Sensing the energy that suddenly invaded Zhao Heng's body, the Demon Lord cried out in surprise.

His voice was full of shock and disbelief.

The hot energy that devoured Zhao Heng also stagnated for a moment.

" did you do it?" The Demon Lord asked coldly.

Feeling the Demon Lord's fear of this energy, Zhao Heng was ecstatic.

"It really works!"

As if he had grabbed the last straw, Zhao Heng didn't care what kind of Demon Lord the other party was or how powerful he was.

He pretended to be arrogant and said: "Humph, Qiankun Jiyang Ding has recognized me as the master, of course I can mobilize its energy. If you don't want to be destroyed, leave my body quickly!"

Zhao Heng's intimidation silenced the Demon Lord, but this old demon was obviously not so easy to fool.

"Boy, are you kidding me?

The Qiankun Jiyang Ding is already damaged, and most of its original power has been lost. You are just a warrior in the Ascension Realm. You want to subdue this Ding from under my nose in such a short time. Do you think I am so easy to deceive?"

Hearing this, Zhao Heng's heart was a little nervous.

He naturally knew that the monster like the Demon Lord would not be easily fooled, but he had no choice now.

"You don't need to care how I did it. Is that energy the original power of the Qiankun Jiyang Ding? Can't you sense it yourself?"

Although Zhao Heng was powerless to complain about this pocket version of the Qiankun Jiyang Ding.

But Zhao Heng still had absolute confidence in the quality of the dice.

Although this Qiankun Jiyang Ding was small in size, its energy was absolutely pure, just like the original one.

Hearing this, the Demon Lord sneered disdainfully.

"Haha, little guy, you are still a little naive to try to trick me."

As soon as the words fell, the terrifying hot energy spread out again, covering Zhao Heng's whole body.

Zhao Heng's heart trembled, and he endured the pain and mobilized the energy in the pocket version of Qiankun Jiyang Ding again.

A trace of dark golden energy rushed along his arm towards the energy released by the Demon Lord.

"Chi Chi......!"

The two energies met and reacted violently again.

The dark golden energy evaporated one or two tenths, but it completely melted away the devouring power that was a hundred times its own volume.

This ratio seems amazing, but the original power of the pocket version of Qiankun Jiyang Ding is really pitiful.

At this moment, almost all of them have been dispatched, but there is only a thin wisp of dark.

Its evaporated devouring power, for the Demon Lord, is like a "finger-sized" stone rushing down a hundred-meter dam, a drop in the bucket.

As long as the Demon Lord doesn't care and releases this devouring power completely, this trace of energy can be submerged in an instant.

However, as the saying goes, a thousand-mile dam is breached by an ant hole.

The Demon Lord, who has been suppressed by the Qiankun Jiyang Ding for a thousand years and suffered a lot, has already had a shadow on this energy.

Although only a "small stone" was washed away, how could he know whether there would be a huge wave behind this trickle, following this hole and breaking the entire dam?

So, the surging devouring power retreated again like a rapids, shrinking again.

After a dead silence in the air.

After a long time, the voice of the Demon Lord came again.

"Impossible, with your cultivation, even if you use some special means to mobilize the energy of the Qiankun Jiyang Ding, how much can you mobilize?

Little guy, this energy should be your limit, why bother to struggle in vain?

If you give up this body obediently, I can promise you that I will only occupy your body and keep your soul. I will find you a suitable body in the future and let you take over and be reborn. What do you think?"

I don't believe you, Zhao Heng cursed in his heart, and finally had a little confidence.

The Demon Lord did not devour him regardless, but instead set conditions, obviously he was afraid in his heart.

It seems that the other party is not sure how much energy he can control in the Qiankun Jiyang Ding.

This old devil dare not gamble!

Zhao Heng immediately made a judgment in his heart.

In this way, he has the chips to play with the Demon Lord.

But his chips are small and he can only bet once.

Moreover, once the Demon Lord sees his guilty conscience, the other party will swallow him without hesitation.

