The sixth day of the Immortal Fate Conference.

It was nightfall in the forbidden land, and the blood moon in the sky became dim.

The forbidden creatures in the space became active and violent, hiding dangers.

At this time, in the south of the forbidden land, in a deep mountain valley.


A beam of light fell from the sky.

A young man wearing a dark red robe, with delicate features and sharp facial contours, landed in the valley and looked up at the deep valley, a steep mountain wall.

The young man flicked his finger and ejected a talisman, shooting it towards the mountain wall.

The talisman turned into light and instantly merged into the rock.

After a while, the mountain wall rippled like water, gradually becoming virtual, revealing a cave, and three figures flew out.

They were a simple-looking man in his fifties, and two young women with good looks and "one cold and one hot" temperaments.

When the three saw the figures in the valley, they all showed joy on their faces.

"Junior Brother Zhao, you're here!"

The young man smiled and clasped his fists towards the three people, saying, "Palace Master, Senior Sister Chu, Senior Sister Chen."

The three people were Dong Yu, Chu Qinyi and Chen Xiao.

Dong Yu said happily, "It seems that the four of us are not far from the gathering point. We are lucky to be able to successfully meet up."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Yes, now Junior Brother Zhao has arrived safely. Let's take a rest and set off tomorrow."

Among the three people, only Chu Qinyi felt a strange feeling in his heart when he looked at Zhao Heng, whose appearance and breath had not changed.

Before, he always felt that there was a special sense of familiarity about this Junior Brother Zhao.

As a result, she was often affected by this feeling in the few contacts with Zhao Heng, and inexplicably felt some closeness.

Even because of some of the other party's private affairs, she felt a little jealous and her emotions fluctuated abnormally.

But now, in the forbidden land, she saw Zhao Heng again, but she suddenly didn't have this feeling.

"Is it because we are in a forbidden place, this space is special, or is it that what I had before was an illusion, and now it is just back to normal."

The four people greeted each other for a while, and then the three of them took Zhao Heng into the cave to discuss the next action plan.

As the light rippled on the mountain wall, the power of the restriction once again covered the cave entrance.

At the same time, not far from here, on a mountain peak.

Zhao Heng, who was wearing a black suit and hiding his breath in the dense forest, witnessed everything that happened in the canyon and breathed a sigh of relief.

"They really didn't notice anything unusual."

The one who went to meet Dong Yu and the other two was naturally not Zhao Heng himself, but the "Dragon Elephant" who had been practicing in the Qiankun Jiyang Ding.

As a Diyuan puppet, the Dragon Elephant can perfectly simulate Zhao Heng's appearance and breath, and hide his own cultivation.

In addition, the Diyuan puppet and Zhao Heng are in tune with each other. No matter how far away they are, Zhao Heng can sense what happened to the other party and the danger they encountered in the first time.

Arranging the Dragon Elephant to meet the three people was also a decision made by Zhao Heng after careful consideration.

As long as Long Xiang, Dong Yu and the other two act normally, they can create a perfect "alibi" for themselves.

In this way, he can act alone, go deep into the forbidden land, and collect more advanced star crystals.

Having made up his mind, Zhao Heng reached out and touched his face.

A black light flashed, and a familiar black ghost mask appeared.

"Let's start."

The next moment, Zhao Heng's figure turned into a stream of light, disappeared in the dense forest on the top of the mountain, and flew straight into the depths of the forbidden land.


With Long Xiang as a substitute and wearing a familiar vest, Zhao Heng completely let go and rushed to the depths of the forbidden land at a rapid speed.

Along the way, Zhao Heng's spiritual sense was fully opened, searching for forbidden creatures along the way, killing them all, and the speed of collecting star crystals increased sharply.

Moreover, as he quickly went deeper into the forbidden land, the strength of the forbidden creatures began to gradually increase.

At the beginning, most of them were forbidden creatures at the early stage of level 5, and gradually appeared in the middle stage of level 5, and even the late stage of level 5.

