"Damn it!"

Lin Yuan scolded in a low voice.

He was deceived by Anna!

Room 1044, deep in the maid's room, is a confinement room.

It is specially used to detain disobedient and errant maids.

Anna has a perverse and violent personality.

She is mentally unstable and will actively hurt others.

He was kept in a confinement room all year round.

According to Ellie, Anna often screams in pain and laughed maniacally in the middle of the night.

Count Carlow had paid physicians and priests to see Anna.

Anna was diagnosed with insaneness.

There is no madhouse in the wind and sand, and if someone goes crazy, there are only two ends!

The first is to be beaten to death.

The second is to drive out of the town and exile them to the desert and leave them to fend for themselves.

If it weren't for Anna's good looks and figure, Count Carlo wanted to stay and sell for money.

She had long been beaten to death by Count Carlo!

A year ago.

A maid who lives next door to Ellie was accidentally scratched by Anna when she brought Anna food.

The maid held a grudge.

The next day, while delivering food to Anna, rat poison was added to the meal.


At midnight.

Before she went to sleep, Ellie heard that deep in the maid's room, the iron door of the confinement room where Anna was being held seemed to have been opened.

A footstep came slowly.

Always next door to Ellie's room, stopped in front of room 1024.


The door was opened.

Anna walked in, and then the maid let out a hurried scream, which stopped abruptly.

Out of curiosity and fear.

Ellie quietly opened the door and peeked in.

I saw that the maid passed out and was dragged by Anna to the confinement room.

The maid still had blood on her head.

Along the maid's cheek, dripping onto the ground, it was dragged out a long trail.

See this scene.

Ellie was terrified.

She immediately closed the door, put it on top with something, returned to the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and shivered.

The next day.


Ellie, who had not slept all night, heard the housekeeper's rough shout.

She dared to come out of the room.

Strangely, last night, the blood stains on the ground disappeared this morning.

Also disappearing was the maid in room 1024 next door.

Ellie's guts are small.

She didn't have the courage to expose Anna.

Ellie didn't say.

The maid mysteriously disappeared, and naturally no one would suspect Anna, who was locked up in a confinement room.

The iron door of the confinement room cannot be opened without a key.

Ellie didn't know how Anna came out.

Another few days passed.

Anna's signs of madness waned and she behaved well.

Count Carlo had Anna leave the confinement room and let her live in room 1024.

That is, the room of the mysterious missing maid.

Now, Anna lives next door to her.

Ellie was even more afraid to tell others what she saw that night.

Until now.

Only then did she dare to tell Lin Yuan this secret in a low voice.

After learning what happened.

Lin Yuan told Ai Li to stay in the room, then don't go.

Finish speaking.

Lin Yuan turned around and left room 1023.

He walked a few steps and came back to the door of room 1024.

Push open the door, the small room, the view is unobstructed.

Lin Yuan first checked the toilet in the bathroom and found no secret passage.

I checked under the bed again and found no abnormalities.

In the end, Lin Yuan set his sights on the bookshelf.

The bookshelves are made of oak, one meter four meters high and one meter wide, and are placed opposite the bed.

The workmanship of the bookshelves is quite good.

Lin Yuan noticed.

Books on the shelf..... It seems that there are a few copies missing!

But Lin Yuan couldn't remember which copies were missing.

So, don't think about it anymore.

Lin Yuan moved the bookshelf away.


Under the bookshelf, there is a narrow opening.

It can accommodate just one person to enter and exit.

The hole doesn't look like it was dug by humans.

It's like a monster excavated.

Lin Yuan guessed.

It is very likely that through the sacrifice, Anna has obtained the power bestowed by the Lord of Darkness!

Lin Yuan summoned a few rat-man zombies and asked them to enter the cave first to explore the way.

After confirming that there is no danger at the mouth of the cave.

Lin Yuan leaned over and burrowed into the hole and kept climbing down.

Soon he came to the underground pipe under the Count's mansion.

Windswept sand sewer system.

Windswept sand in every building.

Apparently, Anna escaped through a hole dug under the bookshelf.

Sewer roads are intricate.

Now, it is estimated that Anna has left the sewers.

Either hide in the windswept sand or have already left the town area!

Count Carlo has a nightmare, and it is very likely that Anna's ghost was also done!

She offered a sacrifice to the Lord of Darkness, and no one knows what she had gained.

Anna often wanders the sewers.

It is estimated that he also accidentally found snakes and secret rooms in the walls.

In some means.

Leaving Count Carlo in an endless nightmare.

Count Carlo then seeks the help of the Knights of the Scorpion Lion.

Then, Anna used lies to confuse Lin Yuan.

Frame Count Carlo as a believer in the Lord of Darkness!

Take advantage of the time when Lin Yuan returns to the barracks to report.

Anna escapes through a hole dug under the bookshelf.

As for the reason why she did this, it should be to take revenge on Count Carlo!

After figuring it all out.

Lin Yuan returned the same way and left the maid's room directly.

Ensign Langdon is collecting evidence inside the mansion.

Lin Yuan stepped forward.

He told Ensign Langdon all about his new discovery.

After Second Lieutenant Landon listened, he looked confused.

"You mean, we caught the wrong person, and the believer of the Lord of Darkness is not Count Carlo, but a maid named Anna in the Count's mansion?"

Ensign Langdon asked with a frown.

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "It's my fault, I was confused by Anna's lies!" It's not too late, there's still a chance to remedy it!

Ensign Langdon said with a strange expression, "I hope so." There was

silence for a long time.

Second Lieutenant Langdon said again: "The case of Count Carlo is very important, and it should have alarmed Commander Sid, I suggest you go back and report to your lord immediately."

"Okay, that's exactly what I meant."

Say it.

Lin Yuan rode the poisonous scorpion lion beast and flew towards the barracks.

Back to the barracks.

Lin Yuan reported and said that he wanted to see Commander Sid.

Immediately, a poisonous scorpion lion knight took Lin Yuan into the underground base.

After seven turns in the underground base.

Lin Yuan came to the door of Side's office.

Knocked on the door.

Lin Yuan pushed the door and walked in, but the poisonous scorpion lion knight stayed outside the door.

Sid was very happy to see Lin Yuan.

"Good! Not bad! Sure enough, he is worthy of being my favorite, and you have done this very well!

As soon as he came up, Sid praised Lin Yuan fiercely.

Lin Yuan was not embarrassed to tell the truth because of a few words of praise.

He told the truth and told Commander Sid all the things he learned later and the facts he speculated.

After listening to what Lin Yuan said.

A solemn look appeared on Sid's face.

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