In the cabin at the bottom of the ship.

Ji Sheng and Lu Lingfeng joined forces and used all their strength to break the restriction.

At this time, the thickness of the golden light curtain had been reduced by more than half under the ripples, and the restriction was broken right in front of them.

Ji Sheng and Lu Lingfeng's eyes were burning, and they were a little impatient, and they increased the energy input again.

But in the next moment, the restriction light curtain in front of the two suddenly flashed and vibrated wildly, and the violent energy fluctuations almost made the two people retreat.

"What's going on? Is the restriction going to be broken?"

Both of them were a little surprised and doubtful.

The turbulence of the light curtain did not stop, but became more and more violent.

The energy on the surface of the golden light ball began to run wild, and the light shield began to expand rapidly, like a blown-up balloon, getting bigger and bigger, and the energy became more and more violent...

"No, the restriction is going to explode!"

Ji Sheng exclaimed, waved his hand to take back the token in an instant, and his figure flashed to a corner of the cabin.

Lu Lingfeng on the side was startled and immediately dodged to the other side corner.

The next moment.


In the shocked eyes of the two, the golden light shield exploded.

Then, like a domino falling down.

As the golden light shield exploded, the restrictions on the entire ship, from the bottom warehouse, layer by layer upward, a series of huge explosions occurred.


This huge long-distance ship flipped violently in an instant, like duckweed in a rainstorm.

At this time, the bottom cabin was still caught in the storm of explosion.

The chaotic energy and strong winds were raging, but Ji Sheng and Lu Lingfeng didn't care about these.

The spiritual sense suddenly swept to the core area, trying to confirm whether the three treasures were intact.

However, after their spiritual sense swept over, they were shocked to find that the core area was empty except for the destroyed ship hub.

"Hmm... Where are the treasures?"

The two of them trembled violently in their hearts and their faces changed suddenly.

The next moment, the spiritual senses of the two swept around in the chaotic space at the same time.

Suddenly, almost at the same time, the two of them sensed a hint of a cultivator's aura in the circular passage on the side of the cabin.

The other party was rushing towards the passage leading to the upper cabin at an astonishing speed.

"Oh no, someone stole the treasure, stop him!"

"Alas, I'm still discovered!"

Zhao Heng, who was sneaking in the circular passage, cursed in his heart and suddenly accelerated his escape speed.

Just when Ji Sheng and Lu Lingfeng were trying their best to break the ban, Zhao Heng had already sneaked into the ban and put the three sealed treasures into the Qiankun Jiyang Ding.

Then, he went all out and destroyed all the control hubs of the ship, causing a series of explosions in the ship's ban.

The power of the explosion was really not small. Even though Zhao Heng's Qi-seeing technique was very mysterious, he still leaked a trace of breath in order to resist the energy impact.

After being caught by the other party, Zhao Heng immediately dodged and rushed to the exit of the passage.

At this time, Lu Lingfeng happened to be near the exit. She sensed the direction of the breath's escape, and her pretty face turned cold.

"Hmph, you still want to leave!"

With a cold snort, she raised her hand and condensed a red-gold war spear. The sky-high fire-type innate energy infused the spear body, and fiercely pierced down towards the breath that was approaching at a very fast speed.

At the same time, a strange light flashed in the woman's eyes, and the huge consciousness of the cultivator in the early stage of the control of the spirit realm was like a huge wave sweeping and rushing forward.

Lu Lingfeng thought she could easily stop the other party.

However, the next moment, she realized something was wrong.

A more violent wave of consciousness directly shattered her consciousness attack, and the huge backlash force caused her divine platform to shake violently and her mind to dizzy.

The next moment, Lu Lingfeng saw a figure with a strong figure and a white mask on his face flashing from the dark, and his punch condensed with heavy earth-type energy hit her red-gold war spear.


The two energies collided, and Lu Lingfeng, with her cultivation in the middle stage of the Return to Origin Realm, almost had her energy spear condensed by this punch, and her body slid back a distance.

The figure did not stay for a moment, and flew out of the passage and fled at high speed.

All this happened in a flash.

The next moment, Lu Lingfeng regained consciousness.

Looking at the figure that was fleeing at high speed, her mind seemed to be electrified.

Suddenly, she remembered the masked man who took away her Xuanhuo at the high-level cultivators' trade fair and then used his spiritual sense to repel her. He was also a spiritual and physical dual cultivator.

"It's him, how could he be on this ship? And can he enter the core restriction?"

Multiple questions emerged in her mind, and Lu Lingfeng thought of Zhao Wuji who took away the space stone. Is there any connection between the two?

Without time to think too much, she and Ji Sheng chased after him directly.

The most important goal of Luo Tian's action this time is the three treasures in the core restriction.

No matter who the other party is, he cannot be allowed to leave.

Among the two, Ji Sheng is in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, so his escape speed is naturally amazing.

Lu Lingfeng directly sacrificed a piece of fiery red talisman paper, which enveloped his body in red flames, and condensed a phantom of a fire phoenix, which turned into a red light to chase after him, and his speed was even faster than Ji Sheng.

