I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 241 Joining the Imperial Hospital

"Stop, this is the Imperial Hospital. No one else is allowed to break in?"

In front of the gate of Taiyuan Hospital, the officer on duty shouted to stop Zhao Heng, with a look of caution on his face.

Several of them are Body Tempering Realm warriors with extraordinary strength.

Most of the imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital specialize in treating diseases of the royal family and nobles.

Regarding the life safety of these great men, the hospital is extremely tightly guarded to prevent anyone from poisoning the medicine and causing the death of the royal family.

"My Excellency, Zhao Wuji, is the newly appointed imperial doctor. I would like to ask two of you to pass the news on my behalf."

"Zhao Wuji?"

Several government officials looked at each other, having never heard of this name.

This name was temporarily chosen by Zhao Heng yesterday.

The appointment document that Queen Mu gave him was stamped with the Queen's personal seal and the seal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but did not contain Zhao Heng's name. Zhao Heng could fill in it freely.

After some thought, he chose this name without any special meaning.

The main reason is that his position is that of an imperial doctor. To convince patients, a doctor's name must be a bit impressive.

Zhao Heng took out his appointment documents, handed them to a yamen servant, and stuffed a piece of silver into them.

When the yamen servant saw the document and felt the heavy weight in his hand, his eyes immediately brightened.

"Sir, please wait a moment. I'm going to pass the message immediately!"

The yamen servant entered the courtyard and came out after a while, with a smile on his face.

"My lord, the court judge has read the documents. Please come to the hospital and meet me. I will lead the way."

Zhao Heng nodded and followed the Yamen servant into Taiyuan Hospital.

On the way, I casually asked him about the establishment and personnel composition of Taiyuan Hospital.

The ingot of silver that Zhao Heng just gave was more than this person's monthly salary, so he naturally knew everything about Zhao Heng.

"Reporting to your lord, our hospital naturally respects the head of the hospital.

He is a third-rank official who specializes in treating His Majesty, the Queen and several concubines. On weekdays, he is either in the Taiyuan Hospital, studying medicine behind closed doors, or on duty in the palace. He happened to be away today.

The people stationed at the Tai Hospital on a daily basis are the two court judges on the left and right. They are fifth-grade officials and are responsible for the personnel scheduling and various affairs of the Tai Hospital.

Under the court's judgment, there are imperial doctors like you, your lord. With sixth-grade official positions, there are only more than 20 imperial doctors in the entire Taiyuan Hospital. Further down, there are ninth-grade officials, ninth-grade medical scholars, and several doctors. "

In a few words, the yamen officer roughly explained the situation in Tai Hospital.

Zhao Heng also understood that his position as an imperial doctor was considered to be a high-level position in Taiyuan Hospital, and there were only two judges and envoys above him.

While talking, the yamen officer took Zhao Heng to an office room and respectfully delivered a message.

"Your Excellency, Imperial Physician Zhao has been brought here."

"Well, come in." A cold voice came from the room.

The Yamen servant bowed to Zhao Heng and resigned voluntarily, while Zhao Heng stepped into the room.

This is a spacious house with simple furnishings. There are only a few calligraphy and paintings hanging, all about prescriptions and medicinal materials. There is also a strong medicinal fragrance lingering in the room.

Sitting on the east side of the room, behind a long wooden table, is an old man with a goatee, slightly frosted temples, and a solemn expression.

He looked Zhao Heng up and down, and was obviously stunned when he saw that he was so young.

You know, among the imperial doctors at Taiyuan Hospital, the youngest ones are basically over fifty.

And Zhao Heng looked like he was in his early twenties, younger than many apprentices in Tai Hospital.

If someone from the palace hadn't said hello in advance, and there were no problems with Zhao Heng's appointment documents, he would never have believed that the other party was the newly appointed imperial physician.

Slightly suppressing his surprise, the judge from the Left Court casually asked Zhao Heng some identity information.

Then he handed the document to him and said calmly: "Go out and turn right. In the third room, you go and see the judge on the right. He will be responsible for your admission process."

Zhao Heng frowned slightly, took the document and turned to leave.

With his innate master's keen sense, Zuoyuanjing naturally understands clearly the emotional fluctuations of an ordinary person.

The other party was obviously a little perfunctory towards me, even a little disdainful and contemptuous.

Zhao Heng guessed that it was because he was too young and was a charlatan.

After all, the imperial doctors of Taiyuan Hospital usually go through systematic study and are passed down from generation to generation, step by step rising from the position of doctor, healer...etc.

Being so young and a wandering doctor, he was directly promoted to imperial physician.

How do these adults, who have spent most of their lives to climb to high positions, think in their hearts?

Zhao Heng didn't care, so he turned around and went to the right court judge's office.

I thought that the right-hand court judge was as "old-fashioned" as the left-hand court judge.

Unexpectedly, this man was young, in his early forties, somewhat obese, with a round face and mustache, rosy complexion, and bright eyes. He gave off a sense of shrewdness at first glance.

Sure enough, when Zhao Heng submitted his appointment documents, the right-wing judge enthusiastically invited him to take a seat.

After some pleasantries with Zhao Heng, the judge from the right court said: "Mr. Zhao is so young and can hold the position of imperial doctor. He is really young and promising.

I heard that... Mr. Zhao cured the Queen's head ailment when the Queen and His Majesty were on tour in the south. The Queen was grateful and specially promoted her. I wonder if this is the case? "

Hearing this, Zhao Heng smiled and nodded, "It's true, my family happens to have an ancestral secret recipe for treating head diseases."

