No. 1, a level 15 king-level zombie.

No. 2, a level 20 king-level zombie.

The Dead Sea King is a level 20 lord monster with a certain amount of wisdom.

As a boss.

The King of the Dead Sea is strong and worthy of the status of the final boss.

But in the face of two king-level zombies joining forces to attack.

There is also a siege of thousands of zombies.

No matter how strong the boss is, he must be killed with tears!

The King of the Dead Sea was beaten to blood.

When health drops to 80%, the King of the Dead Sea uses a sacrificial skill.


The plague zombies on the Dead Sea Island were killed by Lin Yuan.

The King of the Dead Sea launched a sacrificial skill to sacrifice the plague zombies in the Dead Sea, which had little effect.

Its plague transmission skill does not work against the undead.

There are three skills in total.

Two useless.

The only highlight moment after the appearance of the King of the Dead Sea.

It was that jump.

As a result, he didn't cut Lin Yuan, fell to the ground, and was surrounded and beaten by Lin Yuan's zombies.

Under the flaming jet of No. 2.

ended the life of the King of the Dead Sea.


with the large number of plague zombies killed earlier, Lin Yuan went from level 16 → level 17.

Gain 5 free attribute points.

Lin Yuan added 3 points of spirit and 2 points of physical strength.

The King of the Dead Sea dies.

A skill book and a cape were dropped.

The battle is over.

Lin Yuan rode the poisonous scorpion lion beast and landed to the ground from mid-air.

A humanoid zombie picked up the two items and handed them to Lin Yuan.

【Dead Sea Sword Art】 (Silver)

Learning conditions: Limited Sword Sect.

Lin Yuan glanced at the Dead Sea Sword Art.

Silver-level swordsmanship, which can only be learned by the Sword Sect, can be

sold to the brush painting sand or sold at auction houses.

Lin Yuan stuffed the Dead Sea Sword Art into his backpack.

Then look at the properties of the cloak.

[King Cloak] (Silver)

Type: Cloak

+ 10 Stamina

+ 10 Spirit + 10 Strength

+ 10 Agility

Incidental Skill: Dyeing

LV1 Dyeing LV1:

You can freely change the color of the cloak (black, red, blue, green.) No cooling, no consumption.

The attributes of the king's cloak are average.

It's the skills that come with it..... It didn't work.

However, cape equipment has always been scarce.

Lin Yuan was not equipped with a cloak, and the king's cloak was not equipped with conditions.

Therefore, Lin Yuan was equipped with the king's cloak.


I tried the dyeing technique.

LV1 staining can only be selected from four colors: black, red, blue and green.

Lin Yuan tried every color.

It was found that black was the most suitable for Lin Yuan.

In addition to weapons, armor can be automatically adjusted.

Equip yourself with armor.

The armor will change according to your size.

The level 20 lord monster dropped two silver items.

Lin Yuan was not disappointed.

The most valuable thing in the Dead Sea Country is not the final boss, but the dark gold treasure chest!

Lin Yuan controls several humanoid zombies.

On the body of the King of the Dead Sea, a dark gold key was found.

Then, come to the throne on the high platform.

Destroy the throne.


speaking, it is normal to think that the treasure chest should be hidden in the treasure vault or secret vault of the palace.

Anyone didn't expect it.

The treasure chest is hidden under the throne on the open-air high platform of the palace.

If it weren't for the Fury Guild, it would have gotten the exact information.

On the map of the Dead Sea Country, there are hidden dark gold treasure chests.

In order to find the Dark Gold Treasure Chest, the Fury Guild dug the entire Dead Sea Palace three feet into the ground, and finally found the treasure chest under the throne.

Remove the Dark Gold Chest from under the throne.

Lin Yuan couldn't wait to use the key to open the Dark Gold Treasure Chest.

The Dark Gold Chest of the Dead Sea Country.

Opening it will randomly get a piece of dark gold equipment for the class.

In the last life, the leader of the Fury Guild, Mad God, opened the treasure chest and obtained the dark gold weapon [Rage Scepter].

I don't know what equipment Lin Yuan will get.

Think about it and get a little excited.

Open the chest.

A dark golden light flashed.

Subsequently, Lin Yuan's backpack had an extra piece of special equipment.

[Plague Coffin] (Dark Gold)

Special equipment.

Effect: Placing zombies inside the coffin can transform zombies into plague zombies.

Time required for renovation: 1 calendar day.

Conditions of use: Dark Daoist

Lin Yuan is limited to removing this special equipment from his backpack.


A coffin with a miserable green appearance appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

"Good fellow, the equipment of the dark Taoist priest, is it all so netherworld?" "

Peach wood sword, talisman paper, and even zombies!


Use coffins as equipment....

Lin Yuan always felt a little twisted in his heart.

The effect of the plague coffin was studied.

Lin Yuan decided to try it first and randomly picked out a rat-man zombie.

The mind moved.

The coffin lid opens automatically.

Lin Yuan walked to the plague coffin and glanced into it.

A large number of charms were inscribed inside the coffin.

It looks very mysterious.

Lin Yuan controls the rat-man zombie and walks into the coffin.

Without waiting for him to see clearly.

Rat Man zombie as soon as it approaches the plague coffin.

Disappear in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the coffin closed again.

Wait 1 calendar day, which is 24 hours later.

Rat Man zombies will be transformed into Plague Zombies.

Want to meet transformed plague zombies.

We'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Lin Yuan withdrew the coffin into his backpack.

Now that the Dark Gold Treasure Chest had been obtained, there was no need for Lin Yuan to stay.

As for inside the royal palace.

Lin Yuan hadn't explored yet, and he didn't want to explore either.

The Dead Sea nation was destroyed by the plague.

When the corpses on the island have not yet transformed into plague zombies.

There are adventurers who are not afraid of death.

I managed to get a raft made of live wood, cross the Dead Sea Lake, and come to the Dead Sea Country.

Like locusts, they emptied the treasure and secret vaults of the Dead Sea Nation.


The Dead Sea Palace is cleaner than a dog has ever licked.

Not even a single valuable item remained.

Previous life.

The Fury Guild has proven it.

They dug three feet into the Dead Sea Palace, but they did not find a single item of value.

Lin Yuan naturally wouldn't waste time searching for any royal palace.

Take all the zombies back to the Yellow Spring Gate.

Lin Yuan rode the poisonous scorpion lion beast, left the Dead Sea Palace, and flew in the direction of the wind and sand.

The Dead Sea Country fell into an eerie silence again.

Dead Sea Palace.

In the midst of the mess, the body of the king of the Dead Sea lay quietly on the ground.


the corpse of the King of the Dead Sea moved strangely.

The belly of the king of the Dead Sea.

There was a strange gnawing sound.

Suddenly, a huge crow emerged from the belly of the Dead Sea King.

The crow looks similar to that of an ordinary crow.

The only difference is that this crow's mouth is full of sharp teeth.

The sound it makes is not as noisy as an ordinary crow, but like that of a little girl of seven or eight years old.

"Hee-hee, another

dark Taoist!" "Damn dark Taoist, blasphemous dark Taoist, dark Taoist priest who kills blood relatives, dirty and vile dark Taoist..."

The weird crow spread its wings like a nursery rhyme and flew towards a certain place in the palace!

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