I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 187: Joining the Alliance

"Invite me to join the Magic Alliance!"

After hearing what Wu Tong said, Zhao Heng looked shocked.

Wu Tong smiled and said: "Yes, I have heard for a long time that fellow Taoist Ren is extremely talented. Now is the time for me to hire someone, so please don't refuse."

Zhao Heng's eyes flickered for a while, and then he looked apologetic.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, Ren always likes to act freely, and now he is not ready to join other organizations. You see..."

Zhao Heng politely refused, not only because he had never thought about joining the Demon Alliance.

Moreover, the other party's invitation is obviously not that simple.

Presumably, the other party has not completely trusted me about the ruins, and wants to invite me to join the Demon Alliance so that it is easier to obtain information and control.

However, Zhao Heng just expressed his refusal.

Before Wu Tong could answer, there was a cold snort and a cold and playful female voice.

"I'm afraid it's not up to you whether to join the alliance or not."

The person who spoke was none other than the purple-clothed woman "Yin Ruoling" who had been glaring at Zhao Heng.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Heng's expression changed slightly and his voice became darker.

Yin Ruoling sneered and said: "Haha... Now the four demonic sects and all the demonic forces in the Black Flame Dynasty are paying attention to these ruins. Once they know, the first ruins were opened by you.

Not to mention the demonic forces in other regions, just the demonic forces in the southeast will probably raze your Sun and Moon Sect to the ground. "

When Zhao Heng heard this, his heart trembled.

This incident about the border ruins has caused a stir in the Demon Dao world, and many people must have speculated that there are valuable treasures hidden in the ruins.

If he knew that he was participating in the exploration of the first ruins, he would definitely be greedy and attack it in groups.

Yin Ruoling added: "Also, when you were in the Yunfeng Dynasty, you repeatedly opposed the Blood Refining Sect, and Elder Ku Xuan of the Blood Refining Sect hated you with all his heart.

He is a senior executive of the Southwest Branch of the Magic Alliance. He has negotiated with us through the Magic Alliance more than once, asking us to hand you over, and offering us generous exchange terms.

Unfortunately, we have never liked the guys from the Blood Refining Sect, so we have never agreed.

But after all, you are not from my Southeast Branch, and now because you opened that ruins, you have caused us a lot of trouble.

We have already done our best by not arresting you and questioning you. There seems to be no reason for us to protect you, an outsider. "

After listening to Yin Ruoling's words, Zhao Heng looked worried on the surface, but he was thinking secretly in his heart.

"If it really doesn't work, I have no choice but to give up this vest."

In fact, Yin Ruoling's threat was of little effect to Zhao Heng.

Because no matter how big the crisis is in the outside world, as long as he breaks away from his identity, he can escape.

Now he is not afraid in his heart, he is just weighing the gains and losses.

At this time, Wu Tong said sincerely: "Fellow Taoist Ren, although what Protector Yin said is somewhat exaggerated, your current situation is indeed not good.

To be honest, due to the emergence of these ruins, the other three branches of the alliance have also brought huge pressure to us. Now the branches are vigorously recruiting manpower to prevent accidents.

Fellow Taoist Ren is the party involved in this matter, and he is also an innate warrior with extraordinary talents. If he is willing to join our Southeast Branch, we will definitely treat him with sincerity and give Fellow Taoist generous treatment. "

After hearing this, Zhao Heng pondered for a moment and asked tentatively: "Once I join you, what do I need to pay?"

Seeing that Zhao Heng seemed to be interested, Wu Tong said with a smile: "Our Southeast Branch has a loose management of alliance members. Except for special periods, members will be summoned to carry out paid missions.

Most of the time, you are completely free. Now, in my branch, there are many leaders or senior leaders of demonic sects joining.

Recently, due to special circumstances, we summoned many alliance members to go to the southeastern border to guard those ruins. "

Hearing Wu Tong's last words, Zhao Heng had a thought in his mind and his mind suddenly became active.

He also asked some questions about the Demonic Alliance.

After thinking silently for a moment, Zhao Heng finally spoke.

"Oh... okay then, I agree to join."

Zhao Heng sighed and acted very helpless, as if he finally accepted his fate under the coercion and inducement of the two men.

But he actually has his own plans.

