Zhao Heng sacrificed the Taoist dice and took out ten mysterious crystals.

The dice absorbs the mysterious crystal and rotates.


"a little!"

Seeing this familiar point, Zhao Heng felt helpless.

He has probably guessed that the probabilities of each point on the dice are different, and one point has the highest probability.

One point is to randomly steal any item within a ten-mile radius.

Zhao Heng used his skills immediately.

The next moment.


There was an extra piece of gravel at Zhao Heng's feet.

Zhao Heng shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, there was nothing good in this barren mountain.

He took out ten mysterious crystals and rolled the dice again, and added some stealing skills.

"Use skills!"


"Gravel +1"

Zhao Heng was completely speechless. At the same time, he also noticed that the gravel was stained with bright red blood, probably left by some wild beasts.


Cursing secretly, Zhao Heng decided to roll the dice one last time.

"One last time, try your luck."

The dice was rolled, and sure enough it was still one point.

But Zhao Heng noticed that the number above the dot had changed to "X10" and exuded a misty silver glow.

Including the stealing skills used this month, Zhao Heng has rolled out ten steals in total.

"The luck stealing and accumulation are successful, do you want to use it immediately?"

Zhao Heng's heart moved, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when he used luck extraction to get Deacon Liu's package.

"Luck stealing is very magical. Even though this is a barren mountain, you might be able to get some good things. If you get a hundred-year-old grass, you'll be lucky!"

Zhao Heng thought with anticipation, and at the same time ordered: "Use luck to steal!"


As the dice bloomed with a silver light, a black light suddenly fell in the void.



Zhao Heng, who was squatting on the ground, felt a cold feeling under his crotch. He saw a shiny black dagger with a leopard head, a short handle and a sharp edge.

Just insert it straight between Zhao Heng's legs. Just one millimeter difference can turn Zhao Heng into "NJJan".


Zhao Heng was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and stared at the short knife stuck on the ground.

He found that the blade was stained with blood. The blood was flowing along the blade and was still a little warm. It was obviously fresh blood that had just been stained.

Think about it again, the range of stealing skills is only ten miles in radius.

Zhao Heng suddenly thought, "Is there someone hunting mysterious beasts nearby? Anyone who dares to act late at night is a master."

Zhao Heng suddenly became a little anxious. The other party was not far from him, and he didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

If the other party discovers this cave and discovers that he has stolen his knife, he will definitely kill himself.

Although this possibility is very low, Zhao Heng's persecution paranoia will be infinitely amplified if there is even a hint of danger.

"No, no, we must prepare for a rainy day!"

Zhao Heng immediately wiped the blood on the short knife with leaves and thought of wrapping the blade with something to avoid being discovered.

He casually dug into his pocket and took out the embroidered red bellyband he got a month ago.

Zhao Heng ignored the situation, wrapped the blade with his bellyband, pinned it to his lower back, and continued to arrange some defensive measures in the cave.

But he said that while Zhao Heng was busy working in the cave.

On the mountainous terrain several miles away, two figures were running at top speed like rabbits and falcons.

The man running away from the front was wearing a black outfit, with short hair and a narrow face, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

The person chasing behind him was wearing a long moon-white dress. From the curve of the figure reflected in the moonlight, it could be seen that it was a woman.

At this moment, the man in black ran away at full speed, and at the same time, he used his left hand to cover his right shoulder. His entire right arm had been cut off at the root.

"Damn it, which bastard stole my knife!"

The man in black gritted his teeth, his eyes almost filled with anger.

When he was fighting that woman just now, he clearly had the advantage.

At a critical moment, a full-strength sword can be used to inflict serious damage to the opponent even if it does not kill him.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the black-gold leopard-headed sword in his hand disappeared out of thin air, causing him to have one of his arms chopped off.

The man who lost his knife-wielding arm and was seriously injured had no choice but to run away.

Fortunately, his light body technique was so good that he was not caught up by the opponent for a while.

"We can't go on like this. That woman is so tight. Even though she was hit by my dizzy powder before, she was still able to suppress the poison. But now I'm too injured and can't run for long."

After weighing it in his mind, the man in black suddenly had an idea.

"By the way, I remember there was a cave at the foot of the mountain.

Just hide in the cave. If that woman dares to chase her, I will poison her in the cave and trick her! "

Having made up his mind, the man in black exerted force on his feet, increased his speed by another three points, and flew towards the foot of the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

The snow-white figure behind him saw this and also accelerated the pursuit.

