I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 446: Destroying the Beast Tide

On the north gate tower, the gate master Tie Xiong and all the soldiers guarding the city.

All saw the young figure who soared into the sky, with two fists and one sword, and swept across the three demon kings in an instant.

The red light that soared into the sky, the surging blood, and the unstoppable and domineering sword intent have already revealed the identity of the person.

The innate body forging warrior, the leader of the Qilin Hall, Zhao Wuji!

"It's Elder Zhao, Elder Zhao is still alive!"

Di Wanhe and Su Qi, who went out of the city to support the defenders of Shicheng, were surprised and happy when they saw this scene.

The soldiers on the tower were surprised and shocked, and they cheered at the same time.

Even the wealthy families in the city gathered on the observation deck at the back exclaimed.

"Is that... Elder Zhao?"

"Didn't he die in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest?"

"It was really Elder Zhao who took action, this is too strong!"

The crowd exclaimed.

Song Xinghe, who was standing behind the crowd, also widened his eyes, stood on tiptoe, and stretched his neck to look forward.

When he saw the figure in the void, his heart was beating wildly and he was extremely excited.

"Shanshan, look, it's really Mr. Zhao!"

Song Xinghe hurriedly reminded Song Shanshan beside him, turned his head and looked, but there was no one beside him.

At this time, Song Shanshan had already pushed through the crowd and rushed to the front of the observation deck, holding the fence with both hands and looking into the distance.

When she saw the familiar figure gliding in the air, Song Shanshan's pair of dim and absent-minded eyes instantly focused and lit up with a scorching light!

At this moment, in the rolling beast tide outside the city, Zhao Heng, who led the Shicheng defenders to rush here and swept across the three demon kings.

He swooped down, raised his hand to take the Iron Blood Gate flag in the center of the army, and shouted in a low voice.

"I'll lead the way, everyone, follow me!"

"Yes!" Thousands of armored soldiers took the order in unison.

Zhao Heng held the flag in one hand and a dark red sword in the other, swinging the long sword.


The blood-red sword light was like a tide, sweeping in all directions.

"Puff puff puff...!"

Within a radius of more than ten feet, the densely packed monsters were engulfed by the sword light and turned into a blood mist.


Zhao Heng landed on the ground, holding the flag high in one hand, and his body turned into a red lightning, rushing forward, with the blade in his hand dancing wildly.

At this time, the army was only a thousand feet away from the north gate of Tiexue City.

But between the army and the city gate, a large number of monsters crowded in this area, and the closer to the city gate, the denser the beasts gathered.

It would be difficult for even the most elite post-natal warriors to pass through such a dense beast group.

But at this moment, Zhao Heng, who rushed to the front of the army, was a sharp knife piercing the heart, unstoppable!

Wherever the battle flag pointed, the red light and the blade passed, the monsters within a radius of more than ten feet exploded and turned into a blood foam. It can be said that all beings are equal!

Among the three cultivation systems in Zhongzhou, the Qi Refiner has the strongest comprehensiveness, and the Divine Master has the most mysterious means.

But in terms of close combat, especially charging in the army, the body forging is second, and no one dares to say it is first.

Because the main feature of the body forging is the word "reckless"!

Just like now, Zhao Heng's forward momentum is invincible.

Wherever he passed, half of the monsters that exploded and died were killed by his sword energy, and the other half were blasted alive by his flesh.

"Boom boom boom...!"

Wherever Zhao Heng passed, a ten-foot-wide road appeared in the beast tide.

Thousands of armored soldiers in the back only need to follow the iron-blooded flag flying in the wind above the smoke and blood mist, and gallop wildly on horseback!


At this moment, Di Wanhe and Su Qi's escape light had also arrived.

The two of them went directly to the left and right wings of the army and swept away the monsters coming from both sides.

Under the escort of the three innate masters, the large group of people and horses moved unimpeded and rushed straight to the north gate.

At this time, Tie Xiong, who was standing on the tower, stared at the powerful figure who rushed in front of the army and swept the beasts with his own strength, and his eyes shrank slightly.

"Middle stage of the power warrior realm!"

He could sense that the blood and qi power in Zhao Wuji's body at this moment was far superior to the level of the entry ceremony at that time, and almost reached the peak of the middle stage of the power warrior realm.

And the actual combat ability shown by the other party at this moment was even more amazing, comparable to the late stage of the heavenly realm, and even stronger than Yao Huang.

It was only more than a month after leaving Tiexue City, and this person had such a huge change. Tie Xiong couldn't help but be greatly surprised.

At the same time, he was very confused. Not long ago, Yao Huang sent a message saying that Zhao Wuji had died in the Ten Thousand Monsters Forest.

Now Zhao Wuji "resurrected from the dead", but Yao Huang's figure was not seen in the army.

Gong Yunzhi, the head of the Suzaku Hall, who was standing nearby, also saw the powerful figure in the beast tide. Her pretty face changed color, and she was somewhat surprised and doubtful.

A moment later, the army finally rushed to the city gate.

Tiexiong hurriedly gave orders.

"Open the city gate!"

"Clang clang..."

The city gate was wide open, and the city defense formation on the tower also separated a passage.

Zhao Heng jumped up, holding a big flag, standing on the tower, looking at the army rushing into the city gate below.


He slashed out with his last knife, sweeping the group of monsters chasing from behind into a bloody mist.


