Lin Yuan said helplessly, "Do you think that people who have been to the main city of the Western Desert will not know about the National Master Garo and Master Ramayan?"

"I didn't expect that warrior, you actually went to the main city of Ximo, and I also went to the main city once when I was young.

It's a wonderful place.

Where the lake is bluer than the sky, where the girls are warm, but really tender out of the water..." I

saw the appearance of the short old man recalling the past.

Lin Yuan immediately stopped: "I'm here to buy talisman paper, please hurry up."

"Oooh, okay.

Only then did the short old man come to his senses and say, "It's really unbearable, people are old and feel more, you wait for me here for a while, I'll go and get you the best rune paper."

After that, the short old man turned around and entered the back room.

When he walked out again, he had an extra wad of talisman paper in his hand.

"This is the best fine rune paper I have ever made, you and I have a chance, only sell you 50 copper coins, let's see how it goes." "

[Rune paper]

number of consumables

: 100

" 100 rune papers, dare to sell 50 copper coins!

The short old man was a little embarrassed, and said: "How about giving you 20 copper coins cheaper, and selling 30 copper coins to you?"

A normal grocery store 20 copper coins a wad of rune paper.

I was sold by this black-hearted old man for 50 copper coins

! It's kind to say, you and I have a fate!!

Lin Yuan was punished by this grocery store for a lot of money.

Almost all of the players in Black Sand Town have been pitted by the old man of the grocery store.

After level 10 went to the main city, they learned the price of goods in a normal grocery store.

At that time, no player expected that there were such black-hearted NPCs in the game.

The old man of the grocery store has pit at least tens of thousands of players in Black Sand Town.

If it weren't for the fact that killing NPCs in towns would increase the sin value.


At the beginning, many players who were pitted would deliberately return to Black Sand Town from the main city to take revenge on this old man in the grocery store.

The sin value is too high, and the proximity to the town will attract the capture of the NPC guards.

Once caught by the guards, they are locked up in prison.

The higher the player's sin value, the longer the level.

Previous life.

Lin Yuan has also seen players who have been locked up in prison for a year because of their high crime value.

In addition to killing NPCs in towns, you will increase your sin points.

If the player attacks the player and kills the player in the wild, safe area, or non-combat area, the sin value will increase.

Stealing, robbing, molesting female players or female NPCs.... It will also increase the sin value.


Lin Yuan killed the squad of players who sneaked up on him, killing eight players, increasing the sin point by 8.

A crime value of 20 points is considered a criminal.

The 8 sin value was harmless to Lin Yuan.

As long as the crime is no longer sinned, the sin value will automatically decrease.

8 sin points will disappear in a week's time.

The short old man may also have realized that Lin Yuan had been to the main city and knew the normal commodity prices.

Not as easy to cheat as regular players.

Therefore, the short old man could only sell the rune paper to Lin Yuan at a normal price.

In addition to buying 500 talisman papers, Lin Yuan also bought two torches, a bundle of rope, 10 bottles of [Night Vision Potion], and a [Blank Map].

Leave the grocery store.

Lin Yuan walked towards the west of the town.

Walking out of Heisha Town, Lin Yuan walked all the way through the desolate and silent Gobi Desert.

At the end of the Gobi Desert is the entrance to a cave.

[System: You have discovered the dog-headed man mine.

Dark mine cave, with several abandoned minecarts thrown at the entrance, and the minecart track extends all the way into the depths of the mine.

The air smelled of blood, and dried blood remained on the floor of the mine.

Before entering the Doghead Man Mine Cave, Lin Yuan first drank a bottle of [Night Vision Potion].

Night vision potions that can provide players with a view in dark environments.

The inside of the dog-headed man's mine was pitch black, without any light source.

Players entering the cave must carry torches or night vision potions.

Otherwise, the player enters the cave with very low visibility in the dark.

Fighting monsters in the dark is very bad for the player.

A bottle of night vision potion is valid for 10 minutes.

After drinking the night vision potion.

Lin Yuan opened the Yellow Spring Gate, summoned the giant wolf zombie out, and let it follow.

More than twenty ghost wolf zombies were also summoned, allowing them to enter the dog-headed man mine first.

Under the protection of the giant wolf zombie, Lin Yuan walked behind the ghost wolf zombie and entered the [Doghead Man Mine Cave].

Drinking [Night Vision Potion] can only increase visibility to a radius of 3 meters in the dark.

The monsters in the dog-headed man mine are mainly [dog-headed people].

In addition, there are monsters such as [Cave Bat] and [Mud Slime].

Dog-headed people are a type of creature that lives in crypts, caves, mines, and dungeons.

Dwarf. To adapt to the gloomy environment, walk with a burning candle on your head.

When fighting, the dog-headed man extinguishes the candle above his head.

Dog-headed people are level 5 monsters who like to swarm and sneak attack, and have a very sensitive sense of smell.

A sensitive sense of smell can help dog-headed people find enemies in the dark.

In order not to startle the snake, Lin Yuan entered the mine cave and did not summon too many ghost wolf zombies.

Just as Lin Yuan recalled the information of the dog-headed man.

There was a commotion from the ghost wolf zombie walking in front.

Lin Yuan took out a torch from his backpack, lit it, and threw it vigorously.

Burning torches cut through an arc that illuminated an area in front.

I don't know when.

Dozens of murderous and bloodthirsty dog-headed men appeared ahead.

[Doghead Miner] (Normal) Level: 5 Health: 250

Attack: 50


: 5

Skill: Digging LV1

Doghead Miner

is short, wears a broken miner's hat on his head, and his weapon is a miner shovel.

A dog-headed miner with a rudimentary shovel. viciously smashed down on a ghost wolf zombie in the front.


shovel made of iron ore smashed heavily on the head of the ghost wolf zombie.

Ghost wolf zombies are undead creatures that have no feelings or pain.

Without Lin Yuan's order, even if the ghost wolf zombie was attacked by the enemy, it would not take the initiative to fight back.


Ghost Wolf zombies have a blood-red number floating on their heads.

"Kill them, leave none behind!" ordered Lin Yuan.

The ghost wolf zombies moved, and they pounced on the dog-headed miners.

The character of this monster is more bullying and afraid of hard.

Face level 3 ghost wolf zombies.

Level 5 dog-headed miners are not afraid at all.

The dog-headed miner roared bloodthirsty and rushed forward.

Ghost wolf zombies and dog-headed miners, the two sides began to fight.

See this scenario.

Lin Yuan opened the Huangquan Gate and summoned more than 50 ghost wolf zombies to join the battle.

Spotted an increase in ghost wolf zombies.

The dog-headed miner's first reaction was to turn around and run.

Unfortunately, the ghost wolf zombies have long surrounded these more than ten dog-headed miners.

The dog-headed miner had nowhere to escape and was bitten to death by wolves.

[System: You kill the dog-headed miner and gain 60 experience points.] 【System

: You kill the dog-headed miner and gain 60 experience points. 】


A total of 16 dog-headed miners were killed.

Lin Yuan's ghost wolf zombies also suffered losses, and 7 were killed by dog-headed people.

He is not distressed, just kill him.

The ghost wolf zombie is just a level 3 zombie, and a few have died, and Lin Yuan is not distressed.

He used [Dark Corpse Technique] on the corpse of the dog-headed miner.

Immediately afterwards, the originally dead dog-headed miner stood up again, black fog lingered, and dark fire burned in his eyes.

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