Su Ren and Xiao Ding walked out of the compound together.

Seeing Su Ren looking at him from time to time, Xiao Ding said with some confusion:

"Brother Su, what have you been looking at me for?"

Su Ren smiled and said, "Nothing, when will they set off?"

Even he himself didn't know that Xiao Ding was infected by the night poison. Su Ren looked at him frequently just now to find out the night poison in his body.

But Su Ren found nothing.

This made him feel strange. Logically speaking, there are traces of such things as Gu insects.

Unless the night poison is not a poisonous insect.

No matter what this night poison is, after completing this mission, he still has to go to the headquarters of the Night God Sect to settle accounts with the leader of the Night God Sect.

Xiao Ding didn't think much, but looked at the time and replied: "They have already set off!"

"So urgent?"

Su Ren was a little surprised.

"Mordekaiser said that his illness can allow him to live for at most one month. If he cannot find a way to save his life within that month, he will definitely die."

"That's why I'm so anxious."

"I just sent a message about your departure. He seemed very happy when he found out and said he would be waiting for you in Mocheng to set off together."

Mocheng is the city closest to the snowy restricted area.

It is covered with snow all year round and the temperature always remains below 0 degrees Celsius.

There is not a large population here, and most of them are professionals who come here to do tasks.

Although the snowfield is a restricted area, you can still enter and explore the edges. As long as you don't go deep, there will be no problems.

"Brother Su Ren, it will take some time for them to arrive in Mocheng. How about I go and help you prepare some supplies during this time?"

"Look at what you're missing, I'll have someone prepare it for you."

Su Ren glanced at the system backpack and saw that there was indeed very little left for food, drink, and clothing.

He didn't pay attention to these, so he didn't prepare much, so he might as well add some.

So he told Xiao Ding what he needed.

In the morning, Su Ren went back to the Longwu Guild. Actually, there was nothing wrong with him, he just wanted to come back for a visit.

I sat quietly in the room all morning, and it wasn't until the afternoon that I went to Xiao Ding's company to get all the supplies.

"Brother Su Ren, have a safe journey!"

Su Ren nodded slightly towards him and then disappeared.


Inside the main hall of the headquarters of the Night God Sect.

Night God's figure appears here again.

"Plans have changed, start early!"

"It's... Lord Yagami!"

The leader of the Night God Sect said a little absent-mindedly.

"Huh? You've been in a bad mental state lately. What's going on?"

The leader of the Ye Shen Cult shook his head and bowed: "Back to Lord Ye Shen, my subordinate is just a little excited and it will never affect the plan."

"Humph, I hope so!"

"Also, Su Ren recently went to the abyss, and now he is going to the snowfield. I don't know what he is collecting. We must deal with this person carefully."


Seeing the leader of the Ye God Sect looking like this, Ye God's voice became cold.

"If you make a mistake at the last moment, I will never forgive you!"

When Ye Shen left, the leader of the Ye Shen Sect sat tremblingly on the throne, looking very lonely.


In the largest restaurant in Mocheng.

If you want to choose the best business in Mocheng, it has to be restaurants.

In this extreme cold weather, taking a sip of wine will make both professionals and ordinary people feel much warmer.

At lunch time, the professionals in the city gathered in the restaurant, eating, drinking and chatting about the day's events.

"With this damn weather, I originally wanted to go out and hunt an ice bear in the snowfield, but it seems like there is no chance today."

"Yes, it's almost December. The weather is getting colder and colder, and snowstorms are becoming more frequent. It's hard to go out."

"I decided to go to the south to live for a while and come back next summer."

In fact, many people here have this idea, but their wallets do not support them.

"Forget it, just save some money and buy yourself some good equipment."

Just when everyone was chatting, the door of the restaurant opened, and a cold wind blew in, making everyone shiver.

The strangest thing about why this snowfield has become a restricted area is the wind here.

Its cold temperature cannot be resisted even by a professional's physique.

"Who is it? Hurry up and close the fucking door, it's so cold!"

Everyone looked at the door and saw seven majestic men and women walking into the restaurant one after another.

The seven people have different skin colors and appear to be from different places.

Among the seven people, there was a person supporting him, wrapped like a rice dumpling, so no one could see what he looked like.

There were hundreds of people standing outside the gate, but they did not enter the restaurant, but stood outside silently, like puppets.

As soon as these seven people came in, the originally noisy restaurant became quiet.

Without him, just because the momentum of these people is too strong.

Everyone in the restaurant who was still complaining suddenly became silent and did not dare to say any more.

The cold wind blew again, and everyone just endured it silently.

"Find a private room."

A weak-sounding voice came from the man in the middle surrounded by seven people.

The restaurant owner also came over at this time. After hearing this, he immediately arranged a private room upstairs for several people.

After a few people went upstairs, everyone downstairs took a deep breath and regained their composure.

"Who are these people?"

someone asked quietly.

"I don't know, but this momentum looks like it's at least level 8 or above!"

"Moreover, each of these seven people is probably above level 8!"

"Oh my God, with so many Rank 8s gathered together, is something big going to happen in our Mocheng?"

Usually they don't even see a few in 7th rotation, let alone 8th rotation.

There were so many people here, which naturally aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Hey, have you seen the hundreds of people outside?"

"I saw it, what's wrong?"

"These people are at least level 5 or above. I think this group of people should have been invited by the person who was supported in the middle."

"I just don't know who this person is and how he can recruit so many powerful people."

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting by the window said softly:

"No need to guess. I know one of these seven people. I may scare you if I tell you. I just don't know if you have the guts to listen?"

"Hey, what is there that you don't want to hear?"

"Oh, then listen carefully. Have you all seen that seductive woman in fiery red clothes?"

Everyone nodded.

Just now, many people focused on the only woman among the seven.

Seeing that everyone was aroused, the middle-aged man smiled and said slowly:

"This person's name is Bianhua!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone's bodies, which had been warmed by the wine, instantly became cold.

"Higanbana? You're talking about...the leader of the world's number one killer organization!?"


After receiving the confirmation, everyone did not dare to discuss it anymore and lowered their heads to eat their food.

Many people even casually checked out and left after a few bites.

If they eat in the same restaurant as this kind of people, they are afraid of accidentally turning into a corpse.

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