I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 26: Blood-burning Sword Technique

"Yinfeng Claw?"

Seeing Liu Hong's claw technique, Huagu Xiong was surprised.

Yinfeng Claw is one of the basic martial arts of the magic way. Although it is very common, it is really strange for a righteous martial artist to be able to perform it.

Moreover, Liu Hong's Yinfeng Claw is extremely powerful and has reached the realm of minor success.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

Liu Hong's face was gloomy, and his claws were like knives. He attacked the two people frantically, and his moves were tricky and vicious.

Huagu Xiong did not dare to neglect it, and quickly performed a set of basic martial arts called "Black Evil Fist" to meet them head-on.

However, when the two met, the difference in strength was immediately determined.

In an instant, several bloody claw marks were left on Huagu Xiong's body.

Liu Hong was about to pursue the victory, but suddenly heard a whistling wind beside him, and a fist shadow rushed over.

He directly used a claw to sweep across to meet it.


Fists and claws clashed, and although Liu Hong repelled the opponent, his body was also shaken and his fingers were slightly numb.

"Stone-splitting fist, how can you know the righteous martial arts?"

He looked at the black-hooded "Ren Woxing" in surprise. The opponent's Stone-splitting fist had actually reached the minor success level.

"You can practice the magic martial arts, but I can't practice the righteous martial arts?"

Zhao Heng, who transformed into the magic Ren Woxing, didn't care about anything and used the minor success level of Stone-splitting fist to smash Liu Hong.

Hua Gu Xiong, who was standing by, was also ruthless and attacked desperately with Zhao Heng.

Liu Hong didn't expect that these two people were so difficult to deal with. After fighting for a while, he finally decided to run away.

He changed his steps and used his body skills to move.

Unexpectedly, the other two also stepped on the mysterious steps and chased him. These two people actually practiced body skills.

Hua Gu Xiong used the Hua Gu step, which was agile and fast.

When Huagu Xiong saw Ren Woxing's body movements, he felt that they were quite similar to his own, but there were many differences. In addition, the battle was fierce, so he didn't care.

Liu Hong had already consumed a lot of energy in the fight with Huagu Sect in the past few days, and he was just poisoned by Zhao Heng's soft tendon dispersion. The situation was extremely unfavorable for him, but it was difficult to escape at this moment.

At the critical moment, he could no longer care about hiding. He stretched out his hand to draw the sword at his waist, swept through the army, and forced Zhao Heng and the others to retreat a step.

Then he bit his fingertips and pressed his fingers on the groove at the end of the handle, posing a strange knife-holding posture.

Then, Zhao Heng saw that Liu Hong's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.


And the silver sword in his hand was actually buzzing and vibrating, and the blade was shining with strange blood light.

From the tiger's mouth of the handle, a blood line spread, circulated upward, forming a blood ring, and it was still spreading.

Seeing this, Zhao Heng felt it was very strange, while Huagu Xiong beside him was horrified.

"Burning...Burning Blood Sword Technique, how do you know the secret technique of the Blood Refining Sect."


Zhao Heng was also shocked when he heard this.

The Blood Refining Sect is one of the four major demon sects. What secrets does Liu Hong have?

"Brother Ren, hurry up and interrupt him. The Burning Blood Sword Technique uses one's own blood and vitality as a guide to burn blood and burst out powerful power. It is a secret technique of the Blood Refining Sect. Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of yourself!"

Without the other party's reminder, Zhao Heng had already seen the domineering nature of Liu Hong's move. He immediately drew out the black gold leopard head knife, rushed forward, and slashed with all his strength!

Facing Zhao Heng's fierce knife, Liu Hong's eyes flashed with cold light, and the big knife with two blood rings in his hand chopped forward.


The two knife lights collided, and Zhao Heng only felt a terrifying power passing through his arm along the blade.

The tiger's mouth was torn apart instantly, and the short knife almost flew out of his hand.

Zhao Heng was swept away directly, and hit a thick tree trunk heavily. His throat felt sweet and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"So strong!"

Liu Hong's strength almost doubled instantly.

Zhao Heng was just swept away, and Huagu Xiong, who followed closely, was also swept away with a knife, and flew far away with his weapon.

Liu Hong chopped two people away with two knives, roared, and rushed towards the two again.

Seeing this, Huagu Xiong hurriedly said: "Brother Ren, although the Burning Blood Sword Technique is strong, it consumes a lot of body. Don't fight him head-on, and deal with him for a while, and drag him to death!"

At the critical moment of life and death, the two men each held their weapons to meet Liu Hong, and did not fight Liu Hong head-on, but each used their body skills to fight.

Once Huagu Xiong's bone-changing footwork was used, his seemingly strong body became much more flexible.

Zhao Heng used a modified version of the Bone-Transforming Step. After using it, his figure was as erratic as the wind, which was obviously much more exquisite than Huagu Xiong.

Even though Liu Hong forced the two to retreat continuously with the ferocity of the Burning Blood Sword Technique, he was unable to defeat them for a while.

Feeling the large amount of blood consumed and burned in his body, as well as the spread of the toxins of the soft tendons.

Liu Hong roared and went completely berserk.

"Fight me, you will all die!"

With a roar, Liu Hong's eyes were red, blood gushed out of his fingertips and merged into the blade. A third blood ring appeared on the blood-emitting broadsword.