He had no idea what the bronze fragment and the drop of purple-gold blood that entered his body were.

Now it seems that the Demonic Alliance must have some unknown secrets, perhaps related to these two things.

If you don't join the Demon Alliance, not only will you have the troubles that Yin Ruoling just mentioned, but you may also arouse the suspicion of the Demon Alliance.

On the other hand, if you join them, you will have the opportunity to contact several other ruins and explore the news about bronze fragments and purple gold blood.

Choosing the lesser of two evils, Zhao Heng chose to join.

"So good!"

After getting Zhao Heng's affirmative answer, Wu Tong smiled all over his face.

"Since Fellow Daoist Ren has made a decision, why not come with us now to the station to go through the various procedures for joining the alliance."

Hearing this, there was no objection.

If Wu Tong and others really wanted to harm themselves, with this person's cultivation at the peak of the Heaven Realm and the strength of their numbers, they would have taken action long ago, so why bother talking.

Zhao Heng immediately turned to look at Lin Yeqiu.

"Great Elder, I will leave the teachings to you."

"Leader, I'll go with you!" Lin Yeqiu was a little worried.

Zhao Heng shook his head, "No need, I will be back soon."


Finally, Zhao Heng, Wu Tong, Yin Ruoling and others drove the light together and rushed to the Demon Alliance, the Southeast Branch, and the Annan District Station in the northwest.

On the way, Zhao Heng and Wu Tong communicated from time to time and learned a lot about the Demon Alliance.

The Demon Alliance has four branches, "Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast".

Although they are called Demon Branches, in fact, the four Demon Sects, Tiansha Sect, Guiwang Sect, Xuelian Sect and Yaoyue Sect, control the power of these branches.

For example, in the Southeast Branch, most of the senior executives are from Yaoyue Sect.

The Southeast Branch is divided into eight districts, and the "Annan District" is located in the southernmost part of the branch, and the station is close to "Anyue City" where Zhao Heng participated in the auction.

While Zhao Heng was learning about the situation from Wu Tong, the other party was also inquiring about Zhao Heng.

"Fellow Daoist Ren, I heard that in that ruin, you killed the leader of the Azure Dragon Sect and severely injured the leader of the Demon Sword Sect.

They are all mid-stage Ascension Realm warriors. It is really amazing that Fellow Daoist Ren can achieve such a record with the cultivation of the early stage of Ascension Realm."

"Fellow Daoist Wu is too flattering. I just won by surprise and luck." Zhao Heng answered without a single leak.

While the two were talking, Yin Ruoling stepped on the flying sword in the void behind him, looking at Zhao Heng's back with a bad look.

"Hmph, when you join the Southeast Branch, I will have plenty of opportunities to deal with you."


The group flew at high speed and arrived at Anyue City at dawn the next day.

Instead of entering the city, they flew to a high mountain covered by "Fog Sea and Glowing Light" to the west of Anyue City.

In Anyue City is the residence of the "Chamber of Commerce" of the Demon Dao Alliance.

And this mountain covered by the formation is the base camp of Annan District.

At this time, Wu Tong took out a jade talisman, which triggered a white light that enveloped everyone, and flew directly through the mountain protection formation to the middle of the mountain.

The Annan District garrison was rich in Xuanqi and abundant inxianqi.

Wherever he passed, he could see a large number of post-natal warriors on the mountain road, rushing back and forth.

In the void, there were also warriors in the heavenly realm who stepped on the escape light and passed by from time to time.

When these people saw Wu Tong, they all took the initiative to clasp their fists and salute, and their attitude was quite respectful, which showed that this person had a high status in the Annan District.

Finally, the group came to a hall located halfway up the mountain.

At this time, Yin Ruoling took the initiative to step forward, contrary to her usual behavior.

"Envoy Wu, go and rest, let me take him to the test."

"Okay!" Wu Tong nodded.

Zhao Heng was a little confused.


Yin Ruoling smiled playfully.

"I forgot to tell you that all the masters who join our alliance must go through professional tests to determine your strength and potential, so that the branch can assign tasks and training for you in the future.

Let's go, since you are also joining the branch, we are also considered family members, and I will put aside the past grudges."

Yin Ruoling's tone was very generous, as generous as her plump bust.

But Zhao Heng could also see that her flat and smooth belly was full of bad intentions!

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