As the strength of the forbidden creatures increased, the energy and volume of the astral crystals in their bodies began to grow exponentially.

The speed of the recharge of the Gate of Apocalypse finally increased significantly, but it was still a long way from 98%.

"If we can kill the forbidden creatures at the peak of level 5, the efficiency should be greatly improved."

The peak of the second level of the innate realm involves the level of "domain", almost entering another realm, and the astral crystals must be very different.

"However, to harvest the forbidden creatures at the peak of level 5, we must completely enter the inner area of ​​the forbidden land. Not only will the forbidden creatures be stronger, but I will also have a higher chance of encountering masters from the nine major immortal sects."

At present, Zhao Heng has been acting alone for seven days. As he went deeper, he has almost entered the inner area of ​​the forbidden land.

During this period, Zhao Heng has also met some cultivators from the nine major immortal sects.

However, with the powerful spiritual sense and the means of concealing the breath, these people did not find him and were secretly avoided by him.

But if you go deep into the inner area of ​​the forbidden land, you are likely to run into the core inheritors of the nine immortal sects, and you may not be able to avoid them at that time.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Heng made a decision.

"Let's meet them. Collecting star crystals and opening the door to apocalypse is the most important thing. Anyway, they don't know who I am, so what can they do to me?"

After making up his mind, Zhao Heng finally chose to continue to go deeper into the forbidden land.

The deeper you go into the forbidden land, the fewer and more sparse the number and distribution of forbidden creatures become.

Because forbidden creatures inherit some of the habits of monsters, have a strong sense of territory, and are violent and bloodthirsty, high-level forbidden creatures often maintain a safe distance between each other.

But this did not bother Zhao Heng. Not only was his spiritual sense powerful, but he also had the divine observation technique to detect forbidden creatures hidden in the dark.

Not long after entering the deep inner area, Zhao Heng encountered the first level 5 peak forbidden creature after killing several level 5 late forbidden creatures.

This was a three-headed python with a body length of more than ten feet. Not only did it have two strong and powerful claws on its abdomen, but it also had a row of black bone spurs on its back, as sharp as a razor. It was surging with surging blood waves all over its body, and its arrogance was overwhelming.

In front of this three-headed python, Zhao Heng looked extremely small.

But at this time, Zhao Heng was suspended in the air, looking down at this ferocious beast, but his eyes did not fluctuate at all.

"The aura is very ordinary. It should be the beginning of the fifth level."

After judging the opponent's strength in his mind, Zhao Heng directly drew out the Dragon Roar Sword.

Lions fight rabbits with all their strength. Although the opponent's strength is ordinary, he is at the fifth level after all.

It is better to fight quickly to avoid attracting attention from others.


As a golden blade fell, a loud noise resounded in the dense forest.

After a few breaths, the battlefield returned to calm.

Zhao Heng put away his sword and stood. A dark blue sea of ​​fire spread behind him, quickly burning the giant python's body and turning it into ashes.

Afterwards, Zhao Heng waved his hand again.

In the sea of ​​fire, an egg-sized, regular-shaped, black crystal with a faint glow on the surface appeared.

Zhao Heng looked at the crystal, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"The crystal of the fifth level peak creature is indeed different."

He tried to throw the crystal into the Gate of Apocalypse.

The copper door vibrated more and more, and the energy light slot slowly moved forward. Although it seemed slow, at least the energy light slot could be improved visibly.

Obviously, the energy of the fifth-level peak star crystal was much greater than that of the ordinary fifth-level forbidden creature crystal.

Zhao Heng was immediately encouraged. According to this efficiency, there were still more than two and a half months.

As long as there were enough fifth-level peak forbidden creatures for him to hunt, he would be able to fill the energy of the Gate of Apocalypse.

"Keep going!"

Zhao Heng was full of energy at this time. He put away the flames, flashed, and continued to go deep into the dense forest to find the target...

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