
None of the above methods work.

Every day, Count Carlo fell asleep.

Nightmares begin.

Even the priest and the doctor did not detect any problems with Carlo.

In desperation.

Count Carlo had to find the Knights of the Scorpion Lion to deal with this matter.

After all.

The Scorpion Lion Knights are best at handling this kind of thing.

After listening to what Count Carlo said.

Lin Yuan fell into deep thought.

Thought for a while.

Lin Yuan asked, "By the way, Lord Count, you said that every nightmare, it is the same dream, so what did you dream about?"

Count Carlo said, "I dreamed that I came to a mysterious secret room, where a giant serpent was entrenched, which devoured me alive and tortured me to death..."

Count Carlo trembled with fear.

It seems that the Midnight Nightmare does not affect him ordinarily.

After listening to Count Carlow's description.

Lin Yuan's expression did not change, and he still looked unhappy and sad.

But in his heart, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Carlo's dream description.

How..... Then like a copy of the secret chamber of the sewer and a giant snake in the wall.

Could it be...

Lin Yuan asked Count Carlo in detail about the details of the dream.

Count Carlo endured his fear.

He told Lin Yuan the details of the dream he remembered.

The more Count Carlo spoke.

The more surprised Lin Yuan became.

When Carlo will remember everything, about the dream, tell Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan could already be sure.

Count Carlo's midnight nightmare.

It's the secret room and wall of the sewer giant snake!

But why.

Would Count Carlo dream of these things?

Lin Yuan couldn't figure it out for a while.

Again there is no clue.

Lin Yuan decided not to leave at night and stay in Count Carlo's mansion.

Watch him fall asleep!

Find out what his nightmare is all about.

Hearing that Lin Yuan was willing to stay.

Count Carlow was delighted.

On the spot, several beautiful maids were assigned to serve Lin Yuan.

He also asked the housekeeper to prepare the next luxurious room for Lin Yuan.

And invited Lin Yuan to lunch together.

Lin Yuan casually found a reason to shirk it.

Leave the mansion.

Lin Yuan promised Count Carlo that he would come back when he finished eating in the evening.

Walk out of the Earl's House.

Lin Yuan went to the entrance of the sewers.

The wind blows sand, and there are more than 30 sewer entrances.

And that's not counting some hidden sewer entrances.

Want to enter the sewers.

A warrant issued by the town hall is required.

Or if accompanied by a city hall official, you can also enter the sewers.

After all, there are many sewer monsters.

Rat people are rampant.

If it is not strictly controlled, civilians will slip into the sewers, or rat people will run out of the sewers.

All of this will cause unnecessary casualties.


Windblown sand is not as calm as it seems.

As in every big city, windswept sand in the shade.

Hidden is a myriad of filth and darkness.

Most people who blow wind and sand will never want to go near a sewer for the rest of their lives.


And a small number of people.

They love sewers, which are best used to clean up corpses.

Some shady business and trade, carried out in the sewers, is very suitable.


Here's why.

Windblown sand will have so many hidden sewer entrances.

Walk out of the Earl's House.

Lin Yuan casually found the nearest sewer entrance.

Use the Badge of Glory to get unimpeded.

This sewer entrance, the number of players is obviously smaller than the sewer near the city hall.

Lin Yuan used a bottle of night vision potion.

He took out another torch, summoned a few zombies, and walked towards the depths of the sewers.

Deep in the sewers.

I wandered for almost half an hour.

Lin Yuan finally found the hiss of the giant snake inside the wall.

Follow the sounds made by the giant serpent.

Lin Yuan once again found a sewage pipe leading to the secret room.

Before entering the sewage pipe.

Lin Yuan first tried to contact the zombies in the secret room.

Get zombie feedback.

After everything works fine.

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Bend over, enter the sewage pipe, and go straight into the depths.

Not for a while.

Lin Yuan came to the end of the sewage pipe, in front of a few iron fences.

Broke the iron fence at will.

Lin Yuan walked out of the sewage pipe and came to the secret room.

Look around the chamber.

"Well, everything works!"


Lin Yuan suddenly noticed.

Own zombies, there seems to be something wrong.

They huddled in the corner, facing the wall, with their backs to Lin Yuan.

Stand where you are, motionless.

See this scene.

Lin Yuan was wary.

He tried to use the Soul Link to give orders to the thirty zombies.

Zombie feedback everything works fine.

If it wasn't for Lin Yuan seeing it with his own eyes.

In any case, he would not have guessed.

Corpse..... Unexpectedly, Yin and Yang violated this set of tricks.

It was clear that the information he gave back to Lin Yuan was that the order had been completed.

But actually.

The zombie on the wall was motionless, standing in front of the wall of the secret room, with his back to Lin Yuan.

He directly summoned the Daredevil zombie, No. 1, No. 2.

Three-headed king-level zombie.

Many elite zombies are also summoned.

Fill one-third of the chamber to the fullest.

Lin Yuan controls an ordinary zombie.

Let it go and see what happened to the zombies facing the wall.

What exactly happened.

Ordinary zombies take stiff steps.

Slowly walked towards the thirty-odd zombies in the corner of the secret room.

Just like Lin Yuan's ordinary zombie.

Touched one of the zombies.


The zombie fell straight to the ground.

Fell to pieces.

The zombie that Lin Yuan placed in the secret room had already become a shell.

He stepped forward.

Observed the zombie fragments of the face wall that fell into debris.

The zombie's guts are all gone.

Only a shell remained.

Then, Lin Yuan asked ordinary zombies to touch the group of zombies one by one.

Sure enough.

All zombies are left with a shell!

Looking at the debris and debris of zombies on the wall above the floor inside the secret room.

Lin Yuan was confused.

What the hell is going on!

The chamber is not monitored.


The intelligence level of zombies is too low.

Only a few simple tasks and commands can be completed.

The zombies in the secret room, what happened to them.

Lin Yuan didn't even know how they were killed, and most of them would be killed.

There are soul links.

The zombie died, Lin Yuan could feel it.

However, when did these thirty zombies die, and why did they not perceive.

Lin Yuan didn't know.

I searched the secret room carefully.

Nothing was found.

There is no clue.

Helplessly, Lin Yuan could only leave the secret room.

I stopped by my own shop.

Asked for a few bottles of energy potion and stuffed them in my backpack.

Back to the mansion.

The butler led Lin Yuan to his guest room.

The overall style of the rooms is very similar to the luxurious style of the Count Carlow mansion.

Bring Lin Yuan to the guest room.

The butler said very politely: "Honorable lord, you can rest here for a while, and when dinner comes, I will call you again!"

"If you're bored."

"I can ask a few maids to come and pass the time with you."

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