At this time, the World Committee referees were gathering together to discuss this troublesome issue.

According to the normal process, each team must eliminate each other until there are 8 teams left before the game ends today.

But Su Ren's interference directly changed the game.

If we follow the rules, except for the Dragon Kingdom team, all other teams have been eliminated.

But there can’t be only one first place in a competition and no second or third place, right?

"I propose that the other eliminated teams rematch individually, and the Dragon Kingdom team does not need to compete in the following games. The championship will be awarded directly to them."

"It's fair and reasonable for other teams to compete for second and third place."

"I wonder what you guys think?"

"I agree."

"Okay, I agree."

The referees and the heads of the World Committee also expressed their agreement with this decision.

At the same time, the host also received the news.

"Okay everyone, I kept you waiting!"

"After the decision of the World Committee, the championship of this world championship will be won by the Dragon Kingdom team!"

"However, don't leave in a hurry. The World Committee has decided that other eliminated teams will have another chance to compete again for the second or third place!"

"Now, let us congratulate the Dragon Kingdom team with the warmest applause for winning this world championship!!"

"The award ceremony will be held tomorrow after the second and third place are decided!!"

After hearing the news that they could rematch, the dejected national teams regained a smile on their faces.

They had been preparing hard for a year, but they encountered such a perverted opponent as Su Ren.

Even if so many people join forces, they can only be ruthlessly crushed by the other party.

It's a deep sense of despair.

Facing Su Ren, they had no chance of winning.

Now that they have the opportunity to rematch, even if they are just competing for second or third place, they will not give up.

On the ring, the four people behind Su Ren looked excitedly at the cheering crowd around them.

They knew that they would definitely win the championship by following Su Ren, but they didn't expect that the championship would come so quickly.

The championship was announced before the game was over, which is also a unique thing in the history of the World Championship.

"Haha, we won!"

"we are the champion!!!"

Several people shouted loudly, venting their excitement.

Su Ren felt no fluctuation in his heart at this time. He had already thought of this situation when he came, and it was not an exciting thing for him.

"Let's go, let's go down, others will continue to play."

Just as Su Ren was about to take a few people off the ring, he suddenly looked up and looked up at the sky above the venue.

"call out--!"

A silver-white missile about ten meters in size fell from the sky and flew straight towards the center of the stadium.

After the missile arrived not far above the arena, countless bright lights were released from its interior.


A deafening explosion sounded.

Endless flames soared into the sky, instantly flooding the entire South Island.

The seawater around the South Island was surged in all directions by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

The dry seabed, mushroom clouds rising into the sky, endless fire.

The South Island seems to be in the end of the world.

In the manor of Grand Duke Quibo.

The steward bowed and reported:

"Grand Duke, the target has been hit!"

"Hahaha, okay!"

"Weir, my father has asked them to bury you with you. No matter who killed you, my father has avenged you."

Grand Duke Gibber looked crazy and couldn't wait to read tomorrow's newspaper.

He was very satisfied with this masterpiece.

The housekeeper glanced at him and sighed in his heart.

He didn't know whether Grand Duke Jibo wanted to avenge his son, or did he want to take this opportunity to test the power of the secret weapon?

There are many eight-level professionals on the South Island. If everyone on the South Island dies, it proves that this secret weapon has the ability to kill high-level professionals.

This is definitely a weapon that can change the world.

Because the launch of this weapon does not require a professional to control it, any ordinary person can control it.


Thousands of miles away from the South Island, six people from the Sky Patrol Division rushed here and looked at each other in surprise when they saw this scene.

"Isn't this an empire's aerial explosive bomb?"

"How can such a thing exist on this planet?"

"Could it be that the people from the Supervision Department arrived early?"

"No, I just saw their location for the first time. They are still in the west and have not come over."

"That's strange. Although air-to-air explosive bombs are not high-end items, they are unlikely to appear in this place."

"And looking at the power of this explosion, it is much worse than a real aerial bomb."

"But if you want to blow up these people who are not at the previous level, it is more than enough."

"Let's go and have a look. If Su Ren died in such an explosion, he would never be the target we are looking for."

Several people nodded when they heard this. To them, the distance of thousands of miles was just a blink of an eye.

In the next second, several people were already standing over South Island.

At this time, the smoke, dust and fire had not dissipated, but it could be barely seen that the entire South Island had been razed to the ground, and even part of the island had cracked.

The seawater that was shaken away poured back and violently slapped the cracked land of the South Island.

Large chunks of soil fell into the sea with the waves.

Sinking the South Island is not just talk.

The power of this air-to-air bomb can really be achieved.

But when the smoke and dust had almost dispersed, bursts of exclamations and shouts came from below.

It turns out that except for this competition venue, other buildings in South Island have long been reduced to ashes.

At the moment of the explosion, Su Ren used his words to put a defensive shield on the entire venue, thus ensuring the safety of everyone here.

The six members of the Tianxian Division looked at the competition hall below and said softly:

"It seems that we have come to the right place. There are indeed criminals here who break the restrictions!"

This aerial bomb caused no casualties, which fully illustrates the problem.

Just as the six people were about to take action to destroy the people below, a cold voice sounded behind them.

"Did you do the explosion just now?"

When the six people heard the sudden sound, they were startled and turned around to look.

I saw Su Ren facing them in the air, looking at them with cold eyes.

"Are you that Su Ren?"

"Did you kill Zhao Jin?"

Seeing the faces of these people and the armors they wore, Su Ren already knew who they were.

But I didn't expect these people to be so inhumane, killing hundreds of thousands of people just because they wanted to catch themselves.

"Let me ask you, were you the ones responsible for the explosion just now?"

"Haha, so what if we did it?"

The people in the Tianxian Division were not afraid at all. It didn't matter who did it, and they didn't need to explain so much.

Su Ren nodded upon hearing this.

"Very well, you can go and die."

Su Ren didn't say anything, he decided to let them know what it means to face the fear of death but be unable to change.

Since they regard people in this world as ants, Su Ren wants to let them know who is the ant at the last moment.

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