not only paying attention to the slightest movement around him, but also paying attention to the every move of the other six people.

The stairs were in a circular shape, and everyone circled down all the way, almost diving nearly a hundred feet deep, and finally reached the bottom of the ruins.

In front of them was a spacious passage, supported by huge circular rock pillars on both sides, and the top was inlaid with red crystals, emitting a hazy blood-red light, like a passage in an underground palace.

Everyone used their spiritual sense to detect the passage, and did not find anything abnormal, so they continued to move forward.

After passing through the end of the passage, behind a light curtain that isolated the breath, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and they came to a wide underground square.

There were nearly a hundred square stone pillars standing on the square.

Next to each stone pillar, there were several lifelike stone armored guards holding huge axes and standing by.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on these stone pillars.

Most of the nearly a hundred stone pillars were broken, and some were only half-broken, covered in dust.

But there were more than twenty well-preserved stone pillars, with translucent energy shields on the top, emitting amazing energy fluctuations.

Through the shield, everyone could clearly see that various items were displayed in the shield.

There were flowers and plants emitting strange light, white jade porcelain bottles that sealed elixirs, weapons filled with mysterious light, and some crystal stones that condensed the innate energy...

Everyone's pupils shrank at the same time, and then their eyes showed a fiery color.

"It's a spiritual object of heaven and earth, as well as mysterious weapons and elixirs!"

"So many treasures, we've made it this time!"


Someone couldn't help but exclaim.

Although it had been guessed that there must be treasures in this relic, it was unexpected that they would appear so quickly.

Seeing these treasures on the square, Zhao Heng was also slightly startled, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He secretly used the Sky Eye Technique to continue observing the four sides of the square, and his eyes finally focused on the stone sculptures of armored guards next to the stone pillars.

At this time, among the crowd, Jiang Yan, the leader of the Red Star Sect, couldn't wait to say: "Everyone, there are so many treasures here, let's take them out first and then distribute them."

As he said that, he couldn't hold back and looked at the top of a nearby stone pillar, which was covered by a light shield and emitted a spiritual herb with amazing energy.

Jiang Yan jumped directly and flew to the top of the stone pillar. The sharp light gathered in his palm and was about to hit the light curtain on the stone pillar with one palm.

However, just as he approached the stone pillar, within a range of three feet. "

The four armored guards holding axes standing under the stone pillars suddenly had blood in their eyes, which were originally wooden and silent.

"Boom boom boom...!"

The four armored guards suddenly jumped up from the ground, and with the huge axes in their hands, they chopped down at Jiang Yan's head from all directions.


This scene surprised everyone present.

"It's a puppet! "The Azure Dragon Master exclaimed.

Jiang Yan's pupils also shrank, and then his palm changed suddenly, four powerful palm prints swept across, bombarding the four armored guards.

With four dull loud noises, the four armored guards flew backwards!

Seeing this, Jiang Yan felt relieved, the strength of these puppets was sparse and ordinary, and there was no threat to him.

He immediately prepared to use the force again and jump onto the stone pillar.

Unexpectedly, a whistling wind came from all around again, and the four puppets that were knocked away by him actually rushed again, seemingly not affected by his palm power at all, and swung the giant axe and chopped them down on their heads.

Jiang Yan frowned, and immediately released the mysterious power of both palms, and another palm print bombarded the four puppets.

These puppets were knocked back by Jiang Yan's palm prints, and a large number of palm prints appeared on their bodies.

But these palm prints will automatically recover after a while, and these puppets will continue to rush towards Jiang Yan fearlessly.

Although the strength of these puppets has not reached the heavenly realm, they are comparable to half-step innate masters, and they are strong and fearless of life and death, making them quite difficult to deal with.

After fighting with the four puppets for several rounds, Jiang Yan flashed and withdrew from the vicinity of the stone pillar.

Seeing this, the four puppets also automatically returned to the stone pillar and stood still. The blood in their pupils quickly disappeared and they returned to the state of stone statues.

"What the hell is this thing? How can it recover by itself after being injured by me?"

Jiang Yan returned to the front of the crowd with a depressed look on his face.

In the crowd, Huang Yuanzheng stared at these puppet armor guards, and then looked at the light ball on the stone pillar, thinking.

"I heard that the Thousand Souls Hall has a puppet technique that can be combined with the formation. As long as the power of the formation is not destroyed, the puppet can recover by itself. "

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Qinglong Zhenren asked: "Huang Daoist, do you mean that these puppets may come from the Thousand Souls Hall?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. The Thousand Souls Hall was a first-class sect of the Demonic Path thousands of years ago. Could this relic be related to the Thousand Souls Hall?

Huang Yuanzheng shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but I can also see the weaknesses of these puppets.

Their energy source should come from the light shield on the stone pillar. As long as we work together, someone will restrain the puppets and someone will break the light shield, these puppets will become ineffective. "

Hearing this, everyone found that the puppet armor guards around the stone pillars without light shields were damaged or even destroyed.

After Huang Yuanzheng's suggestion, everyone immediately took action again, one person attracted the puppet armor guards, and the other person attacked the light shield.

Sure enough, after a while of effort, the light shield was broken, the puppet armor guards were immediately ineffective, and a spiritual object of heaven and earth was successfully taken out.

Seeing that the method was effective, everyone immediately split up and began to search for treasures in the square.

Zhao Heng also joined forces with Yu Linglong to start taking treasures.

But his eyes secretly swept towards Huang Yuanzheng, and the suspicion in his eyes became stronger.

"Am I wrong?"

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