After receiving Zhao Heng's affirmation, the attitude of the right court judge became obviously more enthusiastic.

"In this way, Imperial Doctor Zhao can be regarded as my empress's benefactor. He will have a bright future in the future!"

"Your Majesty, your words are serious. From now on, I will be working as an errand in the Imperial Hospital. I am a newbie here, so I hope you will take good care of me."

While speaking, he placed a golden object in the right court judge's hand without any trace.

Feeling his palms sinking, he looked down and saw the shining golden color.

The smile on the right court judge's face became even brighter, and he quickly put the gold ingot into his sleeve.

"Oh... Dr. Zhao is young and promising. He is a talented person. I will never give up. From now on, you and I will treat each other as brothers in private. Let's take care of each other!"

Zhao Heng also thanked him repeatedly, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

I thought to myself, no wonder the Right Court Judge became the second-in-command at such a young age, he seemed to be someone who knew how to cause trouble.

After a while, the judge from the right court summoned a man in his early thirties, wearing a Tsing Yi patchwork coat and a ninth-grade official hat, with slightly dark complexion but bright eyes.

After changing his cordial and enthusiastic attitude when talking to Zhao Heng, the judge from the right court looked at the man with a cold expression.

"From now on, you will stay with Dr. Zhao, assist Dr. Zhao, and help Dr. Zhao get familiar with the Imperial Hospital as soon as possible. Don't neglect it!"


The man quickly bowed and nodded with a humble attitude.

The judge from the right court nodded and said: "Well, then you can take Imperial Doctor Zhao to get your official uniform now and go to the office to be on duty."

Afterwards, Zhao Heng followed this person and left the office of the right court judge.

Looking at Zhao Heng and his two men leaving, the right court judge's eyes flickered and he whispered to himself.

"This person has rescued the Queen. Although the Queen promoted him, it may have been a casual move, and she may not really remember this person in her heart.

However, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. This kind of person does not necessarily need to be flattered, nor can he be offended. What's more, this person is so generous, hehe! "

After walking out of the room, I heard the judge on the right whispering to himself in the room.

Zhao Heng smiled. These officials were indeed very thoughtful.

At this time, the man who led him out quickly bowed to Zhao Heng and saluted.

"I pay my respects to Dr. Zhao. If you have any errands from now on, just ask me. I will do my best to satisfy you!"

Zhao Heng nodded and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Shen You, and I am the third eldest child in the family. Sir, you can just call me Shen San."

"Shen San, um, what is your position in Taiyuan Hospital?"

"The villain is an official in the Taiyuan Hospital. He is a ninth-grade official and is not worth mentioning."

In a place like the Imperial Capital where powerful people gather, a falling brick can knock down a large number of ninth-grade officials, whose positions are indeed very low.

Zhao Heng nodded and said: "Okay, Shen San, if you follow me well, I will not treat you badly in the future."

Zhao Heng looked at Shen San with an indifferent expression, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and a trace of spiritual brand remained on the other person's body without leaving a trace.

Shen San felt a cold wind blowing by, and felt a heart palpitation for no reason.

Suddenly, I felt that the young and shameless imperial doctor in front of me had an indescribable majesty, and his authority was even stronger than that of the Imperial Envoy.

But this feeling is only fleeting.

Immediately, Shen San took Zhao Heng to pick up two sets of official uniforms, and then went to an office building in the corner northwest of the hospital.

As a high-level official of Taiyuan Hospital, each imperial doctor has an independent office, and the area is not small.

In addition to Zhao Heng's independent office, there is also an outer hall with two medical staff, four doctors, and three servants responsible for running errands.

These people are all under Zhao Heng's management, and they form a small "medical team" with him as the center.

Shen San brought Zhao Heng to the office and introduced him to everyone.

Everyone was amazed at Zhao Heng's young appearance, and everyone was respectful and honest.

Later, Zhao Heng entered his office, which was a fairly spacious and bright building. The bookcase behind the desk was filled with various medical classics.

The room has a small door and is equipped with a quiet room for resting. The office environment is very good.

"Sir, do you have any other instructions?" Shen San asked diligently.

"By the way, as an imperial doctor, what do I need to do every day?" Zhao Heng asked casually.

Shen San smiled awkwardly and said: "Uh... Sir, imperial doctors are usually responsible for treating illnesses and injuries of nobles in the palace or dignitaries in the imperial capital.

Except when he is on duty, he has to go to the duty room of the palace. At other times, he will only visit the doctor when summoned.

Sir, since you are new to Taiyuan Hospital, I am afraid that many people may not recognize you..."

Zhao Heng understood as soon as he heard that he had just arrived at the Tai Hospital. No nobles in the palace or high-ranking officials in the imperial capital knew him, nor did they believe in his medical skills. No one would seek treatment from him.

In short, he just has nothing to do right now.

Zhao Heng is very satisfied with this kind of idle job.

"Okay, I understand, you go ahead and do your work."

Zhao Heng waved his hand and said to Shen San.


Shen San exited the room and closed the door.

Zhao Heng casually looked at the layout of the room and entered the quiet room directly.

An isolation barrier was casually placed, and the consciousness naturally spread out, covering the entire hospital.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Zhao Heng started practicing Qigong.

Now that he has joined Tai Hospital, he only needs to wait for the Empress to summon him to discuss his future action plan.

Although the imperial capital is prosperous, it is not suitable for cultivation. The profound energy and innate energy are very thin.

Fortunately, Zhao Heng had a top-grade spiritual elixir that provided innate energy. He also held two mid-grade mysterious crystals in his hands and directly entered a deep cultivation state...

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