In front of the team, the terrain became steeper, and a small, seemingly large but flat plateau appeared in front of everyone.

It felt like a big mountain had been cut in half.

"Let's go to the Snow Ridge, the territory of the Snow Clan people."

The Ice Wolf King stopped and looked at the small plateau in front of him, not daring to take another step forward.

Further ahead is the area defined by the Snow Tribe people.

"Stop whoever comes!"

Just as the team was observing the snow ridge, a loud shout came from above.

Then hundreds of Snow tribesmen appeared above, all holding spears in their hands and staring at Su Ren and his party with vigilance.

"It's the Ice Wolf King!"

"It was really captured by outsiders and used as a mount."

"I don't know what kind of strength the young man above the Ice Wolf King has, but he can actually tame the Ice Wolf King."

The Snow Tribe people looked at the Ice Wolf King below and let out bursts of whispers.

"Outsiders, why do you come to our Snow Clan?"

At this time, Mordekaiser walked out of his sedan chair, looked up at the Snow Tribe people and said:

"I came to your clan leader to find the way to prolong life!"

"Looking for our clan leader?"

"Outsiders, are you talking nonsense? Our clan leader has been dead for hundreds of years, and we have never even seen him."

"Hey, of course I have my own ideas."

Mordekaiser smiled mysteriously, and just as he was about to say something, he saw an old man with white beard and hair walking out from the Snow Tribe.

"Great Elder!"

All the Snow tribesmen saluted one after another.

After the Snow Clan's great elder appeared, he first glanced at the Ice Wolf King and Su Ren sitting on its head.

Then he asked loudly:

"Outsiders, I don't care what you do in the snowfield, but I want to know one thing."

"Who put the poison in the holy lake? Several children of my tribe have died after drinking the poisonous water."


Everyone started talking when they heard this.

The other party seemed to be talking about those strange fish.

Su Ren glanced at the opponent's momentum and knew that this person must be the elder of the Snow Clan, and those few people must have been captured by him.

Su Ren thought for a while and replied:

"The person who poisoned him is already dead."

"Dead? Who killed him?"

"The dragon in the lake."

After hearing this, the Snow Clan's great elder pondered for a moment.

He didn't expect that the person who died in the mouth of Shenglong was the one who poisoned him. It's no wonder that Shenglong would try his best to kill him.

Depending on the situation, what this young man said is probably true.

However, he continued to ask: "How to prove it?"

Su Ren shrugged, spread his hands and said:

"So many people have seen it with their own eyes. If you don't believe it, just ask them."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he asked:

"Did you capture those of us?"

"Yes, I didn't kill them, I just imprisoned them in the cave."

Hearing this, a group of people behind Su Ren burst into an uproar.

Unexpectedly, the four missing level 8 professionals were captured by the old man in front of them.

They suddenly became worried. Several clan members had died, and they must have wanted revenge. If there was a conflict between the two sides, they didn't know if Su Ren could beat the old man.

"Senior, the poisoner and the three men you captured are brothers. If you want revenge, you can go to them. They have nothing to do with us."

Mordekaiser blamed everything on the three brothers, not mentioning that they were hired by him.

Although what he was about to do was worse than poisoning, as a businessman, he still liked to keep everything clear.

It's not his responsibility, he won't take it.

Hearing this, the Snow Clan's great elder frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he spoke:

"Now that the matter has been investigated clearly, please leave here. This tribe does not welcome outsiders."

"I will punish the other few and let them go."

After the Snow Clan's great elder finished speaking, Mordekaiser didn't move, and neither did Su Ren.

The people hired by Mordekaiser didn't move when they saw their boss, so naturally they wouldn't move either.

"Huh? What do you mean? I told you that outsiders are not welcome in this clan."

"If you dare to break into the snowy ridge, don't blame me for taking action!"

The Snow Clan's great elder threatened everyone in a cold voice.

Mordekaiser still didn't move, just smiled lightly and said:

"Senior, I told you that I would come to find your clan leader. I will not leave until I find him."

"I told you, the clan leader has been missing for hundreds of years and his life and death are unknown. Now he is no longer in the clan!"

Mordekaiser shook his head.

"I can get him out."

After Mordekaiser finished speaking, he looked at an ordinary-looking short man in the crowd behind him.

"Senior, it's your turn to take action."


This man laughed loudly and had a good figure.

The human skin mask on his face cracked, revealing an old face.

After slowly walking out of the crowd, the man looked at the Snow Clan's great elder.

"Let Qi Tianhao come out to see me, otherwise, you will all die!"

After the man finished speaking, he jumped into the air, and his aura spread out. Suddenly, the pressure was so strong that it was difficult for everyone to breathe.

Everyone looked at this person in horror.

Even the great elder of the Snow Clan frowned when he saw this man.


In Su Ren’s pet space.

Jing Ling suddenly let out a light sigh.

"What's wrong?"

Su Ren said strangely.

Jing Ling turned into a shadow and looked at the man flying into the sky, and said softly:

"This person is actually from the previous level!"

"The previous realm?"

"Yes, if you call them in this world, they are level 10 professionals."

Su Ren raised his head and looked at this man.

"I never imagined that someone in this world could break through 10 revolutions!"

"But it seems that his cultivation method is different from others. He probably didn't transfer through the job transfer temple."

At this time, the man spoke again, but this time he was not looking at the Snow Tribe people, but at the surrounding world.

"Hahaha, Qi Tianhao, if you don't come out, your people will be exterminated!"

"Be bold!"

"You are not allowed to call the clan leader by his name!"

The great elder of the Snow Clan roared angrily and slapped the man with his palm.

Its speed is so fast that ordinary people can't see it clearly.

And this palm was accompanied by a violent blizzard.

Everyone watching the battle was blown around by the strong wind, and the Ice Wolf King quickly took Su Ren and ran away.

This was the first time it saw the Snow Clan's Great Elder take action in anger.

This is much stronger than when dealing with it.

"Hahaha, you ignorant junior, how dare you take action against me?"

I saw this person pointing out gently.

A stream of light shot out from his fingertips.


The blizzard that filled the sky was pierced by the stream of light and exploded.

The figure of the Snow Clan's great elder also flew back upside down.

"Great Elder!!"

The Snow tribesmen hurriedly caught him.

The great elder of the Snow Clan spat out a mouthful of blood, unable to hide the look of shock in his eyes.

This man defeated him with just one move. What kind of strength does this have?

"Hahaha, you are too weak. You are not worthy of being my opponent."

The man laughed loudly and arrogantly again.

Su Ren glanced at Mordekaiser with some curiosity. This guy was hiding deep enough.

The few 8th-level professionals he invited were just a cover-up. The real trump card was this person.

I just don’t know how he invited such a strong person.

"Qi Tianhao, if you really don't come out, I know you're not dead!"

"If you don't come out, I will kill all your people now!"

After the man finished speaking, he was about to take action, when he heard a sigh coming from the void.

"Brother, why is this necessary?"

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