By the time Granny Qinghua arrived, Yamada Shino was already dead.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Granny Qinghua once again saw the horror of Su Ren.

Yamada Shino seemed to be killed in one round without even being able to fight Su Ren.

If it were her, she would definitely have the same fate.


Li Muzi heard the sound, poked his head and took a look, and found that it was his grandma, and then he ran out excitedly.

"Muzi, are you okay?"

Granny Qinghua looked at her granddaughter carefully, for fear that something would happen to her.

Her father and mother died in a car accident, and now she only has Muzi as a relative. If something happens to Muzi, she doesn't know what the meaning of her life is.

So she naturally loves her granddaughter very much.

"I'm fine. By the way, I have something to ask you."

"Is Brother Su Ren really my cousin?"

Grandma Qinghua glanced at Su Ren when she heard this. It seemed that Su Ren had told her in advance.

But that's okay, as long as Su Ren is willing to recognize Muzi as their sister, it will be a good thing for them.

After all, with such a strong background, the connection between family members is much stronger than between ordinary people.

"Yes, he is your cousin. In fact, your surname should be Su."

Li Muzi received a positive reply from his grandma, and then looked at Su Ren happily.

"Great, now grandma, won't you stop me from playing with my brother?"

Her idol has become her brother, which is not too cool for her.

"You tell her what's going to happen next. I'll change jobs first."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he walked outside.

As a big city, Honshu City naturally has a job transfer temple.

Grandma Qinghua was a little confused when she heard that Su Ren was going to change her job.

Are you still changing jobs after being so strong?

Has Su Ren not reached level 9 yet?

The more Granny Qinghua thought about it, the stranger it became, but Su Ren had already gone out and she couldn't ask.

As for what Su Ren asked her to talk to Muzi, of course she knew what it was.

In order for Muzi to become the queen, she really needs to be given a shot in the arm.

It was indeed a bit sudden for this kind of thing to happen suddenly to a child under the age of eighteen.

"Muzi, grandma has something to tell you. Let's talk alone."


Li Muzi happily said hello to his good sister Michiko and then left the Zephyr Hotel with Granny Qinghua.


In front of the Honshu Castle Job Transfer Shrine.

There is no one here. In fact, there are not many professionals in Honshu City.

Nearly 100,000 professionals were all buried in Dream City, leaving only some low-level professionals and ordinary people in Honshu City.

Therefore, the job transfer temple seems very cold here.

There was no difference between the job transfer temple in Sakura Kingdom and that in Dragon Kingdom. Su Ren just took a cursory glance and walked in.

"Welcome, professional Su Ren!"

"You have met the job transfer requirements. Do you want to transfer immediately?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Su Ren nodded.


He was curious about what kind of skills this time could bring him.

In fact, the current skills are no longer needed in either defense or offense.

What Su Ren needs more is some functional skills to facilitate his movements.

Although the displacement of the hole was not bad, it still barely felt.

He couldn't use wormhole displacement anytime and anywhere.

After receiving Su Ren's affirmative reply, the voice in the temple became serious and majestic.

"Transfer 3 is in progress, please wait!"

Rays of golden holy light emerged in the hall, and then poured into Su Ren's body.

In the sky outside, a golden shadow of a god appeared again, causing the civilians in Honshu City to look up.

"what is that?"

"A golden giant, oh my god, this is a god!"

Someone saw the phantom of the god and knelt down directly.

"God bless you!"

"The gods will make me rich and marry a beautiful wife!"

Seeing someone making a wish, some people were led to kneel down and make a wish.

Mother-in-law Qinghua, who was walking on the way back to the villa, also looked up at the sky.

"Grandma, what is that?"

Li Muzi asked curiously.

Granny Qinghua glanced at the direction of the phantom, which was exactly where the Honshu City Job Transfer Temple was, and she had a rough guess in her mind.

"If my guess is correct, it should be your brother's vision of changing jobs!"

"As expected of a young genius, he has such a vision. It won't be long before your brother's name will be resounding throughout the world!"

Hearing this, Li Muzi couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

"My brother is so powerful?"

Granny Qinghua nodded.

"Of course, he is the strongest person I have ever seen. Even grandma is no match for him."

"Ah? Grandma, can't you beat my brother?"

Li Muzi was even more shocked when he heard this.

How could my grandma say that she was one of the best in Sakura Country? She couldn't beat him, so how powerful was his brother?

"Hey, in this comparison, Muzi is useless. My brother is so powerful, but I haven't awakened yet."

"If someone asks me, will I embarrass my brother?"

Li Muzi suddenly felt a little inferior.

When Granny Qinghua heard this, her eyes lit up.

She was originally worried that she would not be able to persuade her granddaughter to take the position of queen. Now that Muzi has a sense of inferiority, she can take the opportunity to speak out.

"Muzi, don't you want to embarrass your brother?"

"Ah? Of course I don't want to. Grandma, is there anything you can do?"

Granny Qinghua smiled when she heard this.


She told Muzi all about Su Ren's plan, and she didn't forget to add one sentence at the end.

"This is your brother's wish. If you don't agree, you might make him unhappy. Do you understand?"

After hearing what his grandma said, Li Muzi's mood could only be described as complicated.

Queen? She wants to be the queen of this country?

Was there any mistake? She is just a child who has not yet awakened.

No matter how you looked at it, this was a bit unexpected and outrageous. She couldn't accept it for the moment, so she was a little resistant.

However, after hearing what Su Ren meant, Li Muzi was afraid that his brother would be disappointed, so he had to nod and agree.

Maybe after becoming the queen, she was qualified to call Su Ren brother and sister. This was what she was thinking at this time.

Granny Qinghua also knew that this incident was indeed sudden, so she explained:

"When the time comes, Muzi will just have to show off. As for national affairs, grandma will help you deal with them."

Li Muzi nodded firmly.

"I know grandma, I won't let you and my brother down!"

When Su Ren changed his job, he was in the Emperor's Palace in Dongji City.

The Emperor had received the message Yamada Shinno sent him on his way back to Honshu Castle.

"It's reversed! It's reversed!!"

"These traitors are so brave!"

"Come here, give me an order to summon the three elders back to Dongji City immediately, saying that someone wants to rebel!"

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor!"

An attendant quickly left after receiving the order.

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