I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 259 The Third Inside Player

When Zhao Heng heard Princess Yuxuan asking him to teach her some knowledge, he felt a little amused.

After all, she was a princess. Although she was a little bit savage, she was innocent and pure. She didn't need to plot to get revenge on someone, but she secretly taught her opponent to death.

However, this was exactly what Zhao Heng wanted.

It was also a lesson for one person. Since the fourth princess wanted to join, why not have a double-winged relationship.

In this way, he would have one more line in the inner palace, and the time and scope of his stay in the future would be greatly increased, and the intelligence network of the harem would be more complete.

Thinking of this, Zhao Heng bowed to Princess Yuxuan.

"Since the fourth princess has ordered, I will obey.

Besides, Her Highness is a kind-hearted and intelligent person, and her talent must be better than that of the eldest princess."

Zhao Heng readily agreed and flattered her against his will.

Hearing this, Princess Yuxuan was really overjoyed. It was difficult for her to maintain her princess demeanor, and she jumped for joy.

"Haha... Lord Zhao is indeed a man of vision. I like people like you who love to tell the truth.

In this case, there is no time to lose. You should teach me now. I want to learn quickly and surpass that bad woman Yu Qing!"

Zhao Heng nodded, sighing that the young man is teachable.

So next, Zhao Heng taught Princess Yuxuan in the inner hall.

I thought this would be a simple and pleasant exchange time, but Zhao Heng thought it was too simple.

Because he seriously overestimated the fourth princess's learning ability.

"Oh, Lord Zhao, I don't like poetry. What about "Two orioles sing in the green willows, a line of egrets fly in the blue sky", aren't they just a few broken birds? Change to something else to teach."

"Oh, what about "Autumn water and the sky are the same color, the setting sun and the solitary wild goose fly together" I don't understand, poetry and the like are meaningless, change it again."


"Couplets are not good either, change it!"

"Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting are all meaningless, change it, change it again!"


After an incense stick of time, Zhao Heng and the fourth princess looked at each other.

Zhao Heng has tried to teach the fourth princess various literature-related courses such as "Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs".

But even if it is the most superficial things, the fourth princess can't learn it in a moment, and she doesn't want to learn it.

Not even three minutes of enthusiasm!

For a while, Zhao Heng was actually helpless. This level of "scumbag" is the first time he has seen it.

However, the arrogance of this poor-student princess was even more arrogant than him.

"Oh... what are you teaching? None of them suit my taste. Are you deliberately deceiving me? These are not what you taught Yu Qing at all.

Humph, it must be true. I can't learn it, so how can Yu Qing learn it?"

Zhao Heng was completely speechless, thinking that you did learn differently. Yours is compulsory education in elementary school, and hers is a graduate course. How can they be the same?

However, this princess was unruly and unreasonable, and said angrily: "You should think of a way to teach me more things quickly.

Otherwise, otherwise... I will make you an inner official and enter the palace to be a little eunuch beside me, and I won't let you teach Yu Qing!"

Zhao Heng's mouth twitched. This woman, like his mother, wanted to "dig deep" into him.

But Zhao Heng was not worried. He thought in his heart, why not just use the spirit-stealing technique on the fourth princess to make her more obedient.

Although the other party is the blood of Master's family, if he keeps making trouble, this is the only way.

At this time, Princess Yuxuan was still complaining, "It's all a mess of knowledge, not as interesting as those picture books outside the palace."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested!

Zhao Heng's eyes lit up.

"Your Highness, I know what to teach you?"

"Oh... really?" Princess Yuxuan looked curious.

Zhao Heng nodded and said, "As the saying goes, one can learn a hundred things. Literature is profound. In addition to poetry, songs and essays, I am also good at writing biographies. Your Highness can learn from these stories and learn knowledge!"

Hearing "biography", Princess Yuxuan's eyes suddenly lit up and became interested.

"You can write too? Is your story good? How does it compare with those story books outside the palace?"

"Haha, this...!"

Zhao Heng smiled contemptuously.

"Are they worthy of being called?"

"Princess, please listen to my story."

"Okay, okay... hurry up and tell me!"

Princess Yuxuan was somewhat expectant and somewhat skeptical.

But as Zhao Heng spoke, he began to tell a story.

The skepticism on Princess Yuxuan's face gradually disappeared, and then she gradually got into the mood and showed an fascination.

The expression on her face began to fluctuate with the plot of the story, sometimes laughing heartily, sometimes filled with righteous indignation, and sometimes crying sadly...

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, an hour had passed.

Zhao Heng's heavy and magnetic voice was still echoing in the hall.

"That night, the Flaming Mountain was filled with demonic energy and ghostly fog. In the dark clouds, Sun Wukong stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, broke through the sea of ​​clouds, and fell to the human world.

He stood in front of his master, junior brother, and Fairy Zixia, facing the Bull Demon King and his millions of demon soldiers alone."

He used his great magical powers and seventy-two transformations to kill all the demon soldiers and generals by himself, severely wounding the Bull Demon King, and staining the ground with blood for thousands of miles.

But the Bull Demon King fought back before he died, using the power of the banana fan to blow the severely wounded Fairy Zixia towards the blazing Flaming Mountain.

Sun Wukong finally couldn't calm down, so he flew up and hugged Fairy Zixia into his arms, mobilizing all his magic power to resist the power of the banana fan.

Even though the great sage exerted his strength to the sky, the golden hoop on his head began to tighten when he was moved.

He had a splitting headache, blood filled his pupils, and his body seemed to explode, but he still didn't let go.

He stared helplessly at the beautiful woman in his arms who was wearing a red wedding dress and the love of his life. He used the last bit of strength in his life to caress his cheek and spoke full of regret and loneliness.

"The man I love is an unparalleled hero. I know that one day, he will appear in front of everyone, wearing golden armor and holy clothes, and stepping on seven-color clouds to marry me.

I guessed right at the beginning, but I couldn’t guess the ending..."

At this point in the story, Zhao Heng could no longer continue telling the story.

The sound of the fourth princess sobbing loudly came from the hall, which shocked the maids and slaves of Xiayun Palace and rushed in one after another.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you, but there are bad people bullying you?"

"What did you do to my princess?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Heng with unkind expressions, saying that Zhao Heng had done something inappropriate to the princess.


The fourth princess wiped away her tears and wiped off her makeup, but she shouted angrily at the servants: "How dare you be rude to Mr. Zhao, be careful I slap you, or get out of here!"

Everyone retreated in shock, but Princess Yuxuan looked sad and looked at Zhao Heng expectantly.

"Master Zhao, this story is really wonderful. I have never heard such a wonderful and touching story in all my years.

By the way, what happened next? Did Fairy Zixia really die? Did the dead monkey rescue her? Also, did he kill the Bull Demon King? "

Princess Yuxuan looked at Zhao Heng with great longing.

But Zhao Heng stood up and bowed.

"Your Highness Princess, it's getting late. It's time for me to go back. If you want to know what happened next time, let's hear the explanation next time!"

In order to meet again, Zhao Heng decisively broke the story at a critical point, and quickly slipped out of Xiayun Palace before the fourth princess came to her senses.

He knew that he, the third insider in the inner palace, had successfully opened up!

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