The two of them chased after each other, and within a short time, they had reached the foot of the mountain.

Following his memory, the man in black rushed to the cave and took a closer look, only to see that the cave was blocked by a pile of rocks.

He was confused, and without any time to think about it, he rushed to the entrance of the cave and punched out.


The rubble rolled and collapsed, and the man rushed into the cave.

Dust fell on his head, face, hands... and his skin suddenly felt a severe burning sensation.


The man suddenly screamed.

"Corpse powder!"

He suddenly took a few steps forward, shook his whole body, and shook off a large amount of powder, but it was still corroded with a large area of ​​​​wounds.

"Who, who is plotting against me!"

The man roared angrily, feeling so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

And just as his voice fell, a weak voice came from his side.

"No...it wasn't me."


The man was startled and looked sideways.


Before he could clearly see the figure in the darkness, another cloud of flying ash fell into his eyes, causing a burning sting.


The man screamed, and at the same time he felt the evil wind blowing in front of him. He subconsciously dodged sideways. Although he avoided the vital point, his shoulder was still stabbed by a sharp weapon.

He struck out like lightning and grabbed the opponent's weapon. The moment he touched it, he was keenly aware that the weapon was his own black-gold leopard-head sword.

"It turns out it was you who did it!"

The man's face was distorted, he roared angrily, and with a huge force in his hand, he took back the short knife and slashed it forward.

At this time, a figure in front of the man looked at the light of the sword that was coming at extremely fast speed, his eyes full of horror.

This person was none other than Zhao Heng. He had previously obtained this bloody dagger, which made him anxious and anxious. He used corpse powder to create a dangerous situation. He hid in a corner and used lime to sneak out the knife.

I thought I could kill this uninvited guest on the spot.

I didn't expect that my opponent was so strong that he could still counterattack even if he was seriously injured.

The opponent's sword was so fast that Zhao Heng couldn't dodge it.

He subconsciously reached out to block it, but in his hand he only had the "red bellyband" used to wrap the blade.

The man's knife struck Zhao Heng on the shoulder right through his bellyband.

In the dark night, the bellyband bloomed with a mysterious brilliance.

Zhao Heng just felt that the power of the sword was divided by some kind of force and turned into a strong thrust, pushing him away.

Zhao Heng rolled to the ground and looked at the red bellyband in his hand in shock. This thing was actually a treasure!

Before he could be surprised, the one-armed man in black, holding a short knife, rushed towards him like crazy.

"not good!"

Zhao Heng was shocked and was about to escape.


Just hearing a stabbing sound, the man in black suddenly stopped moving forward.

At this time, his chest had been pierced by a gleaming sword blade, but the man still stared straight ahead with his eyes wide open, his eyes full of resentment, unwillingness and anger!

Pulling out the long sword, the man in black fell down. Behind him stood a tall and graceful figure. A pair of cold and sharp eyes glanced at Zhao Heng in the cave.

At this time, Zhao Heng was lying on the ground, kicking his feet in a "convulsive" manner. After several convulsions, his eyes rolled up and his body became stiff and motionless.

It seemed that he had been killed by a knife from the man in black just now.

However, upon seeing this scene, a faint cold light flashed in those cold eyes.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll give you a ride!"

Feeling the sword light approaching, Zhao Heng, who had failed to pretend to be dead, quickly stood up shivering and held his hands together.

"No, no, no, no, heroine, spare your life, I am a good person, a very good person!"

Through the moonlight projected outside the cave, Zhao Heng could clearly see the woman's appearance.

She has a beautiful face, eyes like autumn waves, and long hair flowing like a waterfall, falling on the tall and graceful curves of her figure. The breeze blows the woman's snow-white dress, like a goddess walking in a self-portrait.

"What a nice view!"

Zhao Heng couldn't help but admire her from the bottom of his heart. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his two lifetimes. She was simply a "real-life fairy sister".

While Zhao Heng was sizing up the woman, the other party was also sizing up him.

At this time, Zhao Heng had disheveled hair, face stained with blood, a handful of quicklime in his left hand, a bottle of corpse powder in his right hand, and a big red bellyband hanging on his shoulder.

At this moment, the startling dull look in his eyes, against the backdrop of this shape, exudes an evil and vulgar flavor no matter how you look at it.

"Hmph, it looks like you are not a good person. You must be a devil. You must die!"

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