
Now, Lin Yuan felt that Kelly wanted to go to the sewers, there should be another reason.

That's why I asked.

Kelly tilted her head and said, "Hmm..... Little did I know that every night, when everyone else in the room was asleep, I could hear a voice that she had asked me to come to the sewer.

"Do you know who that voice is?" Lin Yuan asked.

Kelly shook her head.

"I don't know, since a few days ago, every night, I can hear that voice."

"That mysterious voice..... Did you tell you why you were asked to come to the sewers?

Lin Yuan then asked.

Kelly nodded and said with some excitement:

"She said that as long as I come to the sewer, help me treat my eyes, so that I can see Dean Edith and friends!"

No wonder Kelly is so obsessed with going to the sewers.

That's how it is.

Lin Yuan's heart moved.

He asked again, "Did that voice tell you where to find her?"

Kelly shook her head again.

Looked at.

Lin Yuan asked,

"Didn't that mysterious voice tell you to go to the sewer to find her?"

A strange expression appeared on Kelly's face.

Lin Yuan thought that Ke Li didn't understand what she meant.

He explained: "You want that person to help you treat your eyes, you have to know where she is in the sewers.

"So that my brother can send you to her, you see?"

Kelly said strangely: "Brother, aren't your eyes good?"

Lin Yuan frowned, "Yes, what's wrong."

Suddenly, Lin Yuan had a bad premonition.

"Can't you see her? She's always behind you.

Kelly's crisp childlike voice echoed in the empty sewers.

Lin Yuan instantly understood.

What did Kelly mean by this?

The next moment.

Blood Armor Talisman!

Lin Yuan hurriedly took out an ash talisman paper from his backpack.

Sacrifice a level 25 elite zombie.

Blood and bone armor were attached to the surface of Lin Yuan's body.

After Lin Yuan cast the Blood Armor Talisman.

A black ice crystal spear glowing with a glow stabbed at the location of Lin Yuan's back heart.

The super destructive power of the black ice crystal spear.

Directly pierced Lin Yuan's blood and bone armor.

This layer of blood armor.

It was Lin Yuan who sacrificed the Daoist armor obtained by a level 25 elite zombie.

Armor has 2500 health and 50 defense points.

The opponent can destroy the Daojutsu armor with one blow.

Attack power must be at least 4000 points.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan's quick reaction.

Use the Blood Armor Talisman in time.

With his current health value, the opponent can severely damage himself with one blow.

Blood and bone armor were destroyed.

Lin Yuan put his arm around Kelly beside him and took a few steps forward.

Try to stay away from the mysterious man behind you who attacked you.


The Yellow Spring Gate opens.

The next moment.

The sewers, the area where Lin Yuan was located, was filled with zombies in the blink of an eye.

Heavy zombies, surrounding Lin Yuan and Kelly.

Protect the two.

Lin Yuan looked back.

There is no one else around, except for zombies.

If there is no one.

Just now, who attacked himself...


Lin Yuan also noticed another strangeness.

That is, Lin Yuan was attacked by others.

The system didn't even prompt.

Be it players or NPCs.

As long as it is actively attacked, the system will prompt you.

Displays the ID or name of the attacker.

This time...

The system seemed to be failing.

Nothing happens.

Obviously, the attack of the mysterious man just now shattered his blood armor!

Lin Yuan glanced at the virtual hourglass at the top left of his line of sight.

There are 3 hours and 55 minutes left.

And the enemy, lost the track.

Lin Yuan knew that the other party was still here and did not leave.

I just don't know what method was used, and I hid the trace.

If not just now.

Kelly inadvertently said that the mysterious person was behind Lin Yuan.

Possible..... Right now.

Lin Yuan has been killed and has reappeared at the resurrection point.

"Kelly, you know she's now..... Where is it?

Lin Yuan pulled Kelly's soft little hand and asked softly.

Kelly raised her head, her eyes wrapped in thick white bandages, and looked at Lin Yuan.


..." Kelly thought for a moment and said, "She, it seems to be on it now..."

Lin Yuan's face changed.

Look up.

I saw that a black ice crystal spear was silently suspended on Lin Yuan's head.

At the moment when Lin Yuan raised his head.

The black ice crystal spear stabbed down fiercely towards Lin Yuan's head.

Blood armor talisman is still in the cooling period.

Lin Yuan was surrounded by zombies, unable to dodge forward, backward, left and right.

No way.

Lin Yuan had to use the Dao Robe [Bleak Dao Spirit]'s incidental skill [Spell Exemption].

A light black eggshell-like magic shield.

It covered Lin Yuan.

The black ice crystal spear pierced the spell immunity shield.

The shield shattered, and the ice crystal spear was also neutralized.

"Attack above!"

Lin Yuan ordered.

Zombies around, will range skills.

One after another, they poured skills above Lin Yuan.

Fireballs, water arrows, sulfuric acid, electric balls, sand spears...

A variety of colorful skills bombarded the pipes above the sewers.



The pipe burst and the sewage ran down the gap.

The concrete ceiling burst, and rubble fell and fell heavily on the ground.

Sewage and rubble fell to the ground.

Lin Yuan had already retreated to a safe place.

His eyes scanned the surroundings gloomy.

With a gentle voice, he asked Kelly next to him, "Where is she now?"

Kelly had a hesitant expression on her face.

She said timidly: "She..... Don't let me tell you.

"Kelly, brother wants to help you catch her so that she will treat your eyes, can you tell brother where she is now?"

Lin Yuan followed the seduction.

Kelly hesitated: "Brother, she is my friend, can you not hurt her."

Lin Yuan said gently, "Of course, I won't hurt her."

In his heart, Lin Yuan secretly said: "If you find the location of the attacker, you will immediately use the corpse explosion technique, and first blow it up and maim it."

Kelly believed Lin Yuan's words.

Stretch out your little hand and point in one direction to the left.

Lin Yuan's eyes were fierce.

Under his control.

The three extremely fast-moving fire bat zombies let out a scream.

Rushed in the direction Kelly was pointing.

Fire Bat Zombies are extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he flew to that area.


Lin Yuan directly used the Necroblast Technique.

Three fire bat zombies detonated in a row.

Hot flames and blasters of explosions enveloped the area.

It's more than that.

Lin Yuan controlled several zombies and rushed up.

Cast the Necroblast Technique again!

This time, the explosion was extremely powerful.

The sewers, this area, shook a few times.

Dust is falling.

"Now what? Where is she now?

Lin Yuan asked.

Just now, a series of explosions and shock waves.

Chilled the unknown Kelly.

She hugged Lin Yuan's arm tightly and did not let go, her thin body trembling slightly.

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