Liu Hong's momentum soared again, and his strength, speed and explosive power doubled again.

In just a moment, a blood-colored sword light attacked Zhao Heng and Huagu Xiong at a high speed, and the two hurriedly raised their weapons to resist.

"Boom boom...!"

Two loud noises broke out, and the two were like being hit by a bull running at full speed, spitting blood and flying backwards at the same time.

Liu Hong, who had mastered the Blood-Burning Sword Technique to its fullest, had increased his strength to a terrifying level.

With just one strike, Hua Guxiong and Zhao Heng were seriously injured.

After the bone-changing hero was swept away, he got up with difficulty, turned around and ran away without looking back.

He did not forget to shout: "Brother Ren, this person is too strong and cannot be defeated. I will take the first step. Your kindness in helping me today will be repaid in the future!"

Seeing Hua Guxiong running away, Zhao Heng was not surprised. People of the devil's way don't talk about loyalty.

Seeing Liu Hong rushing toward him with a bloody knife in his hand, Zhao Heng subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away.

However, in a flash of lightning, he changed his mind.

What happened today made Zhao Heng know that Liu Hong's identity was by no means simple, and his strength was even more astonishing.

If the Bone Transformation Sect hadn't gotten involved by accident this time, he might have fallen into the opponent's hands.

If Liu Hong is not eliminated, changes will occur in the future, causing even greater trouble.

Although Zhao Heng is cautious, he is by no means cowardly. On the contrary, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, he is sometimes crazier and bolder than anyone else!

Facing Liu Hong who rushed forward, Zhao Heng retreated violently, raised his hands at the same time, and spilled two more handfuls of lime.

Liu Hong kept walking, slashing against the wind with his long sword, and attacked Zhao Heng.

Zhao Henghua used the Bone Step, dodged to one side, and continued to scatter lime wildly, causing the surrounding area to be filled with a sea of ​​fog for several feet.

Immediately, the black-gold leopard-headed sword in his hand slashed towards Liu Hong crazily.

"Hmph, you just want to deal with me with this dirty trick, you are just wishful thinking!"

Liu Hong, who used the Blood-Burning Sword Technique, not only experienced a surge in strength, but his senses seemed to have also been enhanced.

Although he closed his eyes tightly, he could accurately capture Zhao Heng's position and easily block Zhao Heng's sword.

Seeing the fog created by the lime powder, it has gradually become thinner.

Finally, Zhao Heng slashed with all his strength to the back of Liu Hong's head.

But Liu Hong came first, turned around quickly, and slashed with his sword.


As the sparks exploded, the black-gold leopard-headed sword in Zhao Heng's hand was so shocked that it flew away!

Liu Hong suddenly opened his eyes, turned his sword sharply, and slashed towards Zhao Heng's chest.

Zhao Heng's pupils shrank, but he didn't care and struck Liu Hong's waist with a rock-breaking fist with all his strength.

Trade injury for injury!

Liu Hong saw Zhao Heng's intention, but he didn't hesitate.

His sword was enough to cut Zhao Heng in two. Although the opponent's stone-splitting fist was powerful and had reached the level of Xiaocheng, it did not attack the vital point.

If you get hit by a punch, you'll only get a few injuries at most, but it can kill the other person. You're guaranteed to make a profit without losing anything!

Thinking of this, Liu Hong exploded with all his strength. The sword in his hand was full of blood, like a bloody lightning, and struck Zhao Heng's chest fiercely. The wind of the sword even tore the black scarf on Zhao Heng's face.

"Zhao Heng!"

The moment he saw Zhao Heng's true appearance clearly, Liu Hong's eyes showed a look of astonishment and disbelief.

Immediately, it became more ferocious and vicious.



With one slash, the blade slashed from Zhao Heng's shoulder to his chest, easily slicing through his coat. However, when the blade continued to penetrate deeper, it was blocked by a dim red light and failed to separate Zhao Heng.

But even so, the strong impact still blew him away.


A clear sound of fractures was heard, and Zhao Heng was shot out several feet away like a cannonball, hitting the ground heavily, and vomited out a mouthful of blood again.

His vision went black for a while, and he almost lost consciousness.

The full-strength stone-splitting fist shook Liu Hong's body and staggered him a few steps, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, but it obviously did not cause too serious injuries.

Looking at Zhao Heng who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, Liu Hong showed a cold smile on his face.

"Zhao Heng, I didn't expect it to be you. Your strength has reached such an extent. It's really surprising.

It seems that I made a wise decision by taking action personally this time. "

"It's your time to die, I'll send you on your way!"

Liu Hong came over with a sword in hand and wanted to kill Zhao Heng.


Zhao Heng collapsed on the ground and coughed twice, but a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Deacon Liu, I think... your death will come before me."


Hearing this, Liu Hong's figure suddenly froze, and suddenly, he noticed something strange.

He looked down suddenly and saw a round object protruding from his belt.

He reached out and took it out, only to find a shiny black bead the size of a pigeon egg.

But he keenly sensed that there was a terrifying power accumulated in this bead, which made the hairs on his body stand on end!

"not good……!"

Liu Hong's pupils shrank, and he stretched out his hand to throw the ball out, but he was a step too late after all.


With an explosion of fiery energy, a white light shot out, turning the jungle into daylight...

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