The escape speed of the two people exceeded that of the masked man, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly closing.

At this time, the man looked back at the two people.

In an instant, he passed through a passage and entered the cabin on the negative third floor from the negative fourth floor. The man's eyes flashed with lightning.


The next moment, the masked man's body was covered with light green lightning, like a tide, and a pair of lightning wings with a wingspan of more than ten feet condensed behind him in an instant.

"Wind and Thunder Flash!"

As the wings suddenly flapped, another circle of dark golden light spread from the masked man's dantian.

Once the goods piled in the cabin were covered by the golden light, they were immediately swept away.


The sound of wind, thunder and lightning echoed in the cabin on the negative third floor.

With a flash of light green lightning, the masked man's figure and a large amount of goods in the cabin disappeared together.

At this time, Ji Sheng and Lu Lingfeng had just rushed into this cabin. Seeing the fleeting escape light and the large cargo disappearing in the cabin, both of them were shocked.

"What a fast escape speed!"

The speed of the escape light completely exceeded that of the late Guiyuan Realm, enough to rival the peak of the Guiyuan Realm cultivator.

Not only that, the opponent's means were extremely strange. During the escape, he even took many sealed treasures in the cabin.

"Damn it!"

Knowing that it was impossible to catch up with the opponent, Lu Lingfeng immediately spread his spiritual consciousness and sent a message to the masters of Luotian Thief outside.

"Someone stole a large number of treasures and escaped. This person is extraordinary and has a very fast escape speed. He is about to rush out of the cabin. Stop him quickly!"

When Lu Lingfeng sent the message, the battlefield outside the cabin had also undergone a shocking change.

From the beginning of the war to now, the masters of Hanhai Commercial Bank have been completely suppressed by Luotian Thief. Many people were injured in the battle and their morale continued to decline.

But because the ship was blocked by the ban, everyone had no way to retreat, so they still resisted stubbornly.

However, just now, the ban on the ship suddenly exploded for no reason.

As soon as the barrier that blocked everyone was untied, several temporary guests hired by Hanhai Commercial Bank were the first to abandon their opponents and flee outside the ship.

They originally wanted to take a ride to the southeast of Zhonglingtian. Now that Hanhai Merchants could not protect themselves, they would not continue to work for them.

The remaining Ding Zhiyuan and the two elders of the merchant house knew that the situation was over.

Ding Zhiyuan sighed in his heart, "The ban exploded. It seems that they have invaded the core ban and obtained the three things. There is no point in holding on."

He immediately sent a message to the other two and said, "Let's go too. Get out of danger first, and then notify the senior management of the merchant house to send experts to take back the treasure."

The three of them immediately began to break through and escape.

At this time, the merchant house deacons and the accompanying personnel on the ship were also fleeing in all directions when they were in danger.

Among them were Yan Yue and Di Wanhe, who also fled with the crowd.

When the ship just encountered an accident, they received a message from Zhao Heng.

There were only four words.

"The situation has changed, wait for an opportunity to escape!"

At the same time, Jiang Li, who was fighting with the Luotian thief leader and his wife, also hurriedly sent a message.

"Miss, quickly escape from here and find a safe place to hide. I will tie up these two people first and come back to find you later."

Jiang Li did not know the real purpose of the Luotian thief, whether he was coming for the cargo on the ship or his own lady.

He wanted to take Huangfu Yue away personally, but was afraid that this would attract the attention of the enemy, so he worked hard to tie up the powerful couple and let Huangfu Yue escape in the chaos.

"Okay, Uncle Jiang!"

The next moment, a white light appeared on the top of the ship, mixed in with the scattered crowd, and rushed out of the ship.

As the ban exploded, everyone on the ship fled in all directions, and the situation immediately became chaotic.

And it was at this time that Zhao Heng rushed out of the cabin.

Although the situation was chaotic, after receiving Lu Lingfeng's message, three Luotian thieves of the second realm of innate power and two Qinggang Blood Eagle Kings still blocked the cabin in advance.

Zhao Heng swept his mind and found that the highest level of cultivation among them was only a cultivator in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm and a Qinggang Blood Eagle King in the middle stage of level 5.

He could not help but snorted coldly, and his mind was activated, and the Yinhun Thorn swept in all directions.

At the same time, he swung his fists, and the three styles of the Stone-Splitting Fist were combined into one, sweeping forward all the way.

"Boom boom boom...!"

All the enemies who blocked him were knocked back by Zhao Heng.

Among them, the two cultivators in the early stage of Guiyuan Realm and the Blood Eagle King in the early stage of level 5 were seriously injured and vomited blood, and fell to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, two more powerful auras locked him, one was a cultivator in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and the other was the Qinggang Blood Eagle King in the late stage of level 5.

But Zhao Heng, who broke free from the encirclement, did not fight with the two at all. He waved his wind and thunder wings and used the "Wind and Thunder Flash" escape method again.

"Boom boom...!"

With the sound of wind and thunder, Zhao Heng rushed out of the range of the ship in a few flashes and broke through the encirclement of the Luotian Thief who surrounded him.

He fled at a high speed towards the southeast, and within a few breaths, he disappeared.

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