The north gate and the aqua-blue light curtain of the city defense formation closed at the same time.

For a moment, a blank area appeared in the beast tide under the city, and the soldiers on the tower also stopped attacking. At this time, a "vacuum period" suddenly appeared in the tense battlefield.

At this moment, on the tower, on the observation deck, and in the army that successfully entered the city, there was a thunderous cheer!

And in the cheers, everyone's eyes could not help but look up at the tower.

Looking at the man, the sword, and the flag standing on the wall!

Perhaps they will never forget this scene in the long years to come.

The sun sets, and after a day of tenacious resistance.

As the sun sets, the beast tide has gradually retreated, and a large number of monsters have disappeared in the jungles and hills around the city.

The setting sun is like blood, reflecting the earth.

On the ground, there is a winding river, shocking blood, but except near the city gate, there is no monster corpse on the ground.

Those corpses have been dragged away by the beasts and eaten directly as rations to replenish their physical strength.

As the beast tide recedes, the defenders on the tower and the people in the city finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the beast tide is far from over, it will come again before dawn tomorrow, and the intensity will be even greater.

But after all, a day has passed safely, and the dead city has regained some vitality. There are pedestrians on the streets again, and the lights are like stars in the night sky.

At this time, in the center of the city, the Iron Blood Sect’s headquarters is located in the meeting hall behind the main hall.

The sect leader Tie Xiong sat in the first seat, and the four elders of the sect, Di Wanhe, Su Qi, Gong Yunzhi and Zhao Heng, sat below in turn.

The difference is that today Zhao Heng sat on the right side of Tie Xiong. In the past, that position was Yao Huang’s.

Everyone has been discussing here for a while, and the main thing is to listen to Zhao Heng’s information about Shicheng.

Several people are very curious about what happened in Shicheng.

So Zhao Heng followed the information that Yao Huang sent back to Tiexue City before and played it on his own.

He told Tie Xiong and others that a precious spiritual object of heaven and earth appeared in the canyon where he and Yao Huang lured and killed the monster, attracting a group of monster kings to rob.

He thought he was doomed, but he didn't expect that this group of demon kings would kill each other for the spiritual object of heaven and earth, which allowed him to survive.

In the end, Zhao Heng not only escaped with his life, but also successfully picked up the spiritual object of heaven and earth, and his cultivation also achieved a breakthrough.

Speaking of Yao Huang, Zhao Heng also showed regret, saying that he had just returned to Shicheng and heard that Elder Yao failed to break through the barrier and died of demonic possession.

He also sighed repeatedly, saying that Elder Yao was a good person with sincere emotions.

Zhao Heng's explanation was reasonable, and there were a lot of witnesses, as well as Yao Huang's previous intelligence, which was seamlessly connected.

Although Tiexiong and others were shocked, there was no room for doubt.

Only Gong Yunzhi frowned, and seemed to have some doubts.

At this time, she suddenly said: "By the way, Elder Zhao, why don't I see the four deacons of my Suzaku Hall among the garrisons withdrawn to Tiexue City this time."

Hearing this, Zhao Heng sighed again.

"Elder Gong, I'm really sorry. On the way from Shicheng to Tiexuecheng, we were attacked by beasts many times and lost some people.

The four deacons are divine masters who are not good at close combat. My strength is really limited. I can't protect everyone and I died."

"What..." Gong Yunzhi's face changed and she wanted to say something else.

But Tiexiong waved his hand and said, "Okay, Elder Zhao escaped from death and returned safely with the defenders of Shicheng. It's a great joy. Don't ask too much.

In principle, we should welcome Elder Zhao tonight, but now it's the time of the beast tide, so let's postpone it for now.

In addition, Elder Yao unfortunately died, Qinglong Hall is leaderless, and Elder Zhao's Qilin Hall has not yet recruited disciples.

I think Elder Zhao will take over as the head of Qinglong Hall. Do you have any objections?"

When this was said, everyone present was surprised, especially Gong Yunzhi.

The intention of the Tie Sect Master was undoubtedly to let Zhao Wuji take over all the resources of the Qinglong Hall.

Even Di Wanhe and Su Qi were a little surprised, but they naturally expressed their support at the first time.

Even the Sect Master had spoken, and there were two elders who supported it, so Gong Yunzhi could only acquiesce.

After finalizing the matter, Tie Xiong made another arrangement.

"Now that the beast tide has just arrived, the scale is so huge. I believe that the offensive of the monsters will be more fierce in the future. I am afraid that all four gates of Tiexue City will be attacked.

Starting tomorrow, I will personally guard the north gate, Elder Zhao will guard the east gate, Elder Di will guard the west gate, Elder Su will guard the south gate, and Elder Gong will be responsible for blessing and repairing the formation in the city."

After making all these arrangements, Tie Xiong encouraged everyone and said: "After safely passing this beast tide, this Sect Master will report to Alliance Master Yan and ask for credit for everyone to obtain the qualification to enter Zhonglingtian!"

Hearing the three words "Zhonglingtian", the four people, including Zhao Heng, all had bright eyes and yearned for it.

Of course, the most urgent task is to survive this beast tide crisis.

After the meeting, Di Wanhe and Su Qi talked to Zhao Heng again, and then said goodbye and left.

Zhao Heng returned to his house and went directly to the training room, using the formation to isolate himself from the outside world.

At this time, he sat cross-legged and quietly circulated the blood and qi in his body...

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