When his life was in danger, Zhao Heng decided to fight and bet his entire fortune!

He said coldly: "I'll say it again, leave my body immediately.

I will only count to ten. If you don't do it, I will release all the energy of Qiankun Jiyang Ding.

My strength is indeed weak, so I can't fully control this power.

Once released, I can't stop. I don't know what the consequences will be."

Zhao Heng's tone became resolute.

"Since being swallowed by you is also a death, it's better to burn jade and stone together.

Anyway, using my life as a nobody to exchange for the life of the dignified Demon Lord, it's a sure win!"

After these words came out, the Demon Lord fell into silence again, as if thinking about the truth of Zhao Heng's words.

But Zhao Heng did not hesitate, his voice was as firm as iron.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

He counted to five, but the Demon Lord still did not respond.

Zhao Heng's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he was extremely nervous.

But he knew that he had already sat at the gambling table and bet all his belongings, so he had to play his cards now and could not hesitate.

At this moment, he took a deep breath and mobilized the original power in the pocket version of Qiankun Jiyang Ding again.

He actually took the initiative to rush towards the Devouring Power of the Demon Lord.


At this moment, Zhao Heng divided the dark golden trickle into more than a dozen tiny trickles.


First, the first one rushed into the hot devouring power, emitting a wisp of white smoke.


Then came the second one, this time with twice the energy as before, and the smoke was even bigger.

The Demon Lord still didn’t respond!


This time it was the third trickle, which was three times as large as the second. The remaining source power was less than one-tenth of the total.


Violent white mist filled the air, and Zhao Heng faintly felt the devouring power of the demon lord and stepped back a little.

So, he mixed the remaining original power with profound energy and innate energy, accelerated the charge, and made a roaring sound like a wave.

Zhao Heng seemed to be about to lose control of this energy, and he roared hysterically.

"Okay, let's die together!"


The last number has not yet completely fallen.


The Demon Lord suddenly spoke, with a rare hint of nervousness in his voice.

At this moment, Zhao Heng also restrained the last trace of his original power from being exposed in time, covering his "trump card"!

"What, are you scared?"

Zhao Heng's voice was crazy and full of threats, like a losing gambler who could risk his life at any time.

The Demon Lord was silent for a moment and then spoke coldly.

"Hmph, if there are still troubles to deal with later, I can't lose too much energy. Do you think I will be threatened by ants like you?"

Although the Demon Lord's tone was still angry, Zhao Heng knew that he had won the bet.

He successfully scared off the demon lord. At least, the other party did not dare to fight him desperately at the moment.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave my body first!"

"No, at least not now!" The Demon Lord rejected it directly.


"Do you think that merging the physical body can be stopped if you want to, not to mention that this is my period of weakness.

Refining your body just now also consumed a lot of energy. It will take some time to recover this energy.

Moreover, the masters of good and evil in the southern region will definitely not let me leave. I can't waste my energy now. "

Zhao Heng's attitude was equally determined.

"This is impossible. If you don't leave now, then you will die together!"

With that said, Zhao Heng once again mobilized that trace of his original power to bluff.

Feel the threatening aura and Zhao Henghan's crazy attitude of not fearing death.

The Demon Lord could only make concessions again.

"Hmph! I can promise you that as long as we leave this space safely, I will leave your body immediately."

Zhao Heng still wanted to refuse, but the Demon Lord said solemnly: "Boy, this is my bottom line, don't force me!

Also, do you really think that the original power of the Qiankun Yangding Cauldron can kill me? "

Zhao Heng was shocked when he heard this.

Indeed, if the Qiankun Jiyang Cauldron were to kill the Demon Lord, how could he survive here for a thousand years?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Heng finally spoke.

"Okay, but we have to sign an oath!"

He also knows the principle of giving up when something is good. If he really pushes this guy into a hurry, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

"make a deal!"

In the end, the Demon Lord reluctantly reached an agreement.

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